
A Girl Summoned As a Hero ?!!

DianaB4 · Fantaisie
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14 Chs

Chapter 2: Report to the King

"Your majesty, I have a report on summoning of a hero." First Wizard Randal inclined his head as he spoke to the king. Such familiarity would not be acceptable but they were in the king's private rooms not in court.

"Who is he?" the king asked between bites of his breakfast.

"She is Jemma, the granddaughter of your father's royal wizard."

"A girl? The hero in prophecy is a girl?" the king was sceptical at best.

"She is the most powerful practitioner of magic the world has ever seen. It is good she is female I shudder to think what a male practitioner of magic would do with the power she has. She is a Grand Wizardess, a witch, sorceress, prophetess, conjurer, dragon lord, and according to the vision I had of the hero, has an affinity to all magics. She is completely untrained and I can only train her to be a first wizard. She will have to learn grand wizardry from books and tomes in the wizards keep. I don't know of any grand wizards alive, unless her father is alive. As for witchcraft there are a few witches in the town but only one I trust, she is in the Hills of Renalla. And the sorcer Pollard can train her in sorcery. As for congering and dragon training she will have to figure it out."

"Will she not have the horrible headaches that come from untrained magic?"

"Her stepparents said she has gotten headaches but for the most part, has not had the debilitating headaches of a young wizard. I looked at her house and through magical lenses and she has infused magic into everything including the ground, the walls of the house, and the furniture. There are protection wards infused into the land that are primal. I have never seen anything like the magic she infused into the weaponry and gardening tools. I couldn't even enter the yard without being invited. There were no weeds or pests in their garden. I was baffled by what I saw. Like I said before this much power in a male would be frightening, but a female is not as power hungry and will be able to control her magic."

"I want to meet her."

"I summoned her last night. She should be here in days. I used the wells to get there and back quickly."

"I will never understand well travel."

"I dial the location of the destination well in the surface of the well. The well feels up with liquid silver that transports me to that location in seconds."

"I'll take your word for it."

There was a knock on the door causing the king and the wizard to both jump. "Enter," the king called.

"Father, I had a vision, a girl is coming to the castle to meet you. She is a powerful wizardess. Her name is Jemma. We need her but she must live in the city with the people not the wizards keep."