
A Fated Mistake

“ I was not fondling your Beta,” I reply rolling my eyes at him. “For such a mighty powerful Alpha, you didn’t even notice that your Beta purposely tripped me.” “Did you just roll your eyes at me?” Damien growled while leering at me, ignoring my comment about Alex tripping me on purpose. Something about the aggression he was showing started to build a fire in my core. I bit my lip, before looking up at him. “And if I did?” I asked egging him on. As soon as I said the words I knew I had made a mistake. Damien lunged at me, grabbing me around the waist dragging me to the couch, laying his firm body against mine. “ I could smell your arousal the minute you set eyes on me. And now you’re tempting me by biting that lip and rolling your eyes.” Damien growled, in my ear. ********************************************************************** Damien is the Alpha of the Blue Moon pack. He’s 23 and still hasn’t found a mate yet, the pack members are starting to whisper, wondering if the Valencia men have been cursed by the moon goddess; first his father loses his mate to another, and now Damien is without a mate. If he doesn’t find his fated mate soon Damien will have to take a chosen mate to squash the rumors. Guinevere is the daughter of a traitor and his been ostracized by the Blue Moon pack her entire life. On her 18th birthday Guinevere goes to the pack house to request her freedom, but what she finds there isn’t what she expected. Alpha Damien is her mate. Could the Moon Goddess really be this cruel and fate the Alpha with the pack Outcast?

MC_Perry · Fantaisie
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23 Chs

Chapter 16


Our mate's smell was intoxicating. She smelt like cinnamon and vanilla, and she also smelt like sex. Her aura was screaming mate me. She started to strip off her clothes, and I knew that I had to have her in that instance. I fought Damien for control of our body, and I won. He was weak when it came to Guinevere. I had told him multiple times that we needed to mate Gwynn, that the moon goddess insisted, but Damien always denied our urges.

I grabbed Gwynn's hands, and I raised them above her head, pinning her down beneath me as I laid on top of her. I was kissing and nipping her on her neck. She was mewing beneath me; I knew she wanted this as much as I did. I removed one of my hands as I held her down and reached between us, grabbing and pinching her nipples. The harder I pinched her nipples, the louder she cried out in ecstasy. I moved my head away from her neck, glided my tongue down her, and circled her nipples. I gently nipped at them. Gwynn wiggled underneath to try to escape my grasp.

"Please," she said breathlessly, "I want to touch you."

I chuckled as I continued my assault on her nipples, briefly lifting my head to tell her no.

"No doll, tonight you're under my control."

"Please, Damien," she begged. "I need you inside of me."

I lowered my hand between her legs and started to rub her clit, making her moan louder.

"Oh fuck yes," she screamed, squirting on my hand.

I got off of her and quickly stripped off my clothes, she sat up trying to grab our cock, and I pushed her hand away.

"Ah, ah little doll, I did not give you permission to touch me."

I saw her eyes turn a golden brown, letting out a slight growl. Sabrina had come to play; I grinned; now this will be more interesting. I flipped Sabrina over on the bed and got behind her. I put my hand on the back of her neck and pushed her head into the bed, while my other hand grabbed her waist and pulled her ass into the air. I brought my hand up, and it came down with a loud crack on her ass. I hear her hiss; I give her ass a gentle rub before lifting my hand and smacking her ass again. I did this eight more times totaling up to ten spankings.

I leaned my head down to her ear and whispered, "Now, you'll listen when I tell you who's in charge."

I quickly thrust my cock into her dripping wet pussy. I fuck her roughly; the louder her moans became, the more powerful my thrusts were. My hand tightened on the back of her neck. Just as I felt Sabrina start to cum, I wrapped my hand around her hair and used it to pull her head up closer to her face, slowly sinking my canines into her throat.

"Oh yes! Leo yes! "Sabrina cried, "please make me yours." Sabrina cried out in ecstasy, her pussy milking my cock.

Sabrina came hard, and I let go of her throat and licked my mark, sealing her wound. As soon as she sealed her mark, Sabrina pulled away from me and forced me on my back; she grabbed my cock and positioned it near her core before she sank to the hilt, filling herself with my shaft.

"It's my turn now, "she said as she bit her bottom lip. She started to ride my cock, letting her claws sink into my shoulders, drawing blood; I growled blissfully. Sabrina leaned forward and sank her canines into my throat, causing me to fill her with my seed. She sealed her mark with a kiss and rolled off of me.

"The moon goddess's request has been fulfilled," Sabrina said. "Hopefully, our humans won't be too mad at us."

I responded. "They'll know the reason why soon enough."

Sabrina and I lay there quietly until we both drifted off to sleep, letting our humans take back control.


I opened my eyes and instantly closed them. It was bright, my head hurt, and my neck was killing me. I must've slept wrong and kinked it. I raised my hand to massage it, and my eyes instantly flew open. My hand rubbed over the spot on my neck again, and I winced. It was sore, and it felt like there was a raised sore on it. No, I thought in terror, he didn't, he wouldn't. I climbed out of bed, and my eyes drifted over Damien's sleeping form, glancing up to his neck.

'Shit,' I thought to myself.

On his neck was my mark, already starting to heal. My emotions were a mess. I felt pride and joy knowing that Damien was forever mine, and everyone would know that. But then I felt fear and sorrow, fear for the unknown, I had no idea how Damien's pack or his father would react, and sorrow in regards to the nasty reactions I was sure to get. I quietly snuck out of bed and went to the bathroom. I glanced at my neck in the mirror, and my eyes started to tear up. There was no doubt that Damien had marked me. As soon as the tears started to fall down my face, I couldn't stop them, I slid down the vanity and onto the floor, and I wrapped my arms around my leg, sobbing, as I let loose all the tears that I'd held back over the years, the tears that came from being alone and never fitting in, from being exiled from the pack because of my parents' choices, the tears caused from hating my existence, I was the result of my mom choosing my dad over Alpha Sam. I shouldn't exist. I continued to sob quietly until I heard a soft knock on the door.

"Gwynn, are you okay?"

Damien called out from behind the door.

"Yes, I'm fine," I called out, turning on the water and rinsing my face. I grabbed a towel and quickly dried my face before unlocking the door.

"I'm fine, but we need to talk," I said when I stepped out.

Damien's eyes instantly went to my neck and then to my face.

"Guinevere," Damien whispered," I am so sorry; this is my fault. Leo could smell your heat last night, and he took control of my body."

He reached out his hand to stroke my cheek, and I stepped back. I could feel myself getting angry, and I didn't want him to touch me.

"As an Alpha, you should have more control over your wolf," I spat at him as I walked past him. My heart hurt. Damien didn't want me; his wolf just wanted to claim me.

"Guinevere," Damien said, walking towards me, reaching out to grab my shoulder.

I snarled at him, "Damien, don't fucking touch me. You've already made what you want clear. Let's get going and meet with Elder Derek. The quicker we get to this meeting, the sooner I can get away from you."

An emotion I couldn't quite detect passed through Damien's eyes, and I was too angry at the moment to ponder on what it was.

"Your right," Damien said, "the sooner we find out what Elder Derek wants to tell us, the quicker I can get back to my Alpha duties." Damien turned back around and headed towards the bathroom, closing the door loudly behind him.


I loudly shut the bathroom door; I was irritated with Guinevere's mood and pissed off at Leo.

'What you don't want to talk, coward.' I growled at Him. 'You think it's okay to mark Guinevere without her consent.'

Leo chuckled in the back of my head. 'Sabrina was more than willing. Why don't you take a look at your neck.'

I lifted my head and looked in the mirror, my eyes locking onto my marking spot. A huge smile lit up my face. So the little vixen had marked me too. I felt a wave of relief wash over me. I could make Gwynn my Luna; I could announce her as my mate and force the pack to accept her, my father wouldn't be able to denounce her, and since I was already Alpha, there would be nothing he could do. If he or anyone else tried to cause harm to her, I could banish them from our pack. I also felt guilty, but I tried to swallow that guilt. Guinevere could hopefully fall in love with me and forgive the pack for her treatment. I would give Gwynn the world if I could. She'd be the perfect Luna; she was the only person I wanted by my side.

I pulled out my phone quickly, sending a text to my beta, Alex.

"Prepare the pack; I'll be returning with my Luna. Make sure Stephanie and any of her belongings are removed from quarters."

My phone almost instantaneously pings back in response.

"Yes, Alpha, and Congratulations; Gwynn will be a perfect Luna."