
A God is born

The fabric of what we know as reality has been torn. Nephlims, elves, humans,demons and other creatures find a way to survive together in this new world. A new ruler of hell has ascended the throne, does he want war like his predecessor or does he want a new age, does he want peace, and what happened to Lucifer morningstar, The Light bringer, King of Demons and former right hand of the creator, where is the creator himself in all these madness. But there is a prophecy, one that was born the day the world as we know it changed when humans discovered the existence of mana and other essences, a prophecy of a god, one that will make sure the world is safe once again. But many still wonder is this new age a blessing or a curse......

Roco_Lee · Fantaisie
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The History

2 millennials after the reign of Lucifer morningstar as the king of hell. A new ruler has ascended to the the throne, the most vicious dictator hell has seen, he is called the Dragon, no one knows his real name yet no one dares to even ask. You may be wondering what happened to Lucifer morningstar well here's how the story goes. We all know the story of Lucifer and the creator, the apocalypse that was predicted in which the creator shall visit our world one last time and Lucifer shall be defeated, well Lucifer was tired of sitting around so he trained the armies of the infernal realm to go to war against the celestial realm. They went to fight a war known as the fall

The day came and the battle was fought, Lucifer had successfully deceived more soldiers of the celestial realm to fight for him but even after all that the creator still prevailed but he was dissapointed in his former right hand so he took the soul of Lucifer and purified it and caged it until a man worthy and powerful enough to wield it is born.

The remaining demons were sent back to the infernal realm and warned to never wage war against the celestial realm again.

Then the creator left, no one knows where he is he left the archangel Michael to guard his realm but before he went he unlocked something in the universe something he never wanted beings to have but now he did cause he wanted to level the playing field.

Mana and Qi something that was soon going to change our future. When the celestials and demons dies their cumulative essence unlocked the fabric of what we know as reality allowing other beings to live amongst us. The fall has changed us forever but some believe it to be a good thing while others wish things will go back to how it used to be.