
A Hunter's Legacy

From riches to rags. From prince to slave. From family to execution. Ever since The Fall the kingdom has become warped and twisted. The beasts are no longer on our side- instead? We hunt them. … The nation of Giliad was once a prosperous nation that held its borders thanks to the chosen who bonded with the beasts. The lucky and talented whose bond would allow them a fraction of their beast's powers. This mutualistic relationship granted the beasts protection and homes while granting the people the power to secure their borders, create new technologies, and enhance day-to-day life. It all changed with The Fall. The king got greedy after seeing a neighboring kingdom use ‘the ritual’ to infuse a beast’s life force into a weapon allowing them to siphon a majority of their powers. Now the royal family is slain, the nation is in disarray, the youngest prince is nowhere to be found, and only a fraction of beasts remain.

Jeweled_Rose · Fantaisie
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22 Chs

The Knight

Our ragged breaths mingled with the swirling dust as we stood in the ruins, staring at the creature that had haunted our steps. It was a monstrous form, larger than any beast we had encountered, with a silhouette that seemed to shift and writhe in the dim light. Its roars echoed off the ancient stones, reverberating through the ground and into our very bones.

The creature lunged at us, a blur of shadow and malice. We sprang into action, instincts honed from days in the jungle taking over. Gen's sword clashed against the beast's hide, sparks flying from the impact. His every movement was a symphony of deadly precision, and his eyes blazed with determination as he parried the creature's ferocious attacks.

Keel, as always, was quick to adapt. In a deft maneuver, he centered himself and with a look of intense concentration, he caused his spear to shimmer and fade into invisibility. Well, that's new. With silent grace, he maneuvered around the thrashing creature, evading its attention. His movements became a blur as he circled, waiting for the perfect moment.

As Gen engaged the creature head-on, his mighty strikes forcing the monster back, I darted in and out, my dagger a sliver of light in the darkness. I aimed for the creature's vulnerable spots, slashing at its limbs and dodging its relentless counterattacks. The battle was frenetic, a maelstrom of movement and noise. We fought with desperate energy, knowing that any mistake could be our last. The creature was relentless, its movements a horrifying blend of grace and power.

With a snarl, the gnarled hulking creature launched itself at Gen, who barely had time to react before being thrown onto the ground. But that was the moment Keel had been waiting for. His invisible cutlass found its mark with precision, striking the creature from behind with a force that sent it stumbling forward. Gen seized the opportunity, springing up with his sword slashing through the air like a bolt of lightning, and got slammed straight back into a stone wall. Blood launched from his throat and covered the ground. Keel and I shared a panicked look as we desperately tried to reposition around Gen to keep this crazed jungle demon from hell from ending his life.

Then, in a moment that seemed to defy reality, the beast's form shimmered and twisted, contorting into something new. Before our disbelieving eyes, it transformed, the monstrous body shrinking and reshaping into the form of a man. The change was startling, but we couldn't afford to let our guard down.

He stood before us, tall and imposing, clad in armor that glinted in the sparse light. In his arms lay an emerald halberd trimmed with gold, its hilt lay laden with gold-encrusted jewels. His eyes held a depth of knowledge and experience that spoke of countless battles.

We stood frozen, our weapons still raised, as the man surveyed us with a critical eye. "Not bad," he said, his voice deep and resonant. "But not good enough."

Gen lowered his sword, eyeing the man warily. "Who are you?"

The man's gaze swept over us. "I am a Ritual Knight, one of the twenty chosen by the King himself. And you three have just been part of a test."

Keel's expression was one of disbelief. "A test? We were fighting for our lives!"

The Knight nodded. "Indeed. And you fought well. But your teamwork lacks finesse. You're strong individually, but as a group, you're disjointed."

I sheathed my dagger, trying to process what he was saying. "Why test us? What do you want from us?"

"To see if you're worthy," the Knight replied. "The eastern lands are not as tame as you might believe. There are beasts there that require more than brute strength or quick reflexes."

We exchanged glances, each of us considering his words. The east was our next destination, but now it seemed we had much to learn.

The Knight continued. "You need to understand the true power of the bond between a hunter and their weapon. I can see one of you has obtained a ritual weapon and grasped the basics, good job young man, however, there is much more that you do not know. When that bond is strong enough, you can borrow the beast's powers in the most extreme form – transformation, as you just witnessed."

Gen's eyes widened. "You mean to say you were the beast?"

The Knight nodded. "My ritual weapon is bonded with a creature of shadow and stealth. The Guardian forged in pain and suffering, Gilianth- it which was born from the great Saorini massacre 4000 years ago, here in this very spot. In times of great need, I can take on its form."

Keel leaned on his spear, a thoughtful spark leaping into his eyes. "So, our weapons... could they grant us similar powers?"

"Potentially," the Knight said. "But such a bond takes time and a deep connection with your beast. It's not something achieved overnight."

I felt a surge of curiosity and determination. "Can you teach us? Help us understand how to form such a bond?"

The Knight considered us for a moment, then laughed. "I can guide you. But the journey is yours to make. The path to understanding the true nature of your bond with your weapons is long and arduous, and I am neither a patient nor a kind teacher."

We nodded, it would be too easy if he would just give us the answers and it wouldn't do much anyway each beast is too unique. The thought of gaining such power was both exhilarating and daunting, but it was going to be mine.

"Why are you out here testing people? It seems kind of random, is it not too soon for most hunters to have a ritual weapon anyway?" Gen asked, his face betraying him showing how puzzled by all of these revelations he was. The knight grinned, "I love toying with the new knights is all, and I would rather there be more of you to train than not- I accidentally kill a large chunk each year. If you make it through the culling I will see you again, unfortunately for you." With a wink, he began to walk away.

We slowly began recuperating from our fight so we could leave the ruins, and the Knight turned back to grant a final piece of advice. "Remember, the beasts of the east are cunning and powerful. I assume you wish to head northward so do not underestimate them on your journey. And never forget the importance of working as a team. Only together can you overcome the challenges that lie ahead."

With that, he lifted his hefty halberd and vanished into shadow, leaving us alone with our thoughts.

The journey to Newik suddenly seemed more perilous, yet filled with possibilities. The Knight's words echoed in our minds as we set out, the ruins a silent witness to the beginning of a new chapter in our hunt.

The eastern lands awaited us, a realm of unknown dangers and hidden secrets. But we were ready. Together, we would face whatever lay ahead, our bond strengthened by the Knight's revelation and the promise of untapped powers within our weapons.

As the sun began to set, casting long shadows over the landscape, we made our way through the ruins, each step taking us closer to our destiny. The path would be fraught with peril, but we were no longer just hunters. We were seekers of a deeper truth, warriors on a quest to unlock the full potential of our legacy.
