
Trip to Kyoto

(2 out of 2 chapters this week)

'After the ball, he took me upstairs to his room. It was a spacious place with fancy decor, as one would expect from a nobleman.'

Utaha was reading Liliana's notes. It doesn't take a genius to understand the undertone of what she is reading.

The silver-haired girl likes steamy stuff and the undertone is just that! A build-up to that scene!

'Some leisure conversations followed, and we proceeded to walk deeper into his room. The moment I was in front of his bed he pushed me into it and then proceeded to— to—to—'

"...Are you sure you are not a smut writer!?"

"Huh!? W-W-Why would you think so!?"

"You explain things 'properly'! That's R-18 stuff!" Utaha said with a deadpan look.

"It is!? B-B-But the reader will be interested in that kind of stuff! So I am explaining." Liliana explained with a red face.

"...I guess. I haven't expected a knight to have such a vivid imagination." The writer commented on this strangeness. At least for her, it was strange.

After all, she is supposed to be all duty and a warrior and stuff. Fighting Mad Gods.

"Gah!? What do you mean I didn't expect!? I am still a girl!"

While the knight and the writer are talking about the content the rest of the club members are looking at their interactions.

Raynor and Erica are surprised that Liliana shared her draft like this.

"I am surprised. She is far too embarrassed to show it to us."

The Storm King commented as he was with his blonde girlfriend. Since the Idol was busy the blonde ended up on his lap.

The beauty is quite perplexed by how cuddly the idol can be. So she needs to quickly regain her spot as number one! Otherwise, that sparkly girl will overtake her!

That's right. It appears the purple-haired idol can be a true lover and is hungry for love. This makes her dangerous.

"If you want I can arrange a copy for us. Her maid loves to tease her."

"...Maid!? You have maids!?"

"Yes? We left ours in HQ. Not enough space and she wouldn't have much to do. My maid used to be my driver and cook.

While Liliana left hers to help with her organisation."

He blinked when he heard that.

"You two truly are a pair of ojou-samas." He snickered with amusement.

"What is that supposed to mean!?" She slightly pouted at him.

"Nothing. Just amusement." He shook his head at how quickly he was able to rile her up.

Regardless it was an amusing afternoon as they watched how Liliana was puffing and huffing as Utaha was able to casually make her blush from basic questions regarding the draft (read: delusions).

"I think her novel just got lewder when she joined your services," Erica commented as she saw this as well.

"Heh? Poor girl. Then I should pay more attention to her."

"...Maybe. But not as much as you should pay me~" The blonde commented with a sultry voice. She proceeded to start kissing him.

'I should play with Ai some more. This way Erica will become more active~' Raynor realised that his blonde girlfriend is not immune to jealousy.


The next day something interesting happened!

"We are going to Kyoto! Aren't you excited guys!?" Yui Yuigahama said with a bright and cheery look. She was excited about this whole trip. It's going to be a couple of days' trip to see the Ancient Capital of Japan.

"Yeah." Raynor thought for a while.

Temple, Hot Springs, and old-style food kiosks—

'Reminds me of Naruto and the Ramen store.'

All that stuff. But his mind wandered off to the possibility of him attracting a Heretic God.

Kyoto is a hot spot for religious stuff. With entrance to the place where Shinto Gods are supposed to be.

"You don't look excited. It will be your first time seeing Kyoto, is it not?" The friendly girl questioned him on that.

"I am excited. The only issue is that there is so much to see and we only have limited time. Well, I have Yukino-chan who can organise the schedule for me." Raynor commented on that while stroking his chin. He needs to bring his girls to the hot springs, that's a must.

The girl just smiled at him. Her smile was quite strained.

"I guess so. I will talk with her about this~" She waved her hand before rushing off to speak with her other friends.

"You have scared her away."

"I did?"


"All I did was mention Yukino doing a schedule for me." Raynor just deadpanned at his blonde girlfriend who ended up sitting on his lap. They were still sitting in the class. He knows the second half will mention the trip so he is getting somewhat excited about this.

"That you did. But that's something she has no idea how to continue so she went over to speak with other girls."

"I see. So a conversation killer. I should mention my harem more often." He commented with a thoughtful look. Such great means to end conversations!

Her eyebrow twitched as well. But she quickly got over it.

"That would only make you look arrogant."

"You think. I guess it would." He pondered for a few seconds before forgetting about it.

"Whatever. We need to think about what we will see on this trip."


The trip will happen soon and Raynor is impressed with the management of this. Unlike his previous school, for this trip, his whole year of students will be going.

This means at least three buses. This kind of trip never happened before in his previous place. It would be only classroom to a classroom basis but this is a whole year. So at least four teachers are coming with them.

As Raynor looked around he was feeling quite giddy this was the whole Rom-com stuff he wanted.

'Can't wait for those festivals and sports events!'

His gaze scanned the number of people gathered outside as the buses should be arriving soon.

While the Godslayer was quite ignorant about this. The girls were thinking who would end up sitting next to him.

They were so serious about this that they even played rock-paper-scissors.

Even Yukino was part of this, for some reason, she was goaded or developed a certain competitive spirit, but it didn't matter.

What matters is that everyone—except Raynor, saw a group of girls playing rock-paper-scissors.

But then all chaos broke out as the idol arrived. People whispered and caused a commotion but it was ignored as the purple-haired girl swiftly ended up hugging Raynor's hand.

"Ai. You are here."

"Yes~ Do you think I will miss such an opportunity to spend time with you?" The girl winked at him before snuggling into his arms.

"Great. You are just on time. The buses are here."

His idol girlfriend was just on time as three silver buses arrived. These things looked quite high-end and meant for long-distance.

"Four classes, three buses. We should fit in." He commented when he saw the buses.

"Don't worry. We just need to get our seats and the rest doesn't matter~" The girl grinned at him.

"Such a selfish girl." He teased her with a smirk.

"Only in situations where something important happens to me. You see, I have to be 'selfless' for my fans." She sagely said what she was taught to say.

Though her words made him roll his eyes. Raynor wondered what fans would think if they were to hear what she just said.

"What? But it's the truth! Well, anyway, let's get the best seats." As she said that she started to pull him towards where the bus had arrived.

As they were walking to the bus the idol masterfully started to cut the line. With a bright smile and a couple of winks, it was a piece of cake for her.

"Hey! Oh… Hoshino-san…." The guy quickly lost his anger when he saw the purple head pushing through, he even casually allowed her to pass!

"Oi! That's my… spot…" The next one looked star-struck, he didn't even notice her cutting through.

Eventually, they were at the front with Ai smiling and humming one of her songs.

'She is like a harmless looking enforcer… damn…I am impressed.' Raynor thought about the whole experience just now. He is impressed by how she knows to use her fame like this.

A couple of minutes later their Homeroom teacher arrived.

"Right, let's start boarding," Hiratsuka said as she was holding a list of the people who were going to Kyoto.

The moment she saw Raynor and Ai Hoshino at the very front she deadpanned. She was pretty sure they were not at the front a few minutes ago. The idol…is very noticeable.

She is still wondering how on earth no 'scandal' has appeared on TV yet. The idol is in a harem crying out loud!

"Let's start. Raynor Valeron and Ai Hoshino, check… you can get in."

Without asking questions she put the ticks on the list and motioned to put their luggage and then board.

The pair quickly did just that as they got into the bus.

Once inside the girl pulled him towards the end, Once she found the seat she wanted, the pair ended up sitting there.

Her seat was next to the window. Not that she bothered with the window. Instead, she was hugging Raynor's hand.

"I think the trip is several hours long. Do you have anything prepared in the meantime?" He asked her.


"Does 'Tehehe' mean you have nothing?" He asked with amusement.

"Well~ I was more concerned about getting to the school at the time of the trip. Apart from a couple of clothes, I have… nothing~."

He sighed and pulled down his backpack from the overhead storage racks.

"Then it's a good thing I have some stuff." He pulled out a tablet and earbuds.


"That's right. I got some movies."

As he said that he offered one headphone to her. When the idol took the headphone there was a glint in her eyes. The girl snuggled into his hand.

"This is to make sure we have enough cable."

"...Right." He ended up using his hand to hug her. To make sure they don't 'pull' the cable.

Ai grinned from ear to ear as he was playing along.


Erica for a second worried that Raynor got lost or something! Maybe he just got tired and flew over to Kyoto.

This only lasted for a few moments as she sensed him inside with one of the girls.

Who could it be!?

A purple-haired girl showing her tongue popped in her head. The girl was saying 'That's a secret~' with a 'cute' voice.

And that was driving her mad.

'Damn those Idols! She skipped our game without a care! There is a hierarchy damnit!'

The blonde's fury made all the people around her take several steps back. They could feel goosebumps passing through their bodies. There was some static as well.

"Blandelli calm yourself! You are revealing our Lord's powers!" Liliana whispered with a hiss at her rival.

This snapped the blonde out.


The remaining members of his harem waited for their turn.

By the time they got on the bus, they found out that they had no seats around their Lord who was at the back.


The blonde nearly hissed when she saw Ai was cuddling with Raynor. It was infuriating! They already had a plan for how they were going to sit! To Kyoto it was Erica and back from it was Liliana!

They had this opportunity because Raynor didn't care who would sit with him. As long as it's one of his girls then it's fine!

But this! The idol is cheating!

"Relax. Now that we know when we will go back we will sit at the very back."

Liliana motioned with her gaze at the back. There were five seats there.

"Indeed. Nicely spotted. As expected from my rival." Erica praised her best friend and rival.

The girl always pulls through when one needs her!

"...Yeah-Yeah… sadly Utaha-senpai couldn't come with us. I wouldn't mind sitting with her as a secondary option." The Silver-haired girl sighed with disappointment.

"Heh, well you will be sitting with me. We can talk all about your book." The blonde grinned like a feline.



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