
A Game of Bast

In a galaxy far, far away, a skilled Jedi Knight named Malik, guided by the Panther God Bast, finds himself transported to the Game of Thrones universe in the land of Westeros.

Lania_Avery · Livres et littérature
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22 Chs


: A Stark Family Altered

In this alternate universe where Malik had ventured from a galaxy far, far away, the dynamics within the Stark family had shifted, and the absence of a key figure left an indelible mark on their lives.

**The Missing Jon Snow:** Jon Snow, the illegitimate son of Eddard Stark, was nowhere to be found in this reality. Instead, Micah, the youngest Stark son, had taken his place as the Stark child born out of wedlock. While Jon Snow had once been the outsider within Winterfell, Micah's position in the family was quite different.

**Micah, the Bastard:** Micah was raised in Winterfell, but the circumstances of his birth had created a divide within the family. He had been acknowledged as Eddard Stark's son, but the stigma of being a bastard remained. The relationship between Micah and his half-siblings, particularly Robb and Sansa, was distant. While they didn't outright shun him, there was a palpable sense of separation.

**Arya's Outcast Spirit:** Arya, with her independent and rebellious spirit, had always been the odd one out in the Stark family, even more so without Jon Snow's presence. She gravitated towards Micah, finding in him a kindred spirit who shared the experience of being on the fringes of the Stark family circle. Together, they became unlikely allies in their quest for adventure and freedom.

**Sansa's Different Path:** In this reality, without Jon Snow to befriend, Sansa's life took a different trajectory. She became more focused on her dreams of marrying into nobility and fulfilling her role as a lady. Her ambitions and aspirations often put her at odds with Arya, who refused to conform to traditional gender roles.

**Robb's Burden of Leadership:** As the eldest legitimate son, Robb Stark carried the weight of the family's expectations and the responsibility of future leadership. His relationship with Micah was complex, as he struggled to balance his duty as a brother with his obligations as the heir to Winterfell.

**Family Tensions:** The absence of Jon Snow altered the Stark family dynamic significantly. The sense of unity and loyalty that once defined their bonds had frayed. While the Starks remained a close-knit family at heart, the scars of these altered relationships lingered beneath the surface, a reflection of the unique circumstances of this universe.

Despite the changes in their family dynamics, the Stark children, with Malik's presence and guidance, would soon find themselves facing new challenges and forging their own destinies in the complex and unpredictable world of Westeros.

Rob and Micah found themselves in the quiet corner of the Winterfell library, surrounded by ancient tomes and scrolls. The flickering candlelight cast dancing shadows on the wooden shelves.

Rob, the eldest Stark son and heir to Winterfell, ran a hand through his dark hair, his brow furrowed in deep thought. Micah, his younger half-brother, sat across from him, engrossed in a book on strategy.

After a long silence, Rob finally spoke, his voice carrying a hint of uncertainty. "Micah, I've been thinking..."

Micah glanced up from his book, his keen blue eyes meeting Rob's. "What's on your mind, Rob?"

Rob hesitated for a moment before continuing, "I can't help but feel sometimes that I'm not as... clever as you are."

Micah raised an eyebrow, surprised by Rob's confession. "What do you mean, Rob? You're a brilliant leader, and your strategic mind has guided us through many challenges."

Rob sighed and leaned back in his chair. "It's just that... you excel in so many things. You're quick-witted, resourceful, and you have a talent for seeing solutions that I sometimes miss. Arya admires your adventurous spirit, and even Father seems to seek your counsel more often."

Micah leaned forward, his expression thoughtful. "Rob, I've always looked up to you. You're the one who's going to lead Winterfell and protect our family. What I lack in leadership skills, you more than make up for. We complement each other."

Rob smiled faintly but still seemed uncertain. "I know, Micah, but sometimes I wonder if I'm prepared for what lies ahead. Father's footsteps are big shoes to fill, and I don't want to let our family down."

Micah reached out and placed a reassuring hand on Rob's shoulder. "Rob, you've been training for this your whole life. Winterfell is in your blood, and you have the wisdom and strength to lead. Don't compare yourself to me or anyone else. Be your own kind of leader, and I have no doubt you'll do great things."

Rob met Micah's gaze, and a sense of gratitude washed over him. "Thanks, Micah. Your words mean a lot to me. I guess I just needed a reminder that leadership comes in many forms."

Micah grinned. "Exactly, Rob. We each have our strengths, and together, we'll make a formidable team. Winterfell will be in good hands with you as its lord."

As the brothers continued their conversation, the library's hushed ambiance seemed to embrace them, reminding them of the unbreakable bond that tied the Stark family together, strengths and differences alike.