
Chapter 36 I may keep my clothes on?

Alpha Raymond p.o.v

Deception! Rage!

All of those feeling melded into one are what prodded my beast. Emotions I have not felt in half a century came barreling into my chest.

I could see her mouth moving. I could see panic in her eyes.

Blood rushing through my veins. My heart pumping so ferociously that I could not hear past it.

She would not end my legacy.

I would not lose her.

Nor the child.

Kelly was attempting at restraining my body but he was strong enough.

Sophia shielding her from me.

Words. Loud words that shook through the small cottage, rang through my mind. Raddling my blood lust haze.

The arms wrapped around my body pulled away as my body felt completely stiff.

The only thing I was able to move were my eyes. I noticed that Kelly was suspended in some frozen air like state also. So was Sophia....and her.

I snarled at the seer. She is as powerful as the mountains, but she is still worthy of the dungeons. She dare use magic against me?