
Chapter 35 Isabella...... You will not ruin me!

My hands splayed around my stretching skin. This was now the fifth month of me being with child.

What would this..... child be? A boy? A girl? The name Roland was....definitely growing on me. It actually did not sound that bad....for a male name. If it is a boy.. .it will break my heart.

If I had a male I will try my hardest to....instill in him my values. Human values of kindness and acceptance.

I suddenly began to feel fatigue. I despised being alone.....my thought cripple me often.

Slowly I managed to get up from my bath and dry off. After putting on a simple dress I made my way down to the dinning area.

There Sophia stood, pacing the length of the dinning room.

"There you are, we have to go. The poor girl is sweating and shaking like a storm " Sophia exclaimed as I eyed the fruit on the table.

My stomach rumbled loudly but I ignored it.

"The carriage is just outside. " she warned me as she took my hand and we made our way outside.