

Origin it's sounds like a starting of something yes it's a starting of something it's a starting of our hero life . a hero who will many great thing in his life but today is just a starting a origin .

so without waisting any time just start his journey . a very cute boy born on 5thoct 1993 in a city of Punjab name chamkaur sahib .

chamkaur sahib is a very historical place which belongs to Sikh religion . our hero born into a secular family . when he born he didn't cry as usual kids cry everybody was shocked they were thinking that this kid is no more but suddenly he cries .

He was looks very weak . his weight not good as usual of new born baby but he survive so it's his origin .now he starting his life . his life will be of very adventurous . he will do many things in his life but currently he is just a new born baby like others he is a common baby .

everyond born common but their works make them great so attach be with me to know more about our hero journey or we can say a human race ......to be continue ....