
A Fearsome Tree

Join Tristan Dane, a horror enthusiast, as he gets reincarnated into an unknown world full of danger. Given a second chance of life will he follow his dreams to becoming the most feared existence or tree that this world has ever seen or will the forces of the other world stop him in his tracks. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello, first-time author here, and just a word of warning that this novel is just gonna be a hobby of mine and the upload schedule may seem inconsistent. My skills as a writer is also sub-par at best and I'm not really sure if this novel would actually last a long time or just gonna get dropped sometime later on, but I will try my best.

DuperT · Fantaisie
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4 Chs

Sight regained

Tristan has been steadily growing for 4 days and has grown a total of 8 leaves. Each leaf can gain 0.25 BP per hour, and all 8 of them can gain a total of 2 BP per hour. Growing 8 leaves would have taken longer if he didn't absorb the nutrients in the ground. He gained a total of 45 BP from the ground, but he noticed that the area that the roots are absorbing the nutrients from is shrinking at a fast pace even if he tried absorbing it slowly.

'Should I try to upgrade my roots? Changing them to be able to move while also increasing the ability to absorb nutrients is a good idea.' Tristan thought as he starts to slowly change his roots to become more flexible and firm. He only needs 15 BP to upgrade all the 5 roots he has, and he can get that amount in 8 hours. He proceeded to wait and bask in the sunlight.

(After 8 hours)

A plant can be seen slowly crawling along the ground, leaving a small trail in the soil. Tristan has evolved his roots and is now capable of movement. He had some trouble moving around at first because using roots to move is different from using legs. Additionally, he also can't see, but he can feel the surroundings through the use of the roots. He practiced for some time, and he got the pattern down, so he was able to move, albeit at a slow pace.

'Hahaha!! I can finally move!!' Tristan shouted in his mind as he enjoyed the joy of moving.

'With my upgraded roots, I can gain a lot more BP and spend it on more evolutions.'

Tristan moved to different places and started to absorb the nutrients within the soil. However, the amount of BP he gained from different places varied from each other. Sometimes he would get 1 BP and other times he would get 25 BP. It seems that the place he was originally in contained a lot of nutrients. It took a long time but his reserve started to rise and stopped at 80 BP. The reason for this is because there is a limit to how much he can hold. He speculates that this is the amount that his plant body can hold as of the moment. He can increase the cap, though it would require having him evolve his entire body. He doesn't know what would happen if he did it, so he holds off on it for now.

'It's time to regain my sight.' Tristan thought as he focused on a tiny part of his plant body. A small black dot then appeared in his stem. This black dot is the simple eye he created. Although it isn't as complex as human eyes, it would make do for now. He started to test if he can see, so he opens his singular eye. A very blurry view of the surroundings suddenly appeared in his vision. Because of how simple his eye is, he can only clearly see in a 2-meter radius, and beyond that would only be a blurry view.

'At least this beats having to see nothing at all.' Tristan thought as he surveyed his surroundings with his newfound vision. He saw that he is in some sort of forest from all the dense trees he could make out. He also took a look at his plant body at a nearby water puddle, and he notice that he looks like a weird-looking green plant with 8 leaves attached to him and a single black dot on his stem.

'Hmmmm, this doesn't look menacing at all.' He thought.

For someone who wants to become the most feared existence, this appearance of his is not up to his preferred form.

'Well changing my color and appearance would be awesome but it could also attract unwanted attention.'

'Who knows what danger lies out there. I'm still too weak and an easy target.'

Tristan then starts to think about what other parts he should create because he has 25 BP left. After some time, he decided that he should spend it on more leaves as more of it means an increase of passive BP gains. 2 more leaves suddenly sprouted from his stem, and the remaining 5 BP is left for other usage.

'Now, this is good progress. Let's try to explore the area some more while my BP slowly increases in the background.'

Tristan started to explore the area he is in, trying to find anything that catches his attention.


'Finally, the tower is within my sights.' A hooded man thought while crouching.

A grand worn-down ivory tower can be seen inside a huge cave opening in the mountains. Surrounding it are countless other cave openings of varying sizes. Inside them were a large number of monsters that are scuttling about. Two-headed beasts, human-sized insects, spiked monsters, and more were going in and out of the tower.

This tower was once owned by the Dusk Wizard Antoine. He was extremely evil and did countless inhumane experiments to become powerful. When information about Antoine's deeds got out, it prompted the creation of an alliance between the Icy Plains, Fleeting Blade, and the White Doves. They banded together to stop Antoine from getting too strong and causing destruction. The one that is leading the alliance were the group called the White Doves, who are hellbent on eliminating demonic beings and wicked people. This group was the perfect choice because they also act as an ideal banner to gather countless individuals to help them defeat the vile wizard.

A long and hard-fought battle ensued between the forces of Antoine and the alliance led by the White Doves. Antoine's force contains a lot of tough and grotesque beings made from his experiments, but they aren't up to match against the organized army and countless outside groups sent by the alliance. The forces of Antoine were quickly destroyed, and only Antoine was left remaining, but this wasn't the end.

Antoine has a rare talent that allows him to be proficient with two different elements, which are fire and darkness. He was very strong because of this, and weaker people were quickly eradicated by him. With his powerful abilities, he was able to defeat the army alone. The situation got worse, and the alliance have to send in their experts. With the help of Ice Wizard Alicia from the Icy Plains, Light Wizard Rey from the White Doves, and the Fleeting Swordsman Troy from the Fleeting Blade, they were finally able to vanquish him.

'There got to be a safe spot where I could enter without having to catch the attention of those monsters.' The hooded man thought as he examines the tower to find a spot to enter.

'I should take this slow and see if there are any good vantage points.'

The hooded man scoured the surroundings and saw a place that is close to the tower and hidden from the sights of the monsters, so he quickly and silently move towards that location.

'This is a good place to get an overview of the tower.' The hooded man thought

'I gotta lay low for now and observe the place more.'

He started to observe the surroundings and begins to formulate a plan to get in the tower.