
Chapter 1

The weather was perfect. Sunny with some clouds, just how I like it. Hence I left my house for a walk. I kept on walking aimlessly on the streets of London. There weren't many people on the streets. Suddenly I had an urge to drink. So I went towards the direction of my favourite cafe.

It took me about seven minutes, just as I entered the cafe all my attention was caught by a very pretty girl. Who was sitting near the window.She was wearing black jeans with a white top. Her black cardigan was hanging on the back of the chair that she had occupied.Her things were arranged in an orderly manner on the table that was in front of her and she was drinking something that looked like hot chocolate from a ceramic mug, while reading a thick novel.

Sunrays were directly falling on her, enhancing her beauty. She had Amaranth-red hair and it tumbled over her shoulders. She had glossy skin, slender eyebrows and dainty nose.

I didn't even know when I had reached the table right beside hers.I sat there looking at her for more than five minutes, and atlast a waiter, who might have actually gotten embarrassed because of what I was doing came to intrupt and loudly asked for my order. Seriously was their a need to shout, I know I shouldn't stare at anyone but man I am appreciating beauty. I gave him a glance, 'Iced Horchata Latte' was all that I said and made him leave.

I turned my face towards her, only to find out that her eyes never left her book like come on is that book that interesting. DING. Just then i got a msg on my phone . It was from my brother, looks like I need to report to my new office at 8 on next Monday morning. Ha! I guess my freedom ends here. When will I be able to live my life like I want to? Many thoughts were in my head. I put my elbows on the table and rested my chin on my palm.Just then my Latte came, the same waiter loudly said 'sir you'r order'. I mumbled a response, my eyes never leaving the beauty.

She was reading her book and I was trying to read her expressions. We both sat there like that for fifteen minutes. I had finished my drink ages ago but I just didn't feel like leaving.After about five more minutes she closed her novel, got up, wore her cardigan, adjusted her top and left the cafe. I immediately followed her. That waiter shouted 'Sir are you leaving?' Man this one is going to be the dead of me. I ignored him and went behind the girl. I know I shouldn't do this but I can't seem to be able to stop myself.

While I was having second thoughts I ended up losing her, well that's better otherwise she might think I am a pervert. Now that I had lost her I went on my way to my home.

But just as I turned I saw her near a flower shop. Surrounded my different flowers, she looked no less gorgeous than them.

After a couple of moments she started walk and then turned left. I turned left as well. She was infront of me,walking softly, neither fast nor slow.

Had she not been in front, I might have thought it was her turn to follow me because this was litterely the way to my house.

While I was thinking about this. I stumble on a rock, and fell on my face, I hurriedly got up and looked at her. And found out that she was looking at me. Our eyes met, we stood there for good two minutes just staring at each others eyes, her eyes were wide open as if she was caught by surprise and mine were wide open because of embarrassment.

Suddenly she turned and ran towards my house. That's when I found out I was already at my street, but the main question was why was she running towards my house. No,she walked pass my house and unlocked the house that was right beside mine. That's the house of aunt Emily, why would she have the keys to her house, is she her relative. But I thought aunt was alone. Ah! I remember know she might be her adopted daughter who was studying in America.

I looked at the sky and smirked lightly. And went inside my house with the thought that life is now going to be quite interesting.