
a hero's fayeritale

a bored man gets hold of a lot of Power after helping out a fairy. follow Jacob while he gets used to his newfound power and helps the daughter of the fairy who gave him his power to not get caught by the government.

Marcolomius · Action
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3 Chs

chapter 1

"do you believe in fairys..." Those were the last words my grandfather uttered to me. I never understood their significance. Nor am I interested in them. He was an old drunkard just like any other old drunkard. And since that day he was too drunk to even walk properly I figured it was probably the booze talking. But still it stuck with me for some reason and sometimes the question pops up in my head and, to be honest, i found it dumb to even question it. Of course they are fake I mean. If they were real everybody would know of it. And there would be videos on the internet and such. But even so I couldn't just not think about it. Those were the last words of the only family I had. At least that's what I told myself everyday for the last 6 boring fucking years of working and sleeping on loop just to avoid starving to death. Or freezing to death. Or getting beaten to death. Or…you get the idea. I just wish I could be something else. You know. Someone who goes on adventures and shit. I get that it's childish but it beats serving chicken soup for the rest of my life. Now that I think about it maybe that's the reason I couldn't stop thinking about those words. I wanted something to get me out of that hellhole. Be it a fairy or anything. I just wanted someone or something to throw me a rope that i-

"WAKE UP!" Francis yelled at me.

"I'm wide awake you dickhead" I responded, startled.

"Well if you were awake you would notice the customer thats talking to you, little dirty mouthed shit"

"I was just about to receive their order. And stop yelling for fuck's sake you geezer. I don't wanna explain to the cops that my boss had a heart attack while yelling at me." I answered him playfully. "Anyway. What are you gonna get mis-'' I stopped talking. surprised by the cheer beauty of the woman standing at the other side of the register. But not because I was attracted to her. She was too beautiful for my dick to even register her as a valable partner. And as a matter of fact she is too beautiful for this all-but-fine establishment.

"Oh I think I'll have the chicken soup with a little bit of fairy dust on top"

"Ma'am. You know fairy dust is cocaine and Not grated cheese?" I whispered to her.

"Oh. How fortunate. I thought you were chaining a poor fairy in the basement to get her dust.'' she mumbled sarcasticly.

''what?'' I asked her.

''of course I know what fairy dust is dear child. So please if you could grab your ladle and serve me some dusted chicken soup that would be all so pleasing'' answered the lady.

You poured her the soup. She grabbed the plastic bowl and hurriedly walked out of the building. Only she forgot to pay so I should probably-

"GO AND FOLLOW THAT THIEF YOU DUMBFUCK" yelled Francis from across the kitchen.

"I WAS ABOU-" i knew I was at fault so I probably shouldn't argue with Francis on this." I AM GOING." I yelled back.


"I got this boss. So take it easy on your heart and STOP FUCKING YELLING!" I answered back while grabbing the bat and running after the lady.

So I here I am. With a bat in my hand searching for a thief with cocaine filled bowl of chicken soup in her hands. Now that I mention it. she is way too conspicuous for the time it took me to notice her turning a corner from across the alley. So ran after her. But it felt weird. like I didn't want to turn that corner. Like every cell in my body telling me to go back. And not out fear. I broke many kneecaps before. The kneecaps of people dozens of time tougher looking than her pretty princess face. What I felt at that moment was more akin to laziness. Like I didn't feel like turning the corner. But I knew better than to disapoint Francis. After all. He was the one who taught me how to break kneecaps. So I pressed on and, after tuning around the corner, I saw her back right in front of my face. She was frozen solid. I am pretty sure if I had bumped into her she wouldn't move an inch. In front of her was a man holding a contraption of some sort pointing it at the lady

"Well well well. Who do we have here" said the man.

"An unknown variable. I love when that happens."

As i moved between the lady and the man who was talking I blurted "And who the fuck are yo-"

*BANG* *BANG* i fell down writhing in pain as the man said: "I don't recall having given you permission to speak now do I?. But don't worry. That's not the reason I shot you. After all I am not a lunatic" he said while approaching me slowly "You see... you have intruded on a very secret mission. This lady here is a bad criminal and I am the man sent here to catch her. It's too bad a collaborator of hers arrived on scene with a weapon in his hands. how unfortunate. Don't you think? Now be a good boy and die next to this thing so could get what I deserve."

This monologue of his was all I could hear before my counsciousness started to fade. And all I could think of is my old man and his stupid  question "do you believe in fairys"

my mind is weird mess with convoluted story's and characters that come out seemingly at random. and since I have a bit more time on my hand this year. i thought I could make something out of that mess. a thank you for anyone reading this.

Marcolomiuscreators' thoughts