
Chapter 7: Weapons of choice

I then took our 3 items.

A comb, a deck of cards and a sash.

I levitated them, and showed them to everyone and said," These are your future weapons. Now, the materials these items are made out of are special materials which no mortal should have. They are godly material, so the weapon will choose the mortal. It's only if you are comparable with the weapon, will you be able to use it."

All of their faces was obviously shoving shock. I mean who would want to use these items as weapons.

"Now I know what you are probably thinking, who would use these items as weapons?

Well the answer is me. You see, you are being trained by gods. If you are going to use normal weapons your training might only take 1-3 years, and I also want the MO of Phantom to be weird.

Also, do not underestimate these 3 items. Trust me when I say even mortal weapons in the future will not be able to handle these items."

I then levitated the comb in front of everyone and explained it's characteristics.

"Firstly, this comb is made out of Brankanium. It is the hardest metal known to man or god. It cannot be broken. The most amount of damage which can be done to the weapon is being bent, and only the God Of Strength has been be able to bend it. (My father can disintegrate in and my fiancé can turn back time till it vaporizes but no need for you lot to know that.)

It's safe to say that it is near indestructible. The tips of the comb, is filled with nanotechnology. There are miniature robots there which upon contact will emit the strongest venom known to man. The venom of the multi-coloured snake.

Those who are chosen by this weapon must train well to fight while not hurting your comrades. The antidote to the venom will be injected into you, So you lot do not die if you get scratched accidentally."

I then raised the comb up, and then, green light shot out of the comb and enveloped a few children. The light then slowly disappeared and a similar weapon to the one I was holding appeared in their hands.

Next was the deck of cards I was holding. I levitated the deck while saying," The deck of cards, my personal choice. The casing of the cards is also made with Brankanium, the same material as the comb.

The cards itself are made from Picktanite. It is weaker than Brankanium, but way more flexible. The people who use this weapon will have a lot of versatility in their attacks, and will be able to kill easily as well.

Now, you will be given 52 cards, but be warned they are extremely sharp, and if you do not handle it with care, it might cut off your finger."

After that I did the same as the comb, and raised the deck of cards up, and a purple light shot from the cards and into a few of the children's hands.

Then I raised the last weapon, the sash. "Now, the sash is can be used either for close-quarters or extremely long range. To be honest, there is no limit for the range of the sash. It can even go across the multi-verse and kill your targets.

But, to be able to do that, you will need extreme control, as 1 wrong move or calculation, you might accidentally kill your comrade, or destroy the plant.

The sash itself is made from Wool from my good friend the god of sheep's. It is extremely delicate, so look after it."

I then, like the other 2 weapons, raised the sash, and it glowed dark-red in color and went to the remaining children.

"Now some of you must be wondering why you were not allowed to chose your weapons. Well it is simple. Your weapons are sentient. Your weapon chose you. There are specific things the weapons look for in a host, it can be courage, or can be wisdom, whatever it is, it is unique. NO 1 weapon is the same, so treat your weapon well, or you might not be able to use it."

Right as I was about to continue explaining some stuff, the sky in the Earth cracked open. You could literally see the realm of the gods. Out from there came one of my dear friends who likes to make a dramatic entrance all the time.

"Hello you maggots. My name is Epione, and I am the God of Training."

(A/N: Now, I know some of you will ask why did the MC have to take over a body, but this god not, well it is not that simple. As mentioned before, the gods will break the fabric of reality if they stay in their godly forms, that is why they take over a mortal. So, a god cannot stay in the mortal realm for too long. Epione is just a temporary character.)

"..." Everyone just stared blankly at him.

I then whispered to him," Bruh, I didn't even reach the part of introducing you. You ruined it."

His face immediately distorted, and he went to the corner to sulk and draw circles on the floor.

"Anyway, Epione is a good friend of mine from the realm of the gods, he will be assisting you in physical training and weapon mastery. In the next 5 years, you lot are tasked to reach the peak of your mortal bodies, and COMPLETLY master your weapons. Now, your training will begin." As I said that, Epione came back and started to teach all of the children basic exercises.

As I was walking into a room, Jason asked me," What are you going to do now brother?"

"Well, I was going to get help from Talia and create a temporal Algorithm which will tell me which events in time I can mess with, and not make any massive changes to the time-line. Pretty neat having the Goddess of time as your fiancé if you ask me."

And that is what I did. For the follow 5 years, I created the algorithm. Well I say created, more like I spent some time talking with my fiancé. We finished the algorithm in a week. Would have been faster if we weren't distracted.

I also spent some time mastering the cards as a weapon. I mean, I could just use my speed to rape the shit out of my future 'enemies' but that would be WAY too boring. I mean sure, I won't hide the fact that I am a speedster, pretty sure some organizations already know I might have powers because that is the only was I move around.

I am just going to use the cards to toy with people.

I also, created a city. I mean I do have control over the worldy laws, so with that, I was able to create my own city. I just did it so for the next 10 years I will be able to have a decent place to live at.

The kids wanted to name the Earth-169 into the Phantom Zone, so we did that as well. I mean I am here to mess around and have fun, so why not right?


(Time Skip 5 years.)

I was standing in front of the 'troops' and just analyzing their progress. I mean, right now, with the techniques Epione has taught them, and with him helping enhance the efficiency of their training, they would be able to take anyone at Earth 1, anyone but a handful like Thawne, but not for long.

'Time to even out the playing field.' I thought while looking at my 'troops.'

"I, the God Of Speed, grant all of you mortals, the right to access the realm of speed, as a Demi-God of Speed."

(A/N: I came up with something WAY cooler before, but I forgot it so I just didn't bother to write something else)

I actually wrote 3 chapters ahead, but this fucking chapter didnt get saved, so I had to re-write everything, so some of the stuff might feel rushed. I mean, who would like to re-write stuff????!!!

That's also why I got too lazy and just dind't upload

Fat_Cultivatorcreators' thoughts