
Chapter 15 Chapter 15

"What's that?" Mercy shrieked in my arms as she pulled at the collar of my dress.

I gulped as I pulled her little hands away from my collar.

"It look like you are hurt" she exclaimed.

After a complete and week my bruises were still evident! I healed incredibly slowly to these animals.

Ray had tried to heal me everyday. He had barged into the room every morning to wake me up. I had a fit when he suggested we sleep in the same bed,Just for this week due to it being our wedding week. I had passed out from anger and fear,he understood what that meant.

"I'm fine. Stop mercy,hush" I said quickly as Sophia looked at me with a nervous look on her face.

I went rigid. I didn't know what happened to her. She hadn't been here for a week.I thought maybe she had gotten into trouble for the tongue ripping, but here she is.

After what Kelly told me what she had done to those poor ladies,sure they were beasts but they didn't deserve their tongue ripped out!

"Your majesty"