
A Hunter's Legacy

From riches to rags. From prince to slave. From family to execution. Ever since The Fall the kingdom has become warped and twisted. The beasts are no longer on our side- instead? We hunt them. … The nation of Giliad was once a prosperous nation that held its borders thanks to the chosen who bonded with the beasts. The lucky and talented whose bond would allow them a fraction of their beast's powers. This mutualistic relationship granted the beasts protection and homes while granting the people the power to secure their borders, create new technologies, and enhance day-to-day life. It all changed with The Fall. The king got greedy after seeing a neighboring kingdom use ‘the ritual’ to infuse a beast’s life force into a weapon allowing them to siphon a majority of their powers. Now the royal family is slain, the nation is in disarray, the youngest prince is nowhere to be found, and only a fraction of beasts remain.

Jeweled_Rose · Fantaisie
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22 Chs

The Duel

"Ok we will begin the fights shortly, please stand in pairs based on your color. The fights will take place in this small dirt ring you see here. You win when your opponent yields, passes out, or is forced from the ring. The fight has to be clean, we are all watching, so no weapons or any other outside forces are allowed. We will go the following order: Red, Purple, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, Black, and last White. Red please come forward now- the rest of you stay in your pair and you may watch the fight. If you win you stay off to the side with me and if you lose line back up before the barrel for the redrawing. Best of luck."


The first duel ended so fast I couldn't even process it with how much my nerves have unsettled my stomach. I have never fought a real opponent before and especially not one who was strongest in my weakest area. I've seen these hunter training kids around the village and they are always training regardless what they are doing, chores? Make it a drill. Run and errand? Who can go the fastest. Carry wood back from the forest? Who can carry and chop the most. They are the most competitive because they have to be, the culling is merciless. If we even get there. We have to survive the outer world first, but even before that we have to win these fights, here and now.

"Alright looks like J'al won that one, sorry Tren you need to get back in line please both of you place your sticks in the barrel. Now purple you're up! Leigh verses Keel. Annnnnnnnnndddddddd begin!"

As I step forward to face my opponent, the adrenaline coursing through my veins mingles with the unease in my stomach. The tall, lean kid before me exudes confidence, his eyes locked onto mine with a calculating intensity. I clench my fists, readying myself for the imminent clash.

The town square becomes a hushed arena, the crackling central fire casting dancing shadows on the faces of the spectators. The elder stands at a distance, his gaze fixed on us. The color of my opponent's stick matches mine - purple against purple.

The tension builds as we circle each other, a dance of anticipation. I try to read his movements, but his footwork is swift, his body language elusive. The first strike comes unexpectedly, a blur of motion. I manage to duck just in time, feeling the whoosh of air above me. He's fast, that much is clear.

My counterattack is quick, a jab towards his midsection. He sidesteps effortlessly, avoiding the blow. The crowd's murmur grows louder as our duel intensifies. We exchange a flurry of punches, each trying to find an opening in the other's defense. Despite my smaller size, I use my sturdiness and determination to keep pace.

The fight unfolds in a blur of motion. I dodge and weave, narrowly avoiding his strikes. The uneven ground beneath us becomes both a challenge and an advantage, tripping him up momentarily. Seizing the opportunity, I deliver a swift punch to his side. He stumbles, but regains his footing with a graceful recovery.

As the seconds tick away, fatigue sets in. My muscles ache, but the fire within refuses to flicker. We continue the dance of combat, neither willing to yield. It becomes a test of endurance as we exchange blows, the crowd's cheers and gasps echoing in the background.

In a sudden surge of realization I notice how slow his left strike has gotten. Ever time he swings there is a gap between his recovery- so I wait and sure enough he goes in for another hook. I sway wide and make my move- I manage to land a solid blow to his jaw. He might be fast, but the after the years in the forge I sure am stronger. He staggers, caught off guard by the unexpected strike. Seizing the moment, I press the advantage, delivering a series of rapid punches. His defenses falter, and he tumbles to the ground.

The crowd erupts in a mix of cheers and disbelief. I stand there, panting, my knuckles bruised and bloodied. The realization of victory washes over me, and I turn to face the elder. He nods approvingly, signaling that I've passed the first trial.

The next phase of the ceremony awaits, but in this brief moment, I savor the taste of triumph. The doubts that once lingered in the shadows of my mind begin to dissipate. I've proven myself in combat, defying expectations. The journey to reclaim my life takes another step forward, fueled by the fire of determination burning within me. I can do this. I really can.
