
A Hunter's Legacy

From riches to rags. From prince to slave. From family to execution. Ever since The Fall the kingdom has become warped and twisted. The beasts are no longer on our side- instead? We hunt them. … The nation of Giliad was once a prosperous nation that held its borders thanks to the chosen who bonded with the beasts. The lucky and talented whose bond would allow them a fraction of their beast's powers. This mutualistic relationship granted the beasts protection and homes while granting the people the power to secure their borders, create new technologies, and enhance day-to-day life. It all changed with The Fall. The king got greedy after seeing a neighboring kingdom use ‘the ritual’ to infuse a beast’s life force into a weapon allowing them to siphon a majority of their powers. Now the royal family is slain, the nation is in disarray, the youngest prince is nowhere to be found, and only a fraction of beasts remain.

Jeweled_Rose · Fantaisie
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22 Chs

The Hidden Truth

"Look at me now boy, or I might be liable to lose that thick skull from your shoulders."

H-H-He is talking to… me? This insane child continues to confuse the life out of me, I just want this interaction over. Father said not to make a sound but he is scared of this boy so maybe I should…

"I apologize sir I instructed my son to not speak in your presence as he is a bastard. I apologize for my insolence. Go on boy listen to him."

"I did not ask you to speak fool. Boy, what is your purpose here."

"I simply assist with the smithing, I fan the flames and beat the metal… sir."

"I did not ask what you do here. What is your purpose for being alive? If you do not have one I suggest you find it, or your pathetic body will be frail and useless forever. You look as if you live each day praying for death. Even in a life such as this, you can work your way out. Find a drive. If such a weak soul as you helps forge my weapons it is sure to be inferior. Now, what say you?"

"To join the hunt like my brother and get out of this town by fighting for myself."

"Hmmm alright that will do- if that works out maybe I will see you in a few years at the capital, try not to die kid I would like someone to challenge me one day. The current contenders are far too boring for my tastes."

"Yes sir."

"Good, as for you, I will be back in two days' time. Have my weapon ready for the ritual by then."

"I will sire, may Fenrir reign."


The room felt so much lighter with his absence, even with the hulking husk of Minotus now slouched in the corner after the young knight's guards dropped him off so that father could start the ritual with the raw elements of the weapon. I can't shake the feeling like there is some sort of serpent coiled around my body. Everything feels shaky and cold, yet bound by anticipation- especially after that kid's eerie claim of being 'bored', but strong enough to help dethrone a guardian in battle. How would I ever compete with such a monster?


The rhythmic scrapping of metal against metal echoed through the dimly lit smithy as Pa continued his work sharpening the nine-tailed whip for the young knight, Cal'i. The air was thick with tension from both Pa's new demeanor as well as all the new unanswered questions swirling about, and I couldn't shake off the shock of learning that the young knight had not only captured a beast but had captured a guardian, the legendary fire ox Minotus. Minotus was well known for his brute force in breaking down enemy camps along the borders of our country, but feared for the rumors that circulated about how he would torture- but not kill- any enemies remaining to send them back to the other countries as a threat. The tell-tale mark of his work was always the lashing from his nine-tails across the victim's face marking those who had lost against him forever. It was a vicious form of protection that benefited the country greatly and was much sought after by the king after The Fall, but he was never found. The fact that that kid who was just one or two years older than me was able to go toe to tail with that thing and live? It was a revelation that sent shivers down my spine, and I couldn't fathom how a mere child could achieve such a feat.

As I stoked the fire and maintained the temperature of the forge, my mind raced with questions. Why would a young knight seek out Pa, a country smith, instead of utilizing the resources of the capital? What secrets did Pa hold that made him the chosen artisan for such a prestigious task? And why did the young knight need to ensure our family's silence with a hefty sum?

The oppressive atmosphere in the smithy was broken by the sound of a heavy door creaking open. I dared not look up, keeping my head bowed as I continued my menial tasks. However, Pa's stern voice cut through the air.

"Leigh, take a break. Go get some air. We've got company, and I don't want you around for this."

Relieved to escape the confines of the stifling smithy, I stepped passed the oddly hooded stranger into the cool breeze outside. The village seemed unusually quiet, as if the very air held its breath in the wake of that man. I wandered away from the smithy, trying to make sense of the information I'd learned the past few months


As I walked along the dirt path that ran down the center of our village, Euclidicies, the events of the past months replayed in my mind. The fall of Giliad, Ja'el leaving for the hunt, that challenge about the culling, and now the shocking truth about my adoption. It was a bitter pill to swallow, and I couldn't shake off the feeling of betrayal. Why hadn't they told me the truth? Did Ja'el know more? Why did he wait to tell me till as he left, abandoning me in this place without answers?

Shit, I was so lost in thought almost ran into a building. I reached the edge of the village, where the landscape transitioned from mud-drenched hovels to the forest that separated us from the outskirts of the capital, where the hunt had started for Ja. I could see the looming walls of the capital in the distance over the trees, a stark contrast to the crumbling, crooked structures that surrounded me. I feel as though I need to do more. That kid was right, I live like I am afraid, constantly living each day in fear of my surroundings and not working towards a life. I need to be strong like Ja'el. I want to reunite with him in the hunt. No, I want to be better than him. Prove that I could have handled the truth about who I was and that I am not some scared little kid he needs to keep in the dark, but that I am an equal that can figure out whatever mysteries surround our family with him. I need to-

"Leigh, there you are."

I turned to see a familiar face – Lira, Ja'el's childhood friend and the daughter of the village healer. Her eyes were filled with concern, mirroring the unease that lingered in the air.

"Hey, Lira. What's going on?"

"Ja'el told me everything before he left. About your adoption, about the dagger he gave you, and about your family..."

It felt like someone released the choke hold on my body. Ja'el didn't betray me.

"He... he did? Please tell me, everything feels so confusing right now. Do you know about Pa? Or where I'm from? Do you-"

 I feel so close to answers my heart is racing with a mixture of shock and confusion. Why would Ja'el keep such a secret from me but tell Lira? Was there more to the story than I knew? Lira looks like she can barely breath, hesitating so much and saying so little. I need her to hurry up and explain I can't seem to get any more words out it feels like my body has stopped responding it is too much knowing there is someone who can help me after these months alone, feeling betrayed.

"There's something you need to know. Something Ja'el wanted to keep from you to protect you. The truth about your real parents and the circumstances surrounding your adoption. Follow me inside, I don't want to have this conversation here and you look like you need to sit down."

I followed her inside her mother's home. She still looks so nervous, but I am feeling more steady now. It's time to confront the secrets that have shrouded my life these past few months, to unravel the mysteries that bind my fate to whatever was going on here.
