
A guide to the Monsters of the Apocalypse

The hospital yard was silent. A few empty medicine boxes, blown about in the wind, tumbled down the corridors and fell silent in a corner. A DOOR AT THE END OF THE CORRIDOR WAS OPENED. Lin Shuang stretched out his head from behind the door, looked around, and came out. Then the little girl held her nose and jumped out from behind the door. The little girl to the corridor, then loosen the hand holding his nose, hard to breathe a few mouth, hand in front of the nose fan, then buzz buzz airway: "Oh, stinky, you strange uncle, choose what window is not good, do not want to choose the toilet window, inside the stinky, shout, stinky......" Lin SHUANG smoked A NOSE, some helpless way: "Do you THINK I WANT TO CLIMB TOILET? But this is the only window open in this hospital. What can I do?" At this time, the small white also ran out from inside the toilet, and then ran to the little girl. Only, it had not run to the little girl's side, it was a little girl to kick away. Small...

weimin_li · Fantaisie
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3 Chs

Chapter 2: Rune seal

Lin Shuang leaned against the door and rested for about half an hour. Then it was light.

The world is still shrouded in fog, and the glimmer of light outside the window allows Lin Shuang to barely see the situation in the dormitory.

After finishing his clothes, Lin Shuang moved his body, took a deep breath, and began to prepare for moving.

The door of this bedroom has been attacked by several waves of zombies and is almost broken. Although the zombies in the corridor of this floor have been solved by Lin Shuang, I can't guarantee that the zombies on other floors will not come to this floor, just like last night.

If there were two or three more, the bedroom door would definitely not be able to withstand the tossing of zombies. Lin Shuang also found that when people become zombies, their five senses still exist, and there are signs of strengthening. Many zombies will follow the smell or sound to find people.

Lin Shuang found a backpack, put some simple clothes in it, and then put some things he felt useful in it , a dead cell phone, a charger, several batteries, a flashlight, a radio, a pair of earplugs, a notebook, several pens, several boxes of medicine, tape and rope, and then put a bottle of barreled water in an extra large stainless steel bottle.

Lin Shuang took a bath with the remaining barreled water and put on a hooded sweater. Since the weather in October had begun to turn cold, Lin Shuang put on a leisure coat, a pair of thick jeans and a pair of hiking shoes.

After finishing the packing, Lin Shuang checked his weapons - two machetes more than 50 cm long, a Taoist sword sent by his father, and a steel pipe gun made by himself.

With his backpack on his back, Lin Shuang obliquely inserted his long sword on his back, and two machetes straddled behind his waist. He put the knife handles at a place where he could easily reach. He took the steel pipe long gun which had made many achievements and was ready to set off.

Standing in the middle of the bedroom, Lin Shuang looks around and suddenly finds himself reluctant to give up.

I left this time. I don't know if I can return here in the future.

This is the place where I started my dream of college. I used to spend all night painting, surfing the Internet, bragging and farting with several brothers in the same room, talking about life and women... This is like another "home".

However, all this has become a cloud in the past with this disaster.

Thinking of this, Lin Shuang suddenly smiled and murmured to himself, "what are you thinking about? At least you are still alive. As long as you are alive, there is still hope."

Lin Shuang moved out of his lost mood.

The bedroom next door is good. Fat man's bedroom is clean, and fat man likes to store snacks in the cabinet. In addition, the smell of those zombies at the door of his bedroom can cover his own taste, which is not bad.

With his vigorous skills, Lin Shuang quickly climbed from the balcony to the fat man's bedroom. After checking the conditions in the bedroom, Lin Shuang blocked the door and stopped.

After simply eating two biscuits, Lin Shuang began to prepare himself to break through the siege and march into Beicheng.

Lin Shuang took out a lot of things from his backpack, then pulled out some yellow paper, took out a brush, dipped some cinnabar, and began to make seal characters.

Lin Shuang's father is a Taoist. He is often asked to do things like catching ghosts and doing things.

As an intellectual who has received higher education, Lin Shuang naturally does not believe in these feudal superstitions.

However, my father often nags in his ear that his family is a Taoist sect handed down from generation to generation. My father was a secret sect disciple of a certain Taoist sect. He was so proud of the inheritance of the secret sect. During the eight year war of resistance against Japan, my father was entrusted to drive the corpses of the Sichuan army back to Sichuan.

Lin Shuang naturally listened to these stories as if they were stories, but he didn't pay much attention to them.

Although it is said that Lin Shuang is disgusted with those feudal superstitions, he is very devoted to the Kung Fu that his father taught him.

The reason is that Lin Shuang was bullied by a little fat man when he was in kindergarten. Later, Lin Shuang returned home and practiced hard for half a day. He succeeded in defeating the little fat man. This was the first time he felt the magic of Kung Fu.

After tasting the sweetness, he fell in love with practicing martial arts.

After Lin Shuang learned the martial arts, his father forced him to learn other Taoist Arts. Making amulets is one of them.

There are many kinds of talismans and seal characters, including soul calming, exorcising evil, guarding against animals, water talismans, fire talismans, six Ding and six Jia.

Anyway, there was a lot of confusion. After learning it, Lin Shuang tried the effect and found that it didn't work. Lin Shuang thought it was a trick of his father to fool people, so he threw it aside.

But this time, Lin Shuang happened to find that a talisman seal given to him by his father had actually responded. Lin Shuang hurriedly tried to make a talisman seal by himself. Unexpectedly, something unexpected happened to Lin Shuang: the talisman seal that usually had no response was actually stimulated at this moment.

This discovery makes Lin Shuang feel very unscientific, but the unscientific things like zombies have appeared. Lin Shuang reluctantly accepted the unscientific products like Fu Zhuan.

Lin Shuang vaguely felt that he had to rely on the half hearted Taoist skills passed down to him by his father to survive in this evil end.

During the few days in his bedroom, Lin Shuang kept practicing the family handed down Kung Fu every day. At the same time, he tried to recall what his father taught him. However, Lin Shuang couldn't remember many things for a moment. He wanted to call and ask, but he couldn't.

Now, the most thing he can recall is Fu Zhuan. In order to survive, he had to make more Fu Zhuan to protect his life.

"The Fu making method of the Lin family needs to be applied to the skill passed down by the Lin family. Only when the skill is successful can it be made into Fu Zhuan.

The Lin family's means of making amulets is mainly based on the Lin family's skill, with yellow paper and cinnabar as the media, to guide the energy of heaven and earth, and to integrate a kind of mysterious law of heaven and earth into it, so as to change the body of the amulets and seals, and let the amulets and seals play the role of a channel to communicate the laws of heaven and earth. The stronger the channel, the greater the role of channeling the energy of heaven and earth. In other words, The more powerful the seal characters will be. "

This profound explanation makes Lin Shuang unclear. However, since the Taoist father said so, he should do it now.

The level of Lin Shuang's martial arts has been improved since the beginning of the great disaster. Now it has only reached the first level of the nine fold heaven, that is, it has just started. The Lin family's martial arts are divided into nine fold, eight gates, seven injuries, six ridges, five elements, four elephants, three walls, two poles and one.

Listening to the names of these realms, Lin Shuang feels very bad. Which of the powerful internal mental skills in the martial arts novels is not a resounding name and a mysterious realm division?For example, building a foundation, practicing Qi and transforming the spirit, these boundary divisions make people feel tall. They are not like my own set of martial arts. The words used to divide the boundary are strange. I have to rely on the breath of the zombie to cultivate. This is clearly a set of evil skills.

However, in order to survive, Lin Shuang has no other choice. If Lin Shuang does not cultivate the Lin family's Kung Fu, he will not be able to make fu Zhuan. If he does not make fu Zhuan, there will be one less means to protect his life. Isn't it that he thinks he has lived too long?

Lin Shuang is now the first of the nine layers. There is very little vitality in this layer. There are very few runes and seals that can be produced, and the power of the runes and seals is much smaller. However, these are basic runes and seals. It will be more convenient to make high-level runes and seals only if you are proficient in making these runes and seals.

Lin Shuang checked the talismans and seals made in the past few days. There were more than ten of them, including one for soul calming, one for controlling animals, one for exorcising evil spirits, one for gold talismans, one for wood talismans, several for fire talismans, several for water talismans, and several for earth Talismans. Lin Shuang's realm is too low now. Many seal characters can't be made yet.

There is no way to test the effect of these talismans, such as soul calming, animal guarding and exorcism. On the contrary, the effects of water, fire and earth talismans are obvious. Once the water talisman is thrown out, a pool of water will appear on the ground. However, it is a chicken rib Talisman. The fire talisman is thrown out as a small fireball. The attack power is not very high, but the fire and lighting are still good.

The earth talisman is a protective talisman. After use, there will be an invisible layer of protection on the body. This function is good. I don't know how the defense effect will be when the state is improved.

Lin Shuang put these talismans close to his body, then went out with his own weapons and began to fight every day.

Since Lin Shuang discovered that the smell emitted by zombies can help him cultivate, he has to fight with zombies every day, and then absorb the smell emitted by them to improve his cultivation.

After clearing the zombies in the corridor on the seventh floor, Lin Shuang fixed his eyes on the bedrooms with locked doors.

On the day of the disaster, many students on the same floor went to class. Few people skipped classes and stayed in their dormitories. With Lin Shuang's skill, it was relatively easy to solve these two zombies. After the zombies were solved, the door was pushed to death, and then they practiced with the smell of the zombies. Not only was safety guaranteed, The effect of cultivation is also quite good.