
A Hollow in Danmachi

A reincarnator with hollow(Bleach) powers replaces Bell in Danmachi. . . . Falna: [Name: Matthew (A/N: That's how I write it, right?) Grimmjaw . Race: Hollow(Vasto Lorde)(Arrancar) . Familia: Hestia (Home) . Level:1 . Status: STR: I10 VIT: I10 DEX: I10 AGI: I10 MAG: I10 . Skills: None . Magic: #(A/N:I'm still unshure about giving kido to MC)] . Not shown on falna: [Skills: (Racial)Iron skin{Hierro} (Racial)High speed regeneration (Racial)Zampakto (Racial)Resurection{Ressurrección} (Racial)Zero{Cero} (Racial)Soul eater (Racial)Unaging (A/N:yes, i nerfed him and took some stuff out) . Curses: Hollow soul (A/N:the never ending hunger, the apetite for human souls, the destructive impulses... all that Hollow stuff. It will be completly negligible to MC however, as per his wish)]

ferferfer2 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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2 Chs

1 Getting Started

Eina:"Ok mister Grimmjaw-san. All paperwork is done. You are now officialy one of Orario's adventurers!"

I feel so happy right now.

I never managed to 'live' on Earth. The only stuff that kept me sane was manga/anime, so you can tecnicaly say that I was living in another world to begin with, but of course I coulden't truly live there as I had to maintain my phisical body that was stuck of Earth. Anyway, it was quite ironic that I got my chance to truely live only after I died!

I got the cliche reincarnation story. I asked to be in Damnachi-verse as Bell (but changed my name and aparence) and to have the powers from Ulquiorra Cifer from Bleach-verse. I did not get to be full Ulquiorra, as god said it was too much power for Damnachi-verse, but I was satisfyed with my new custom bloodline.

Eina:"Would you like to see the list of familias currently recruting?"

I am now at the Guild's office, registering as a newbie adventurer. Eina was apointed as my personal advisor like in cannon.

Me:"Hummm... May I see the full list? Instead of just the recruting familias?"

Eina:"I recomend you join a familia as soon as possible, instead of waiting for the perfect one. As you can allways do so later, after you get some experience in dungeoning."

Me:"Ok, but may I still see it? Just for curiosity's sake."

Eina nod, and some time later, I find the info on the familia I'm looking for.

Hestia familia.

I look through the entire list to make sure there is no one better, but in the end I decide to go with Hestia like cannon.

Me:"Is Hestia familia recruting right now?"

Eina:"Hestia-sama? Yes, she is. I met her once. She decended from heaven just the other day. As she is not a famous godess, no one wanted to join her familia. Poor girl have been living in a ruin in the city. You sure you want to join her familia? The only thing she'll be able to provide you is her falna. It will be very hard for a newbie adventurer such as yourself to live in such a familia."

Me:"From what I've read on her file, she seems to be the best match for me."

Eina looks at me like I was a bit crazy.

Eina:"*sigh* I don't understand your reasoning, but the life is yours. Here is her adress *hands over a piece of paper*. If she acepts you into her familia and grant you a falna, remember to update your files here at the guild."

Me:"Understood. Thank you for everything, Eina-san."


I when to ask Hestia to be a part of her familia, and my god, did she acept in a heartbeat!

Like, seriously? I know that she is dirt poor and as such, she don't have to worry about robbers, but still! A random pearson knocs on your door and ask to be a part of your family and you agree on the spot!? I diden't even get to tell her my f* name!

She happily drag me to the bedrooom.

Hestia:"Ok, lie down here on the bed and take your shirt off!"

Me:"Er... Before that..."

Hestia freezes on the spot and drops her neddle (when did she even got that!?). She looks at me teary eyed.

Hestia:"Y-you are not having second thoughts, are you?"

Me:"Wha-? NO! *sigh* I just wanted to ask you to not freak out. It is just a race thing."

I then take off my shirt, exposing the gaping hole in my chest.

She goes wide eyed.

Hestia:"Race thing? What kind of race have holes in their chest!? I may be new to this, but I am not that ignorant!"

Me:"*Nod* I know. This is why I want you to keep my race a secret. Ok?"

Hestia just sigh and noded, but deep down it is obvious that she wants to ask a million questions, such as 'what's your race?''how are you alive with a hole in your chest?''why have no one heard about something like you before?''why does it need to be kept a secret?'.

I chuckle a bit at her funny face.

Problem solved, I lay on the bed face down and Hestia pricks her finger with a neddle. She then proceds to write on my back with her blood.

Hestia:"The hole is kinda in the way. I'll have to go arround it. The tatoo will look a bit weird, but the falna will work as normal."

I nod.


A bit of a light show starts on my back.

Near the end of the ritual, Hestia frowns.

Hestia:"Racial traits usualy don't show on the falna, but I can still read it and I have to say, I have no idea at what I'm looking at."

Me:"Carefull there! Don't look at it to deeply or you will go crazy!"

Hestia:"Eeeeh!? For real!?"

Me:"I'm not completly sure, but I don't wanna risk it!"

I don't know how the falna works. I don't want Hestia to be exposed to my hollow energy. I don't know how harmfull it would be to a god, but better safe then sorry!

Hestia:"O-ok! Er... Anyway, I can make your racial traits visible on the status board paper if you want. Again, this is not something usualy done, but I can do it if you'd like to see it."

I think for a second before noding again.

Me:"Ok. but we're burning the paper afterwards!"

The lights fade and Hestia passes me a sheet of paper with a bright smile on her face.

Hestia:"All done! You are now the first member of the Hestia familia, Gimmjaw-san!"

Me:"Thank you. And please just call me Matt. We're family now, right?"

Hestia's smile grew even wider.

Me:"Would you like to see my stats with me? I may be able to explain a thing or two. No promisses tho."

I sit up on the bed and put my shirt back on. As I start to read the paper, Hestia sat beside me and started to read as well.


[Name: Matthew Grimmjaw


Race: Hollow(Vasto Lorde)(Arrancar)



I point at my race.

Me:" The race was named Hollow due to the hole we have in the chest. 'Vasto Lorde' and 'Arrancar' are subcategories. 'Hollow' is a VERY wide term, so the subcategories are necessary. It is sortoff like the animal people that have subcategories like 'dog' and 'cat'."

Hestia nods and we continue on reading.




Familia: Hestia (Home)





STR: I10

VIT: I10

DEX: I10

AGI: I10

MAG: I10



(Racial)Iron skin{Hierro}

(Racial)High speed regeneration




(Racial)Soul eater



Me:"Ok, Hierro is a defensive ability that compresses mana in the skin and increases its durability."

Hestia:"Wait, if it uses mana it should be a spell, right?"

Me:"No. As to how skills and magic are classified, Hierro is surprisingly a skill. Other then consuming mana as fuel, it is 100% not a spell, It does not even use any chant."

Hestia:"Ugh. I sure have to keep an open mind with you. This Hierro sounds more like a grey area then anything else. A skill that uses mana is unheard of."

Me"Well, you better brace yourself cause there is more. High speed regeneration now. Mine is quite weak. I have seen people with this ability that could regrow lost limbs within seconds! I can barely reatach mine if I'm given several hours. Overall, it is a healing ability. But again, mine is so weak I'm better of with potions."

Hestia: "Reataching limbs reliably like this sounds amazing already! And regrowing limbs within seconds is not something most people would beliave in even with a demonstration!"

I ignore her.

Me:"Zampakto is my sword. I can summon and unsummon it at will."

To show her, I extend my arm and summon my zampakto. Hestia's eyes went wide at the blade that came from thin air.

Me:"Before you ask about Resurection, no, I can't come back from the dead, it is just a name."

I unsummon my sword.

Me:"As far as I know, Resurection is classified as a beastification skill. It merges me with my zampakto to boost my stats. It changes my aparence quite drasticaly while in use. It is a trump card, as it consumes A LOT of mana to keep up.

Hestia:"Can you show me one of these days?"

Me:"Perhaps. Now about the other skills, I won't talk about them just yet."

I'm sure that Hestia wanted to know about the Soul eater and the Unaging skills, but she kept quiet.





#(A/N:I'm still unsure about giving kido to MC. Those are the ones I'm thinking about:

Bakudō #58. Kakushitsuijaku

Bakudō #61. Rikujōkōrō

Bakudō #75. Gochūtekkan

Hadō #1. Shō

Uncategorized. Noren Mekuri)



(Ratial)Hollow soul

(A/N:the never ending hunger, the apetite for human souls, the destructive impulses... all that Hollow stuff. It will be completly negligible to MC however, as per his wish)]

Hestia:"You're cursed? No, wait! It is a racial trait! Your whole SPECIES is cursed!?"


Hestia noticed my pained face and diden't ask anything further.

Me:"Ok, now let's burn this. And get to know each other a little better!"

I said the last part with an angry face. Hestia got a little scared about my change of mood.

Hestia:"M-Matt! Did I did something wrong?"

Me:"You sure did! As thankfull as I am for you letting me join your familia, a stranger knocked on your door wanting to be a part of your family and you agreed on the spot!!! YOU DIDEN'T EVEN KNEW MY NAME BEFORE YOU GAVE ME YOUR FALNA!!! Heck! I even fit in the 'shady pearson' category with all the creapy secrets I'm keeping! I had researshed your file and asked a bit about you before coming here, but you had no idea at all about who I was! What if I was/am an evil fella!?..."

I gave Hestia an earfull till it was bedtime.

Me:"*sigh* Ok. It is late now. Let's go to sleep."

Hestia:"Thank heavan! My ears are bleeding!"

Me:"Yeah, I got carried away. I'm sorry. But I realy don't want something bad to happen to you, you know?"

Hestia gave a little smile.

Me:"Oh, by the way. Where should I sleep?"

Hestia:"Oh, My bed is big enought for us both. :) "

lil warning:

I whatched the first season of the anime, but I know almost nothing else about the universe. So expect a hella of a lot of mistakes

last updated at 05/10/2021

ferferfer2creators' thoughts