
A Fated Mistake

“ I was not fondling your Beta,” I reply rolling my eyes at him. “For such a mighty powerful Alpha, you didn’t even notice that your Beta purposely tripped me.” “Did you just roll your eyes at me?” Damien growled while leering at me, ignoring my comment about Alex tripping me on purpose. Something about the aggression he was showing started to build a fire in my core. I bit my lip, before looking up at him. “And if I did?” I asked egging him on. As soon as I said the words I knew I had made a mistake. Damien lunged at me, grabbing me around the waist dragging me to the couch, laying his firm body against mine. “ I could smell your arousal the minute you set eyes on me. And now you’re tempting me by biting that lip and rolling your eyes.” Damien growled, in my ear. ********************************************************************** Damien is the Alpha of the Blue Moon pack. He’s 23 and still hasn’t found a mate yet, the pack members are starting to whisper, wondering if the Valencia men have been cursed by the moon goddess; first his father loses his mate to another, and now Damien is without a mate. If he doesn’t find his fated mate soon Damien will have to take a chosen mate to squash the rumors. Guinevere is the daughter of a traitor and his been ostracized by the Blue Moon pack her entire life. On her 18th birthday Guinevere goes to the pack house to request her freedom, but what she finds there isn’t what she expected. Alpha Damien is her mate. Could the Moon Goddess really be this cruel and fate the Alpha with the pack Outcast?

MC_Perry · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
23 Chs

Chapter 7


I hurried down the hall looking for Damien. I could smell his scent, but I couldn't tell what direction he'd gone. 'Damien' I tried to mind link him unsuccessfully. Our mate bond wasn't that strong, and while I was part of the pack, I had never tried to mind link anyone in the pack before.

'Sabrina, please help me find Damien'I called to my wolf, worried that he had taken off so suddenly.

'I can't give you my full tracking powers since we haven't shifted yet, but I can help enhance your senses a little. Close your eyes and try concentrating on the way Damien smells"

I closed my eyes and focused on Damien. He smelt like the forest on a warm summer night right after a rain shower now with a dash of cinnamon mixed into it. I smiled, he smelt like home.

'Now open your eyes and follow that smell.' Sabrina commanded, pleased with the way my body reacted to Damien's scent.

I did as Sabrina said and I was surprised when I opened my eyes and saw a yellow swirl misted path going in one direction. This must be Damien's scent. I followed his scent up the stairwell and to the balcony outside. I heard groaning before I opened the door to the balcony. I was a little worried about what I'd find, I expected after my little tease, Damien had gone after the little hotel clerk to calm his nerves and satisfy his needs, falling back to his normal playboy ways.

When I opened the door I was shocked to see Damien leaning against the brick wall with his cock in his hand stroking it. The sight was so fucking sexy. I stepped out onto the balcony and closed the door, wanting to get a better view of him pleasuring himself.

Damien looked up and smiled. "See what you do to me? This is the second time I've rubbed my cock out since meeting you."

"Let me help you this time," I said walking closer to Damien. "You tasted me in the shower and I want to taste you now."

I grabbed his cock in my hands and started stroking it as I got down on my knees.

"Your touch feels so much better baby." Damien groaned as I leaned in and licked the tip of his head while stroking him.

Seeing his reaction encouraged me to do more as I took him in my mouth bobbing my head up and down. I could feel Damien's body tense as he started to lose control. He grabbed my hair into a pony and used it to guide my head up and down the full length of his cock while he thrust his hips, thrusting himself into the back of my throat. He let out a low growl and attempted to pull himself away from me, but I gripped his hips closer to me, wanting to taste him and swallow his seed.

"Mmm," I said standing up and wiping my face, "you taste as good as you smell." I responded mimicking his words from earlier in the shower, before turning around and walking towards the balcony door, leaving Damien, standing there in shock.


Guinevere was a damn seductress and she'd be the death of me. I thought as I starred after her and watched her ass sway back and forth as she walked away from me on the balcony.

I'd left the room earlier because Leo was ready to pounce on her when she preformed her little strip tease while getting dressed. I'd never been so turned watching a woman put clothes back on but Gwynn knew how to get me going. I went up to the balcony to get some cool air, but my cock was swollen and my balls were aching so I pulled myself out to relieve myself, I had never expected Gwynn to follow me up onto the balcony. And I definitely didn't expect her to suck my cock like it was her favorite flavor of popsicle going out of stock.

As I was reminiscing on the best blow job I had ever received in my life, I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket, I pulled it out and saw Alex was calling.

"Alex?" I asked concern lacing my voice, he only would have called me under extreme circumstances or if he had information about severing the mating bond between Guinevere and I.

"Damien, I found an elder in the Lunar Moon pack, whose willing to talk to you. Her name is Rose, and she said she grew up with your father before she met her mate in the Lunar Moon pack. Rose said Alpha Asher won't be surprised to find you talking to her since shes originally from the blue moon pack."'

"Thanks for the info Alex." I responded, trying to keep the disappointment out of my voice. I had grown accustomed to having Guinevere around me, even if it had only been two days since I had met her, her presence was exactly what I had been craving my entire life.

"Oh and Elder Derek from the Silent Forest pack wrote me. He said it's of the upmost importance that you meet with him immediately. He has pertinent information about our pack. He wouldn't give me anymore details though."

"I see" I said narrowing my eyes, wondering how someone from such an old pack could have info about my pack.

"Write him back Alex and tell him, I'd like to meet with him in two weeks time. Tell him my ma..my mistress and I will be flying in Monday night.

"Yes,Alpha," Alex said, not saying anything about my slip up.

Alex was an efficient Beta and my best friend. He knew how much I'd longed for a mate and before I'd set out on this journey, he had tried to talk me into accepting Guinevere as my mate and Luna. I'd told him the million reasons I couldn't and he'd told me the two reasons I could. I am the Alpha and the Moon Goddess doesn't make mistakes and the pack wouldn begrudge me of not rejecting my fated mate. The part of me, that had gotten close to Guinevere these last few days, wanted to agree with Alex. But I knew for my father and his devout followers that it wouldn't be enough. Guinevere represented her parents, who were hated by the entirety of pack, to betray your Alpha was treason,

And I couldn't force Guinevere to stay with me, knowing I couldn't promise her a better life or fully give myself to her. I could keep her as my mistress only and my private mate, but publicly I'd have to have a different Mate and Luna, who would give me children fit to rule the pack after I retired. Guinevere deserved more than that. She deserved to not live in our parents' shadows and she deserved happiness, which meant I had to let her go. I steeled my emotions and began walking inside back to our room. When had I started falling for my mate?

When I enter our room Guinevere is sitting on our bed eating the breakfast I had ordered for us.

"Mmmm these pancakes are amazing." She moaned out in between bites.

"What you couldn't wait," I chuckled as I sat down beside her grabbing myself a plate.

"Well I did work up quite an appetite after that exercise outside." She responded winking at me.

I could get used to this playful side of Guinevere " Well I am glad you're enjoying your breakfast."

"So what's the plan once we arrive at the Lunar Moon pack?" Gwynn asked between bites.

"Well Alex just called me and said there was an elder willing to talk to us. She's originally from the blue moon pack so Alpha Asher won't find it abnormal that we will be talking to her. And I also have a meeting with Alpha Asher tomorrow about the pack alliance treaty."

"Okay, so will we be meeting with the elder tonight then" Gwynn asked.

"No not tonight, Tonight I have something special planned."

"Ummm... okay?" Gwynn responded giving me a puzzled look.

"Tonight I'm going to help you shift, I think it's high time Leo and Sabrina met."

Gwynn looked up at me surprised and smiled. "You're going to help me shift?"

"Of course, I told you I would in the hospital."

She looked down at her plate timidly "I thought you were just saying that to get me to go along with your plan."

I reached out and grabbed her chin pulling her face up to look me in the eyes. "Gwynn, I mean what I say. I won't ever tell you I'm going to do something and go back on my word."

She didn't correct me on the use of her nickname.

"Okay," she said breathlessly.

I dropped my hand back at my side as we continued eating our breakfast in silence. It felt normal to be sitting here in the room with her, enjoying our breakfast together. A selfish of me hoped that Rose wouldn't know enough information about the breaking the mate bond, leaving Gwynn and I to be mated for life.


We were back in the SUV heading deeper into the woods towards the Lunar Moon pack. We'd been driving for hours and I was ready to get out and stretch my legs. I was also extremely nervous which made me jittery, I was so excited about shifting tonight and meeting Leo for the first time. Sabrina was running circles in my mind. She couldn't contain her excitement about meeting Leo.

'I can't promise you that Leo and I won't act upon our urges. We were created for each other by the moon goddess after all'

I sighed heavily.

"Is everything alright?" Damien asked, turning his head to look at me.

"Oh yeah, everything is fine. It's just Sabrina. She's really excited to meet Leo. And I'm a little worried, she might get carried away tonight."

Damien let out a low chuckle. I loved the sound of his laughter, it was like music to my ears. He'd seemed to really let loose this last day, the stress of being Alpha didn't show so clearly on his face anymore. "I totally get how you feel right now," he replied back "Leo has been non stop going on about tonight. He's incredibly excited too. Wolves are more in-tuned with the mate bond than our human sides, they don't understand why we would ever want to break such a sacred bond."

"Yeah, Sabrina won't shut up about how Leo and her were literally created for each other. She said her reason for being and living is for Leo. Without him she wouldn't be here." I sighed heavily again. "That's just so much fate to put into one person, even if that person is a goddess."'

"Gwynn, do you not believe in the mate bond?" Damien asked.

I shivered at the use of my nickname, it sounded so intimate coming from his mouth, I didn't attempt to stop him from using it.

"I don't know what to believe," I told him truthfully, "part of me wants to believe in the mate bond and that there really is someone out there that is your better half that makes you whole and a complete person, but from my, well I guess our family history, it's hard to believe. Why would the moon goddess, create two better halves for my mom, if those halves couldn't work together, three halves don't make a whole. It just doesn't make sense. Why should we let one person, goddess or not, have so much control over our lives?"

"True love is the purest gift, Running away, and being together, under the moon and stars. Each day and every night." Damien quoted, not really answering my question.

"I didn't know you were into poetry."

"Have you never heard the story of the moon goddess and how the mate bond came to be?"

"No, never. Can you tell me it?" I asked intrigued. Damien smile and began the tale.

"The moon goddess, lived in the Heavens originally with her family. Her father ruled the land and her mother ruled the people on the land. On her 18th birthday her parents gifted her the moon.

"This is for you to rule over. Do with it as you please." Her parents told her.

And then they told her she'd be married to Jupiter. The moon goddess didn't want to marry Jupiter, She had spent a lot of her time growing up watching the people down on Earth. She'd watched them grow up and fall in love. She'd watched them marry the loves of their life and spend up until their dying day with them. She'd watched others get their hearts broken time and time again, perishing from sorrow of a broken heart. The moon goddess wanted to live like a human, so on the night before her wedding, she left Heaven and joined the humans of Earth. Her mother and father searched high and low for the moon goddess but they couldn't find her anywhere.

After a few years on Earth the moon goddess fell in love with a man named Wolfe. Their love was pure and true. They'd spent many years together in peaceful bliss, until Wolfe became sick with an incurable illness. The moon goddess was distraught and didn't want to lose her one true love. So she returned back to Heaven and begged her mother to heal Wolfe and let him live, promising to do whatever her mother wished of her. Her mother said she'd heal Wolfe but only on one condition. The moon goddess would need to stay up here and honor their treaty by marrying Jupiter. The moon goddess reluctantly agreed. She could not bare to think of a life without Wolfe in it.

So Wolfe was cured and the Moon Goddess was married to Jupiter. She still looked down on her beloved earth and watched Wolfe from a distance continuing to live his life and fall in love with another, slowly forgetting the memory of our goddess. Seeing how distraught his daughter was the God of Earth, created a new being, part animal and part human naming it the werewolf, a creature created to reminisce his daughter's love for the human named Wolfe.

He told his daughter that the Werewolf would only have one mate in life and that they'd love and cherish their mate for eternity. And thus the mate bond was created. We pay tribute to the moon because without her love for Wolfe, we would not exist. That is also why it is considered sinful to deny the mate bond. It is like throwing away the sacrifice the moon goddess made for Wolfe."

The SUV was quiet for a moment before Damien began to speak again. "I don't know why your mom was given two mates and I don't know why we were fated as mates, but I do believe there is a reason for it. And I'm hoping on our journey we will not only find out how to destroy this bond between us, but we will also be given answers as to why our lives turned out the way they did."

After his beautiful tale on how the bond was created, my heart stung at Damien's mention of destroying our bond. I could tell how much this bond meant to him, but I also knew how important it was for him to be a good Alpha, and with the daughter of a traitor by his side, he wouldn't be able to accomplish that goal. For Damien, I would help him severe the bond, even if it meant breaking my heart in the process.