
A Girl from FUTURE in 2016

"Love with no time boundaries" Explore love story of Alice and Liam through Aidens eyes. A 5 year old finding a diary in his house store room. Find out how Alice got missing and what happened to her.

Nikita_Verma_6979 · Urbain
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YEAR: 2021(Liam's Office)

Liam giving an amount of money to a person in black and asking if she did the work he assigned or not. Then she hands him an envelope, and then leave. He opens the envelope and finds out there are some pictures of a lady non-other than beautiful Alice sitting on her chair and working. After seeing picture he went in deep thinking~


2016(when he was 23 and first time saw Alice on his film ser talking to a man)

Liam was busy in reading and memorizing his line while his co-actress was busy in fancying his charming face. After few minutes he heard a girl scolding to a man for not doing his properly. Even though Liam was egoistic but he never insulted his staff member, which made him angry then he went towards the girl and asked her who is she to scold him and who gave her the right to scold him, the man standing there was about to explain everything but immediately Alice spoke and said that she is elder sister of the man and government her the right to do this. After speaking she glared at her brother and then left the place. The man was saying sorry for what her sister did, Liam's heart was pleased after listening her voice but the brain was angry about what she did and how can she shout at him at "THE LIAM" as you know in the fight between heart and brain; brain wins, he started hating her the moment she left and didn't want to see her face again


A tiny drop of tear fell down from his eyes as he started remembering the moment or the memory.

YAER: 2098(Aiden's Aunt Living room)

Aiden's mother was sitting on the couch at afternoon holding the diary; after few seconds she opened a particular page in the diary and started reading it.

Alice's Diary:-

My day was going on great until I got a message from Chris informing me that my brother Brian messed up the plan and I have to visit though he is not my own brother but I treat him like my own. When I went to the address Chris gave me it was a film set where shooting was going on. Then I found him (Brian) looking clueless because he was at wrong film set, then I grabbed his arm and pulled him I side, while I was scolding him a man approached us and started scolding me without knowing I was and what the hell we were dealing through, then I left the place and sat inside my car, for thinking a new plan of what he (Brian) messed up. But I was sad that we missed this chance, so I texted Chris, Brian and Priya the new plan and venue and left the place."

Aiden's mother closed the diary and went to talk with Aiden's aunt. She asked her that what if Aiden don't believe on what's written inside the diary. Aiden's aunt replied that that's over him to believe or not, but he should know what's inside this diary and why. Then Aiden's mother nodded and decided to read it for him.