
A Hagraven Harem

A young Breton ends up in a whacky situation. random updates

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chapter 3

"Doesn't look like your any good in melee nor with a bow. But I've seen your spell power so that's good enough for me."

An hour of testing Desmond's skill with various weapons led to him being unable to be of any use in close-quarters combat.

"Alright, I guess we're finished here. Why don't you get some rest and grab something to eat? And don't wander too far from the camp. We've got our eyes on you, any sign of escaping and it's to the barbecue pit for you, hahaha," Malikai laughed merrily before leaving.

Half the day had already passed and Dez was starting to feel tired and hungry, and not to mention the clothes he wore started stinking.

He walked over to a barrel stuffed with apples near a campfire and ate a few, munching lazily while sitting on the grass. He watched two foresworn argue about something trivial.

They asked him for his opinion on whether giants had bigger genitals than mammoths they herded.

Dez shrugged and thus the argument was postponed for another day.

To the far south of the camp was a clear river about waist deep. It was good enough to clean all the accumulated sweat and dirt along with ash from his previously burnt skin.

He stripped naked and entered the river. It was cold to the touch but still very much nice and refreshing.


Noticing someone standing at a guard post on top of a cliff overlooking the river, It was one of the foresworn watchmen, a woman with a bow and tattoos on her face. Her hair was cut into a Mohawk and she had dark makeup all over her eyes.

When they made eye contact she gave him a wink and then leaned over on the wooden railing. She continued to stare at him with a smile, intending to watch him the whole way through his bath.

'It must be normal of them to watch each other bathe. Whatever.'

He ignored her and continued scrubbing his body. Pretty soon, he heard moaning noises and realized the watchman was now rubbing herself watching him.

'This feels...a little creepy.'

Feeling a bit disturbed, he waddled out of the water to get dressed. But as soon as he tried to grab his clothes he heard a feminine growl.

The watchman was staring daggers at him, pissed off that he was about to leave. She motioned with her head, signaling Desmond to get his ass back in the water and pose naked for her.

'I suppose I should wait for her to finish.'

A playful thought struck him.

Could he get her to finish faster? Did he have the charms to do it? Only one way to find out!

He started wiggling his hips erotically then bent down at the waist, showing off his bare bottom. He wasn't sure what brought him to act like this but it sure was fun to tease her.

The watchwoman's eyes popped out of her head as she leaned in closer to the railing to get a better view. That was until a crack sounded from the wooden beams, breaking off entirely and sending the foresworn tumbling down the cliff. She screamed with a shriek until her body landed on the ground with a thud followed by silence.

"Oh, shit!!"

Desmond ran his naked ass to the perverted foresworn, his healing spell at the ready. He only ever healed himself but he knew it shouldn't be too hard sending the healing waves into another person's body.

And it worked! The girl woke up with a gasp as she felt the waves of Magicka heal her busted ass. Her broken spine was mended and her bones were fixed and readjusted.

Desmond stopped channeling the spell and after a few seconds, she sat up.

"Ah...um...thanks for that..."

"No problem. Just uh, try to be more careful."


He helped pulled the blonde-haired Mohawk girl to her feet then they stood there awkwardly before she broke the silence.

"Do you wanna come watch with me?"

The girl had a sort of rebellious young punk-sounding tone to her voice. She seemed different than the rest of the tribesmen which eased Desmond a bit.

"why not."

After getting dressed, he walked up to where the young woman had stood before she had fallen off.

"Oh, you put your clothes back on...pity."

"Do you watch men here bathe all the time? Or was I the exception?"

"Nah. I watch everyone bathe. That's kinda my thing."

The sun was close to setting, giving off an orange glow across the horizon and painting the landscape in its beautiful color.

"So I heard you were a mage at the College of Winterhold," she spoke, leaning back on the part of the railing that wasn't still broken. "Did you come all the way here to join the cause? Become a...foresworn?"

"Ah, no actually. I've kind of got amnesia, I think. All I know for sure is that my name is Desmond."

"Desmond? Sounds a bit pompous. I'll just call you Dez. Name's Ria, by the way."

"Nice to meet you, Ria."

"Likewise. Say...did you meet the bird woman yet?"

"The who?"

"You know..."

After thinking about it, he figured she was talking about Hella due to the fact that she wore a skirt made of crow feathers.

"Oh you mean Hella? Yeah, I've met her."

"So... whatcha think?"

Desmond remembered how amazingly breathtaking she looked as if a goddess had descended down onto the mortal plane. But that was only because of the illusion spell that still stuck to him like glue which nobody, not even him, could notice.

A joke gone too far? Maybe.

"She looks really out of place here, if I have to be honest. How did someone like her end up here, er, no offense."

"None taken. But yeah, she definitely looks out of place. But I think you were being a little too light on that. I'd say she looks out of place on this planet."

"Well, I wouldn't go that far but sure."

A few moments later the sun had completely set, making way for two enormously bright moons that glowed softly in the star-filled sky.

"She wasn't always like that. The way she looks now is the result of dark twisted magic. It permanently transformed her."

Desmond thought about how Hella might have been a normal woman before making herself look as enchanting as she is now.

"Well, I mean it can't be that bad. I'm not sure what you mean by dark magic but she could easily walk into any city and men would be all over her."

"Pfft, hahaha. Yeah, you know what. Maybe I'll introduce her to my dad in Markarth. From the amount of corruption he dribbles out of his body, I'm sure they'd make a perfect couple."


"It's the city of stone, just west of here. Built by Dwemer who disappeared a long time ago. And don't ask me what a Dwemer is. They're just some ancient race of elves who all disappeared at the same time thousands of years ago. But anyway...yeah, Markarth..."

Ria propped her head on her hand as her elbow rested on the wooden railing. She gazed at the moons with a melancholic expression. "I'm not even sure why I left. The others did it, so I thought, why not join them? We were young and that was years ago. I honestly don't even care anymore. Don't know why I'm still here."

Desmond patted her back, "There there. it'll be alright. Just follow your heart, and uh, your brain."

"Heh. Fuck you," she smirked. "If you wanna make me feel better, take off your shirt and give me a little dance."

"Alright. But my dancing skills are horrendous."

"Just do what you did last time, hehe."

It was an awkward dance, which made Ria laugh all the more.

"I think the Matriarch can dance better than you do."

"Oh yeah? Watch this."



The hours went by until midnight. Both Desmond and Ria were seen singing and dancing with bottles of mead in their hands and arms around each others shoulders in a heavily drunken manner.

"Hehe, You know D-Dezzy, Dez, er...Mr. Mond, haha."

"k-know what? *hic*."

"know why I was jerking off to yah? Huh!? It's because, urp, because all these damn foresworn have tiny dicks! There! I said it! And not just that!" Ria took another swig. "Your dick, Dez... it's fucking huge!"

"Oh, I, *hic* why thank you...your such a nice, er, thing to say."

"You're welcome! It's... it's too bad we're drunk cause I would've banged ya hard! And also...I'm leaving. Going to Riften, changing my name to...I don't know yet..but yeah. S-So long Desmond the dick!"

Desmond couldn't balance himself and tripped over, with Ria falling on top of him. Then sleep overtook them both. It wouldn't be until morning when Ria would be long gone. Because she was quiet and was posted on a guard the furthest away, nobody had noticed her missing. Nobody but Dez who would one day, possibly meet her again.