
A Girl With Flaxen Hair

(Completed) In another world she had died. In this world, she wakes up with a second chance at life. "I died once, I don't care if I'll die again. I'll just enjoy my life here in the Narutoverse until my time's up." Start: August 2020 End: October 2020

SoraChen · Anime et bandes dessinées
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6 Chs

Chapter 5


Rasa scanned the girl, currently dressed as a boy, who had befriended his youngest son. She was part of the Hōki clan and also rumoured to be a genius by the medic-nins which unabled him to have her go on a suicide mission. The part where she would grow up to be a valuable shinobi reigned back the killing part. Suna was in dire need of manpower and a medic-nin is much more vakuable, not to mention a genius at that.

"Kazekage-sama, you're wondering if I should get killed for befriending the jinchuuriki am I right?" Yua said and she offered a friendly smile.

The Kazekage stared emotionlessly at her. Yua took it as a sign to continue, she had to bet her life with the identity of the Hōki clan(family). Currently Suna is in an economic and military crisis, the Hōki clan(family) is part of the only 3 clans in Suna. Surely he wouldn't kill a future (valuable) medic-nin, would he?

"What if I tell you that the niceties you think is making him unable to control the ichibi's power is actually the key to controlling it. I'm not sure how much you know about jinchuurikis and stuff, but based on my observations, the ichibi will only respect his holder and others when they don't view him as a monster and respect him. It's like when you're doing an alliance, you need mutual respect and a minimum small amount of trust for each other, no? Also Gaara is starting to control the sand easier now and he is gradually able to sleep more. I believe the key to using his sand more effectively is by raising him with extreme care," she said and offered another smile.

She thought, "I remember Chiyo said something about raising Gaara with great care because he was born prematurely or something and this guy went ahead and did the exact opposite."

* * *

Yua walked out of the Kazekage building in one piece and she was surprised at that. She had expected that Rasa would either kill her or send her to assassinate Gaara or any other thing related to death. Though she didn't fear death, it didn't mean that she wouldn't be grateful to be alive.

She had bet on her identity as the Hōki clan's member as her ticket to leaving alive, but when she thought about it more theories came up. One such theory being, "she is a main character in a fanfiction with tremendous luck because she's the protagonist."

Whatever it was, she's alive.

* * *

"Who are you?" A boy with brown hair asked as she left the Kazekage tower.

"Aah, Kankuro and Temari is here." She thought and tittered mentally.

"Is that any of your business?" she joked.

The boy turned red with fury and his sister placed her hand on his shoulder to calm him down.

"I'm joking," she laughed, "Name's Yua."

"I'm Temari." the girl with blonde hair replied.

"Temari huh? Beautiful name for a beautiful girl," Yua flirted (as flirtatiously a young cross-dresser can do). Inside her mind, it was filled with a chain of chaotic laughter and small apologies sent to Shikamaru.

Said girl blushed and looked away.

"Kankuro and that's my sister." Kankuro said as he tried to act intimidating.

Yua just smiled and nodded.

* * *

"Yua, can you come here for a moment?" Hina called out to her daughter.

"Coming!" Yua shouted from her room. She descended down to the living room and found a wrinkly old lady with fading purple hair tied in a bun staring at her. Unconsciously, she straightened her back and looked at her mother with a stare that demanded an explaination as to why an elder of Suna would be here (not that her mother knew that Yua recognized who Chiyo was).

"Yua, this is Chiyo-sama. She will be your mentor from now on." Hina explained.

Yua's mouth unhinged and it stayed that way for a few seconds before her brain absorbed the sentence.

"The fu...? Why is Chiyo here? Why would she want to take care of a brat like me or extra character like me?" she thought.

Seeing that her daughter had somehow broke down, Hina offered refreshments to the guest of the house. Chiyo looked at the small 6 year old girl (dressed like a boy) who looked like the world had collapse and sighed. She wondered why she decided to take her under her wing after her retirement. Originally that was what she intended as the girl was rumoured to be a genius and somehow the Kazekage had also coincidentally ordered(requested) the best medic(who happens to be Chiyo) to train the girl.

"Is this a test? Why? How? What?!" Yua mentally groaned. She hated how the current world she lives in was filled with schemes, sure she may watch alot of animes filled with schemes and evil plans. But, having experience it herself was a massive headache. She wondered why people had to be so complicated. The world would've been a better place if people were more straightforward and unproblematic.

"At least I get to learn some puppet skills? I mean, it could've been worse. I could've been reborn in Kiri with a kekkei genkai....Positivity, positivity." she mumbled inside her head.

* * *

After that, Yua's life went into a repeating cycle of studying, training and now, playing with the Kazekage's descendants. Nothing interesting happened, except for memorable moments where she 'accidentally' released aphrodisiac on a lair of lizards and laughing gas at the hired genins. Yea, she got her punishments after that.

