
Werewolves' Bond


Victoria sighed as she saw Felix give her the 'i told you don't look with the side of her eyes. "Let me rephrase, Have you seen her before?" 

"Yes." The cop replied.

At this point, sia's heart skipped a bit and she thought of running out from where she was hiding and rushing towards them.


In Universe two....

Leo landed on the floor immediately he arrived at the gate of his home town which was the Kennel. It had been such a terrible journey for him, as he had walked all the way from earth with hunger and pain from all the injuries that he had gotten from Felix and his vampires.

The wounds had not yet healed because he had not eaten any proper food all through his journey. He sighed happily when he saw that he was already at the gate of the Kennel, then he collapsed in front of the werewolves that where on guard as everything turned to darkness in front of him.

Few minutes later, he coughed himself up from his little slumber. At first, everything around him seemed a bit blurry but after a few moments, they started to clear up. 

Soon enough he could see the people around him clearly. He saw a lady in nurse's uniform and the Alpha 1 standing beside her.

He tried to stand up on his fit, but the Lady tapped his chest asking him to relax a little bit.

"You'd be fine don't worry all your wounds are already healed, you just need to eat this food and you'd be on your feet again." The lady stated pointing at a well prepared food that was already set beside the bed on a side stool.

Leo sighed deeply as he looked away from the food on to his body, the wounds seemed to have been healed up as the holes that they had caused earlier where all sealed up except for the particles of blood that was on his body.

He tried to sit up slowly so that he could eat the food that had been prepared for him, but he groaned slowly due to the pains that he still felt. 

The Alpha1 signaled to the nurse, who took a bow and left shortly afterwards. When he was sure that the nurse had gone, the alpha one turned to Leo and asked him;

"What really happened?"

Leo sighed as he hungrily ate the food that was in front of him. The Alpha1 did not get offended, neither did he say a word, he just stood by and watched him eat to his satisfaction.

When he was done with all the food that was given to him to it, Leo relaxed on the bed stretching to his full length, then he turned to the Alpha1 not knowing what to say.

He knew that the Alpha1 wanted to know everything that had happened to him so that he could avenge in anyway if he could. But on the other hand he knew that if he told the Alpha1 the whole truth that, he would not want to break his promise to Felix by fighting by his side. And Leo did not want that. He wanted Felix to fight alone.

Leo sighed deeply to himself, he knew that he could not lie to the Alpha1 even if he wanted to without him finding out. This was due to his Superior wolf bond. The Superior wolf bond was something that each hierachy wolf had, that made them to know when any werewolf with a lower rank was telling a lie.

Since the Alpha1 was the highest in the hierachy of the werewolves, he literally knew when any werewolf was telling a Lie.

Leo rolled his eyes as he started to narrate everything that had happened between himself, Felix and the rest. He also told him about Felix request for Him to fulfill his promise of coming to his aid whenever he needed him.

"I'd plead that you do not go to his aid Alpha1, let's let him fight on his own and die. That is the least we can do for all the members of our Race that he had put to death with that powerful sword that he stole from us the day he visited us in the Kennel." Leo muttered at the end if his narration.

The Alpha1 sighed. "I wish it was that easy, but I already gave him my word and Our bond, what kind of Alpha1 would I be if I break our sacred bond. I have to fulfill my promise to him. But I have my plans on how to make him pay for all his sins." He stated.

Leo's eyes widened in curiousity as he wondered what the Alpha1 meant by the last statement that he had just uttered.


Sia managed to hold her self in the particular spot where she was watching the whole conversation with the vampires and the cop from.

"So tell me, where and when did you see the lady on the picture." Victoria asked again still staring deeply into the cop's eyes. 

Every other vampire listened attentively to hear what the cop was going to say, include Felix who was now curious.

"I saw her a few months ago, when she was arrested for beating up a cop. A weird man had bailed her after that." The cop answered.

Sia hieved a sigh of relief as she sat on the floor. Even Wendy and Josh hieved happily as they where watching and listening from Tiffany's house.

Felix chuckled, momentarily his chuckling turned into a full fledged laughter. 

"What?!." Victoria asked frowning.

"Don't you see, this was a total waste of our precious time" he answered as he stormed out of the police department with a group of other vampires following closely behind him.

The cop stared at them confusedly. "Is everything okay? Did I say anything wrong?" He asked.

"No, you said everything just right, if you find out about any of the missing persons, please do no not hesitate to contact us" Victoria stated with a smile on her face before walking away. The cop just nodded, still confused.

Sia sighed deeply. As all the vampires went out of the building. 


(WRITERS NOTE: Thanks to everyone for following up the story so far. I'd like to see more reviews as it would help future updates, if you haven't dropped any reviews yet, please do, I hope you enjoy as more updates will be posted everyday.. https://chat.whatsapp.com/KJ4wbTeFKfiJbnYnYWrzmt Click on the link to join the Whatsapp group where Thousands of other Lovers of the Book from all over the world talk about the book and bring about opinions for upcoming chapters.  

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