
A Fearsome Tree

Join Tristan Dane, a horror enthusiast, as he gets reincarnated into an unknown world full of danger. Given a second chance of life will he follow his dreams to becoming the most feared existence or tree that this world has ever seen or will the forces of the other world stop him in his tracks. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello, first-time author here, and just a word of warning that this novel is just gonna be a hobby of mine and the upload schedule may seem inconsistent. My skills as a writer is also sub-par at best and I'm not really sure if this novel would actually last a long time or just gonna get dropped sometime later on, but I will try my best.

DuperT · Fantaisie
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4 Chs

Forest exploration and upgrades

Tristan explored for quite some time and saw a lot of things. He saw some interesting plants and weird creatures roaming about in the forest. It is truly a forest filled with life and beauty despite the danger that is hidden within. Because of how easily he could get picked on by much larger beasts, he crawled very slowly and stood still whenever a beast gets near him.

'This is a beautiful looking forest.' Tristan thought as he examines the forest.

He continued to explore around till he saw something interesting. A corpse of a beast can be seen lying on the ground. It looks like a mix between a komodo dragon and a chameleon. It was already partially eaten by another beast, though it seems like the beast didn't continue to feast on it.

He looks around and noticed that there was another dead body that is located some distance away from it. This one looks like a grey wolf but is skinnier than the ones he had seen. He could guess that the wolf fought and ate the other beast because it was very hungry and died from the poison contained in the beast.

'It seems that the other beasts aren't eating the two corpses because of the poison.'

'This is such a waste, I should try and see if my upgraded roots can absorb their nutrients.'

The reason why he is taking a dangerous risk absorbing corpses with poison in them is that he wants to grow stronger quickly. He could wait and gain BP passively, but it is way too slow. He is still too weak, and he could get killed accidentally by some beasts or natural disasters. This is why he did not stay rooted in one spot and go exploring because he wants to find a location where he can safely stay with no danger that is lurking about.

Tristan moved towards the corpse of the wolf and stood on top of it. He then let his roots dig into the body to absorb its nutrients. Though he could gain nutrients from the soil, the BP he gains is always random, and he would need to move to different places when it runs out. This is very troublesome to him and could also be dangerous because he is moving around, which could attract some beasts.

There were no beasts that are getting near the corpses, so this is an ideal situation to do some tests. The BP in his reserve begins to rise, and this means that his roots were able to absorb the nutrients in the wolf, but there was a problem. The poison that the wolf got from the beast is affecting him as well. He felt very unwell from the poison, yet he didn't panic because he thought of this when he started to absorb the wolf. He quickly spent 20 BP in his reserve that was growing in the background and the additional 30 BP he got from the wolf to create a sack in his body that can store poison.

The sick feeling he felt got from absorbing the poison starts to lessen, and he can steadily focus on absorbing the wolf. It didn't take a while till he reaches his maximum cap of 80 BP, and from the looks of it, the wolf still has a lot of nutrients. The poison sack in his body is slowly filling up, and it seems to be working fine.

'I knew it!! the BP gained from absorbing beasts are much more than just sucking the nutrients off the ground like a roomba.'

'I wonder how much BP would I gain from this.' Tristan curiously wondered in his mind.

(15 minutes later)

A strange-looking plant with a small bump in its body can be seen attached to a corpse of a wolf. It is quite small and there were two branches with 9 leaves each sticking out of it. Its green in color like a normal plant but there was a slight purple hue mixed in. Its roots were deep-rooted and spreading all over the shriveled corpse of the wolf. This was Tristan, and he spent some time creating and upgrading some parts of his body. He reached a total of 378 BP and spent almost all of it on upgrades. He spent 40 BP for 5 more upgraded roots, 100 BP for 10 more leaves, 50 BP for another simple eye, and 70 BP to create an internal system in his roots where he can utilize the poison that is stored in his sack and 100 BP to increase his body's resistance to poison. Only 18 BP was left in his reserves at the end of all the upgrades.

'The corpse was extremely useful, and thanks to it, I was able to gain a lot of upgrades with it.' Tristan thought happily.

'I should consume the other corpse as well and upgrade some more.'

Tristan then went to the other corpse and slowly embedded his roots deep inside it. He quickly notices something troubling when he absorbed the nutrients, which is that the poison in this beast is way more concentrated than in the wolf. The sick feeling quickly emerges, and he felt extremely unwell. Thankfully he upgraded his body to have an increased resistance to poison, so he was able to hold on.

'I really underestimated the poison contained in this beast huh.'

His consciousness is slowly fading away as he spends all the BP he gained into increasing his poison resistance. With each increase in his poison resistance, the sick feeling he got slowly subsided. After some time, he is no longer affected by the poison.

'*Whew* That was a close call. If I wasn't prepared enough I would have died, hahahaha.'

'Anyways, I survived the ordeal and should focus on what upgrades I want with the upcoming BP.'

(10 minutes later)

'This is what I'm talking about.' Tristan joyously thought.

'Too bad the BP I got from the beast is lower than the wolf.'

Since the wolf partially ate the beast, the nutrients within it are lower. Luckily he got 212 BP from it and proceeded to use all of it on one upgrade. The important upgrade he got was the ability to synthesize poison within him, which cost him a whopping 180 BP to make. The remaining 32 BP were stored for future uses. Before, he only has a sack that stores poison but wasn't able to make any of it. With this, he can use it to defend himself during dangerous situations.

He also got another important piece of info which is that the upgrade process is continuous and not instantaneous, meaning he can spend BP in increments and doesn't need to reach a specific number just to upgrade or create a part.

'Sadly, the poison I synthesize is weaker than the one in the beast.

'Even so, this is very helpful for deterring beasts away from me.'

Tristan unattached himself from the shriveled corpse of the beast and slowly crawls away from it as he continues on his journey to find a location safe enough to stay.


[Note: This is just an info sheet that keeps track of the changes and abilities that Tristan has gained]

Name: Tristan Dane

Height: 6 inches

Parts Gained: [10 Evolved Roots I], [18 Normal Leaves], [2 Simple Eyes], [Internal Poison System]

Abilities: [Simple Absorption], [Photosynthesis], [Plant Crawl], [Poison Resistance I], [Poison]

BP Stored: 50 BP