
A Flawless Legacy (Waifu Catalog SI)

A person from gets Waifu Catalog System and uses it to reincarnate himself in the Naruto world. Now a newly orphaned Ren Uchiha comes over to live with Fugaku and his family. Wait!? Itachi is a girl? Mito Uzumaki, Ringo Ameyuri and other beautiful women are still alive? The other villages realised how awesome I am and want to go to war with Konoha? Watch as our SI shocks everyone with his abilities and goes on to become the strongest in the world while getting himself a few waifus on the side. For advanced chapters: https://www.p@treon.com/ankit1

Fortunate_Soul · Anime et bandes dessinées
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65 Chs

Chapter 60- Divine Tier Item

Ren Uchiha POV

He gazed at end result of his weeks of hard work, having finally succeeded in creating his own Divine Energy Vessel. ​

He hadn't used any of the basic Mangekyo Sharingan in its creation, as he wanted to reserve his weaker eyes for his clansmen. And he had only used a single pair of Rinnegan, as using more of those eyes turned out to be far harder than he'd anticipated.

No, the Energy Vessel before him comprised only one pair of Rinnegan and nearly four thousand pairs of Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan eyes. And powerful enough that if a Genin wielded its true power against him, then even as powerful as he was now, he felt that he might lose.

He used Observe to study it.

EMS Energy Vessel (Divine tier item): A marvel crafted by Ren Uchiha following his study of the Tenseigan Energy Vessel devised by Homura Otsutsuki. Utilising his grand mastery of Fuinjutsu and Iryojutsu, Ren brought this creation to life. Within it reside 2 Rinnegan and 7777 pairs of Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan eyes.

The functions of this item are as follows:

Reality Manipulation: The user possesses the ability to alter their current reality at will. Techniques such as Izanagi and Izanami can be invoked limitlessly without any hindrance.

Energy Generation: Designed primarily for energy generation, this artifact produces approximately 11 million Chakra Points per second.

Rinnegan Abilities: The wielder of this item gains access to all Rinnegan abilities. Resurrecting people incurs no vitality drain on the user; instead, the cost is deducted from the nearly infinite energy generated by the item. Entire villages can be revived within seconds, countries within minutes, and worlds within hours.

Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan: The user can wield all the powers of a usual Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan. Capable of creating a Susanoo of such immense might that it can cleave an entire continent in half with a swing of its sword.

Chakra Cloak: The vast energy generated by this item envelops the user in a chakra cloak, exponentially enhancing their abilities and granting them the capability of flight. Think of usual Kurama's Tailed Beast Cloak, amplified tenfold.

Copy-eye: With a mere glance at the abilities of other Mangekyo Sharingan eyes, the user can replicate their unique powers effortlessly.​

Despite having expected the EMS Energy Vessel to be rather amazing after learning of its status as a Divine Tier item, its description still filled him with utterly astonished.

'Holy fuck, this item is OP.' He thought and then immediately corrected himself. 'It is so OP, in fact, that it makes the other OP items in this world look like kid's toys.'

The amount of chakra it generated per second was more than thrice that of his total Chakra Points, and about a sixth of Saiken's total Chakra Points.

And the reality manipulation… he wondered what it said about him that the first thing he thought after gaining this ability was whether or not it can be used to genderbend someone like Minato. So that he could then have both 'her' and Kushina together.

Though he had a feeling that it won't be capable of something like this. Or maybe it would be capable of such a thing but not until he has Mastered this item. Maybe someday in the future, but not anytime soon.

And as for the Resurrection part that makes him capable of reviving the population of a dead world within a matter of hours… yeah, better not to think about it too much lest he develops a god complex.

With trembling hands, he performed one final seal, pressing his hand against the EMS Energy Vessel and transferring it within a seal etched into his heart. This seal lay within the same Tenketsu point that, if ever opened, would unlock the Eighth and Final Gate of the Eight Gate Forbidden Technique, leading to his death.

This act meant that the Energy Vessel was now sealed within him for the rest of his life, granting him the ability to generate 11 million Chakra Points per second.

Then, he experienced an excruciating pain surging within him as a colossal amount of chakra surged through his Chakra Pathway, enveloping him in a shroud so potent that he would have appeared like a sun to any observer from the outside.

Good thing he'd come to moon to conduct this experiment, or he would've attracted the attention of every single living being in Earth due to the sheer magnitude of chakra he was generating.

-19,717 HP due to Chakra Overload!

+19,717 HP due to the healing effect of the Chakra Shroud!

-25,962 HP due to Chakra Overload!

-25,962 HP due to the healing effect of the Chakra Shroud!

-15,850 HP due to Chakra Overload!

-15,850 HP due to the healing effect of the Chakra Shroud!


You've gained +1 Resistance to the Chakra Overload!


The constant breaking and repairing of your body has given you a massive boost in your Vitality!

+100 Vit!

-14,043 HP due to Chakra Overload!

+14,043 HP due to the healing effect of the Chak…

And so it continued.

Over the next few hours, his body endured countless cycles of destruction and reconstruction as the chakra surged through his Chakra Pathways and tore its way out of his body. Until finally, he developed enough resistance and vitality to contain the 11 million units of chakra points generated within his body.

And even then, his eyes continued to glow like flashlight. As if he was the god damned Emperor of Mankind or something.

He was sure the effect would dissipate with time but till then, he would have to endure having his eyes do the job of a flashlight.

At that moment, he felt his Company Device buzz in his pocket and took it out to check what happened. To his amazement, he discovered that after embedding the Divine Tier item within his heart, he had ascended from the Peak of Tier 7 to Tier 9, skipping an entire tier in the process.

He couldn't help but muse that the only thing truly surprising at this point was that possessing the ability to resurrect an entire world within a few hours hadn't already propelled him to Tier 10.

Even more absurd was that all these advancements were attributed to his Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan eyes.

He pondered what would occur if he utilised his Rinnegan eyes to craft a Divine Energy Vessel. Thus far, he hadn't deciphered the method to create one with Rinnegan eyes. But he couldn't forget that he possessed over 11,000 pairs of them—equating to over 22,000 Rinnegan eyes.

Should he succeed in fashioning a Divine Vessel with 'those' eyes, he would undoubtedly ascend to Tier 10, or perhaps even Tier X, though he personally doubted it.

For now… time to test his new abilities.

With a mere exertion of his will, the landscape around him transformed. Where once the moon's surface lay barren and pocked with craters, now it bloomed into a vibrant forest, bustling with life.

He observed that the effect extended only to about a hundred meters around him, indicating a limitation to his reality manipulation. However, compared to abilities like Izanagi or Izanami, which could alter the reality of a single person once, this was on an entirely different scale.

He also noticed that the forest and animals around him would eventually die out due to the infertile soil, and the solar winds that buffeted the moon on a regular basis.

He… knew how to deal with it. If he wished, he could completely terraform the entire planetoid within a few hours or days, transforming it into a habitable environment for ordinary people. But what purpose would that serve? Aside from, perhaps, turning the moon into a vacation destination for his family.

Another flex of his will, and the reality changed again, the teeming forest being replaced back to its original barren land, as if nothing had happened here in the first place.

Then, he used the Reality Manipulation, and tore open a gate to another dimension. The one filled with magma. The high cost of chakra required to keep such a portal was now insignificant to him.

He proceeded to open another portal, then another, and another, until he held aloft over a hundred gateways to a hundred different dimensions. The only indication that this action was slightly taxing on him was the intensified glow of his eyes.

Then, with a mere exertion of his will, he closed all the portals.

Next, he ventured into another form of space manipulation—one he had long desired to master: teleportation. More specifically, Line of sight Teleportation.

One moment, he was standing in one place, the next moment, he was standing a hundred meters away.

He frowned, noticing the limitation of this power. Since his Reality Manipulation only spreads to about a hundred meter around him, he can only teleport within that area. Well… he can improve his range in any one direction with a flex of his will, but that'll come with time and practice.

With that done, he used the Reality Manipulation to change something… about himself.

One moment, he was a young adult, the next moment, he was a young 7-year-old boy. The same age as he had been before he went to the Time Acceleration Barrier and forced himself to age up.

The next moment, he was an old man, his long white beard rivalling the magnificence of any esteemed Sect Master in a Xianxia world.

The next moment, he was a 9 feet tall human, bulging with muscles, with a cock of such immense size that the sight of it alone would make any woman flee in terror.

He chuckled to himself before he returned back to his original form.

He still had a few more things that he needed to check about his new powers, but those things can be done later. For now…

He opened a portal and arrived in the middle of his Living room back in Konoha.

Ringo and Mito, engaged in conversation by the fireplace, halted their discussion as they noticed his arrival. Ringo appeared on the verge of speaking, but her words caught in her throat as she glimpsed his glowing eyes, and...

"Did you just bleach your hair?" Ringo inquired, her expression one of puzzlement as she gently placed a hand on her eight-month-pregnant belly.

"Bleach my hair?" he echoed, perplexed. He then created a mirror using Crystal Release to inspect himself and realised that his hair had turned entirely white, reminiscent of Madara's transformation upon becoming the Jinchuriki of the Ten Tails.

 ​He checked his forehead to ensure he hadn't sprouted a third eye, but fortunately—or unfortunately—he had not.

He wouldn't have minded having a third eye; he thought it might add to his allure.

"I think we should inquire about why his eyes are gleaming like headlights in the dark while we're at it," Mito dryly remarkedas he approached them. He leaned in to kiss Mito on the cheek before dropping to his knees and planting a gentle kiss on Ringo's swollen belly, feeling the presence of his child within her.

"Yes. Care to explain, husband?" Ringo asked, a hint of amusement in her tone. "Is this some Jutsu you've created to help miners?"

"No," he replied simply. Then, with a mere exertion of his will, he reached out to the various Hirahsin markers he'd placed on his 'waifus' and used them to summon Pakura, Mei, and Yugito to his side. He briefly considered bringing Shisui as well, but since she wasn't counted among his 'waifus', he decided against it.

The three of them gave surprised reactions to their sudden change in locations, before they noticed his presence and calmed down.

"Sit. All of you. I have a few things I want to tell you."


Next day.

"Did it work?" he inquired, watching as Shisui slowly opened her eyes, already aware that it had been successful. Even without his Observe skill, he could now 'feel' these things.

He hadn't yet comprehensively cataloged all the changes he had undergone upon implanting that divine tier item within himself, but he had a growing suspicion that he wasn't entirely human anymore.

"I can see the world more clearly now." Shisui said, sounding awed. Understandable as he had a similar reaction when he first unlocked the Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan. "And… I don't feel any pressure in my eyes either. In fact, I hadn't even realized I was experiencing that strain until now that I can feel its absence."

"That's good to hear. Congratulations on being one of the very few people who have ever unlocked Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan."

"Thank you, Ren." Shisui said, looking rather emotional.

"Don't mention it." He said and then gave her an exaggerated leacherous look. "Just let me clap those cheeks once you're old enough."

Shisui chuckled. "Kami. You've become even more leacherous since… whatever it is you did to yourself." She remarked, then paused. "Are you still fucking Mito, Yugito and Pakura? Because if so, then I would rather not go back back home just now."

"Nah, I've finally worn them out," he replied, his thoughts briefly drifting to the orgy he had orchestrated in the aftermath of that meeting, Mei and Ringo abstaining due to their pregnancies.

He had split himself into four, to make sure to lavish attention to all his wives.

Right now, one of him just left to track down Black Zetsu, while another set out in search of Isshiki and the Ten Tails concealed within his Pocket Dimension. And the third one… left to talk with Tsunade.

"That's good to hear." Shisui said before she leaned toward him and went on her tip toes before placing a kiss on his lips.

"Oi oi. Back off, you thirsty bitch. Pedophile is only acceptable when I'm the shota and you're the big-titted onii-chan taking advantage of me."

Shisui scoffed at his words but backed off, giving him a contemplative look. "I suppose I'll just have to wait a few more years before I can rock your world."

He smiled and ruffled her hair. "Yes, go back to the kiddie house for now. I have important, adult matters to attend to," he said, contemplating his plans to travel to Ame and seduce Konan. Then again, perhaps meeting with Naori Uchiha would be a better option?

Shisui rolled her eyes. "Bid adult things my ass. You're probably just going to go and try to seduce a woman or something."

"Ack! How did you… no, I mean." He coughed in his hands, looking a bit embarrassed. "Hey, stop giving me that judgmental look. I'll have you know I'm a perfect gentleman."

"You literally beat up all the women in those S-class kunoichis and threatened them into joining your harem." Shisui said, giving him a deadpanned look.

"No, that's not at all how it went down. Those women were completely smitten with me from the moment they laid eyes on me. They practically threw themselves at my feet, begging to be a part of my harem," he countered with a self-assured grin.

"Mhmm..." Shisui nodded, arms crossed, appearing completely convinced. And if there was a hint of sarcasm in her eyes, then it went totally unnoticed.

"Yup. And being the magnanimous person I am, I welcomed them into my harem with open arms."

"Of course. And do your women know that you're spreading such rumours about them?"



Tsunade POV

She gazed at the monthly financial report in utter shock, her hands trembling slightly as she questioned whether there had been some sort of error.

"Shizune!" she called out, and her disciple promptly entered her office.

"Yes, Sensei?"

"What is this?" she inquired, presenting the report to her disciple, who blinked before nodding in comprehension.

"That's the monthly financial report of our medical devision." Shizune explained. As if she didn't already know that.

"No, I'm asking why are there so many numbers on it. Someone clearly made a mistake."

"Ah, there's no need to worry, Sensei. I've already double-checked the report, and it appears to be correct," Shizune assured her.

She regarded her apprentice with a look that disbelief. "...and how on earth have we managed to earn a net profit of over Six Hundred Million Ryo in a single month? That's more than we've made in the past three years combined." Then she paused, her tone souring. "Did Ren have something to do with this?" she asked, not wanting to discuss her other traitorous disciple at the moment.

"Well, yes... but no." Shizune said, looking a little embarrassed.

"What do you mean by that?"

"Do you recall the beauty-enhancing, skin-cleansing, and wrinkle-removing jutsus you developed after Ren provided you with those ideas, Sensei?"

"Yes, go on," she prompted, then paused as realisation dawned. "Wait! Are you suggesting that those jutsus were the cause of our elevated monthly earnings?"

"Yes, Sensei. Apparently, the medics we dispatched to those newly built hospitals in major cities attracted a significant clientele of noble women seeking those jutsus to enhance their beauty," Shizune explained. "In fact, the medics have already submitted a petition to close the hospital and transform it into a beauty spa instead."

"That's…" ridiculous, she wanted to say. But she knew what lengths some women would go to in order to retain their youth. She herself was no exception, having developed a completely new Transformation Jutsu to preserve her youthful appearance after prematurely aging from excessive use of Healing Jutsu during the Second Shinobi War.

So she instead asked. "Do those women really have that much wealth? Isn't the current economy of the world in shambles?"

"I've heard rumors of women selling their jewelry, properties, or even taking out loans to afford our med-nin's services. Though, many simply coerce their husbands into footing the bill," Shizune replied, sounding highly amused.

"…I see. So there is really no mistake in this?"

"No, Sensei."

She nodded and pondered this for a moment, her mind briefly drifting to thoughts of indulging in gambling with the newfound wealth before she refocused on the present matters at hand.

"Approve the requests to establish a beauty spa. However, do not close the hospital. Instead, acquire or lease a new property nearby and proceed with the spa there. Our medics can work part time there in there off hours." she instructed, and Shizune nodded in acknowledgment.

"Ah… what about the hiring of shinobi, Sensei?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well… our medical shinobi got kidnapped in three separate occasions last month. All three times by people sent by those noble women." Shizune said, sounding more exasperated than anything. "After rescuing the medics for the third time, we bolstered the security of those new hospitals and now have a permanent guard stationed there. If we establish a Beauty Spa specializing in such jutsu, we'll need to hire even more shinobi to protect them."

"Then do it. We clearly have the wealth to afford it." She said, then added. "In fact, I'll create a few more Jutsu to help make women more beautiful."

That treacherous disciple of hers had already filled her mind with a plethora of ideas for new jutsu. A fat-burning technique, a hair and nail growth jutsu, a procedure to enhance breast size, and several other minor enhancements.

…why did she suddenly got the feeling that she was about to become very, very rich.

Her mouth went dry as she pondered the vast sums she could gamble with this newfound fortune, until Shizune's throat-clearing brought her back to the present moment.

"You're not considering gambling away the Medical Division's profits, are you, Sensei?" Shizune inquired with a sweet tone, her eyes narrowing into dangerous slits.

Awkwardly, she cleared her throat and shifted her gaze to the blank walls of her room, suddenly finding them very interesting. "Of course not. What sort of woman do you take me for?"

Shizune gave her a rather unimpressed look and said "Get back to work, Sensei." Before she turned and left.

"That was rather amusing to watch." A voice came from behind her as soon as Shizune left and she whirled around to kick at the intruder in her office. An intruder that she, an S-class kunoichi hadn't sensed until he spoke up.

Ren blocked her chakra enhanced kick, that would've destroyed a boulder, with a single finger.

"Hello Sensei." Ren said, smiling… with his eyes glowing for some reason. Why the heck were they glowing? And why did he dyed his hair white?

She decided to ignore his eyes and focus on the present. "Don't call me Sensei. Especially after you lied to be about that… that woman."

"I didn't lie to you, Sensei."

"Yes, you did. You told me that you found her in Kiri's R&D Department."

"And I did. Upon arriving at that department with the intention of looting and destroying it, I discovered that everyone inside had already been slain by her. She attacked me, but ceased after I identified her with my Observe skill."

"So you knew who she was from the beginning?" she questioned, her eyes narrowing in displeasure. A part of her had hoped that Ren had been unaware, but evidently, he knew all along.

"Yes," he replied, offering no further explanation.

"And." She asked, crossing her arms and tapping her foot in impatience.

"And what?"

"What do you have to say for yourself?"

"I have to say that you look absolutely ravishing when you're angry, Sensei?" Ren said, and the intensity in his voice did… something to her biology that she really didn't like.

She tried not to flush at his compliment. Freaking hell. It was so easy to ignore her shameless disciple's flirting when he was a young, cute boy compared to now when he looked like man sculpted by the gods. "Do not try to flirt with me, disciple. Not until you've explained yourself."

"So I can flirt with you afterward?" he replied, taking a step closer, causing her heart to quicken its pace.

One of the most irritating aspects of being the world's finest medic was her heightened sensitivity to her body's reactions. She recognised the signs of her body responding to what it deemed a suitable mate, and she really, really didn't like it.

"Do not dodge my question, Ren." She said, getting slightly more impatient. "Explain yourself, now!"

Ren stared at her for a moment, and released a sigh upon realising how serious she was. "Take a seat then." He said and once she did, he sat down on the table himself, looking into the distance.

"I'll say this once, and once only Sensei. So listen carefully." Ren said before his eyes met her own, though she could not see his Rinnegan eyes due to their etherial glow. "I knew that Mito was in the wrong when she lied to you. And I told her to reveal the truth to you before you find out about it yourself. She didn't, which was kind of a shitty thing to do. But you're right. I lied to you by omission. I should've told you the truth myself. You've been hurt because of that decision and I acknowledge that. I would apologise to you but words are meaningless. So let me apologise to you with my actions."

She gulped some saliva in order to parch her dry throat. Ren's new intensity once again having that effect of her body that she didn't like. Gods, how she hated the lack of control over her own body right now.

"And… how do you plan to make it up to me?"

Ren looked thoughtful for a moment before he spoke up. "I've been told that I give great massages. Would you be interested in one?"

"Would those massages close with happy endings?" She asked sarcastically. "No. I think I'll make do without them."

"Hmm… how about I take you gambling. You love that, right?"

"I would accept your offer, if I didn't get the feeling that you would cheat in order to let me win." She said. "And as much I like the prospect of winning, I don't want to win by cheating."

"It gladdens my heart to see that you know me so well, wife." Ren said, the clear affection in his voice making her heart beat faster.

She clenched her fists, deciding that getting angry was better that becoming aroused. "I'm not your wife!"

"Well, I need to call you something if you won't allow me call you Sensei."

"You can just call me by my name, you stinking brat."

"Such a disrespectful wife I have." Ren tutted. "Oh, I have a better idea. How about I take you to get some drinks?"

"No. I don't trust you not to take advantage of me." She said bluntly.

"I'm not that kind of man, Sensei." Ren said, rolling his eyes at her words. "I won't take advantage of a drunk woman. I'll only grope you… a little."

She gave him a flat look.

"Okay. I'll grope you to my heart's content. But that's all I'll do. Promise." Ren said, giving her body a lecherous look.

Her heart started to beat faster at that look. Kami, when was the last time someone looked at her like that. Even Jiraiya had stopped looking at her that way after the last time she broke half his ribs for peeking at her. Having someone desire her as a woman after so long was... intoxicating. She might have relished it if it had come from anyone other than her own disciple.

"No drinking." She reaffirmed.

"Alright then. How about..." Ren paused, scrunching up his nose as if he had caught a whiff of something unpleasant. With visible effort, he forced out the next words, "I take you out for shopping."

"Not interested," she replied without hesitation. Shopping was not her cup of tea.

Ren seemed a bit taken aback by her swift rejection. Then he shrugged and suggested, "I can cook for you instead."

"For a year." She said immediately, having tasted his food and… he was a better cook than the veteran Akimichi chefs. And those were some of the best chefs in the entire elemental nations.

"Fuck off." Ren replied instantly. "For a week. No more, no less."

"Half a year. That's the least of what you owe me."

"Two weeks. Do you know how expensive my food would be if I opened a restaurant? Bitch, your broke ass won't be able to afford anything from that menu."

"Who are you calling broke, you bastard. I'll have you know that I've become very wealthy recently." She said, not revealing that it only happened due to 'his' ideas. "Five months."

"That money belongs to the entire medical division, not you. And even if you have some money, I know that you would gamble it all away soon enough. Three weeks."

"Four months."

"One month."

"Three months and I'm not budging from that."

"Very well then. Deal." Ren said, surprising her as he shook her hand before she could retract it away.

She gave him a suspicious look. "You gave up rather easily. Why?"

Ren shrugged. "Meh. I already cook for my wives and the other women in the home. It's not a big problem to add a small portion for you. Or I suppose I can just give you the leftovers."

"Do you want to die that badly brat?"

"If it's death by suffocating in between your thighs, then yes," Ren replied cheekily.

"You always have a retort ready for yourself, don't you?"

"Yes." Ren said and then mortified her by starting to undress right in front of her. "Now, let's celebrate our deal with some hate sex, wife."

Before he could remove the last of his clothes, she dropkicked him out of her office, her heart pounding in her chest.

Damn it all, she needed a stiff drink.


AN: Just finished writing the first 10 chapters of the next fanfic, where Ren goes to Worm. Then decided that I didn't like where the story was going, and had to rewrite everything from Chapter 3 and onwards.

That's... 30,000 words gone down the drain. Which was brutal for my mental health. But at least I'm now satisfied with the direction in which the new fanfic is moving.

Suppose they weren't joking around when they said 'Measure twice, cut once'.

As for this chapter. Ren finally becomes OP to the point that even if Kaguya escapes her seal right now, he'll be able to clap her cheeks without much problem.

He now also has a way to awaken the Mangekyo Sharingan and Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan of any Uchiha who has large enough charka reserves.

Aside from that, Tsunade makes a great earning by implementing some of Ren's ideas and using her Irojutusu knowledge to make beauty enhancing Jutsus.

And finally, Ren and Tsunade made up.

That's it for this chapter. Hope you guys enjoyed reading it.

8 advanced chapters in Patreon.

Have a nice day.