This is a finished fic j posted on my wattpad Profile RATAPOTHESIS you will have no control over it so no point complaining this exists in the fictional crusaderverse which those of you who use wattpad may know as the universe created by emilem
God y/n:Bippity boppity your soul is my property
He said this whilst yanking an average soul from earth named Bradley.
You see Bradley was particularly special for he was English and had been drinking a perfectly brewed cup of tea at the time before he faceplanted into it due to God y/n.
Obviously he got angry.
God y/n:here have it back then.
Suddenly it poofed intoBradleys hands as he started drinking the divine brew.When he was done God was staring right at him with a deadpan and said.
God y/n:so your getting transmigration with a system as one of my crusaders no that doesent mean you can't have sex so don't ask.
Bradley:umm do I get anything extra?
God y/n:yes you get one item of your choice and beacause I'm feeling generous I'll also gift you one set of power that doesent 8nstantly make you op.
Bradley:ok then,can I have the fountain of youth from seven deadly sins and steven universes skill set of course I'll have to level it from the beggining though to make it non op.
God y/n:I'm perfectly fine with that but beacause you chose a very op combination you will have teeny weeny punishment that you can get rid of when you max one of Steven's skills.
Bradley:what is it?
God y/n:you can't taste food or drink.
He stated this whilst directing attention to the cup of tea.
Bradley:fuck.Anyway I assume I get to choose my world and if so I choose the summoner by Taran Matharu due to its magic system being very useful to my future plans.
You see Bradley has allways schemed about what he would do if this happened and he had a plan on how to become stupidly op.Possibly more op than a certain angry boi.*cuts to crusader y/n eating the corpses of demonic prostitutes*
God:yea ya get to pick and now thats done bye.
He placed his thumb on Bradley's forehead throwing him through the multiverse.
spiral void nearly made him somehow void his non existant bowels as he was thrust through every conceivable timeline.
As our protagonist landed he heard a young voice
Voice:are you okay
It was at that moment Bradley realized who he was speaking to it was Fletcher Raleigh the fucking main character.But what was worse was
He was 11 years old.
End point
We see our hero Bradley flying on a dragon screaming about cheese wheels and some elf named Malfor.