
A Dragon's Perspective

[UPDATES EVERYDAY AT 4PM GMT! "So here I am, the First Son of the High-and-Mighty Noble Dragon House, with a plan so brilliant it’s stupid: screw the heir’s mantle and kick back with a life full of leisure, money, and women. But here's the kicker—I had no damn clue that during my drunken blackout, I got zapped into a friggin' novel I once skimmed. Turns out, the character I’ve become was meant to die early on. Great. My lazy-ass plan just flipped the script. Now, instead of living easy, I’m a walking Calamity Magnet, scrambling to survive in this godforsaken world. Talk about ironic bullshit." "I'll carve out my own path, even if it means dealing with all the bullshit that comes with it." ________________________________ ●Magic Castle- 10 Extra chapters (RIP my Sleep Schedule) [THE DISCORD IS UP AND RUNNING COME SHOW SOME LOVE... LINK: https://discord.gg/WFaZeMPaCM

HeavenlyMike · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
33 Chs



As the clerks finalized the arrangements, Diaval took a moment to absorb the grandeur of the bank and the bustling city outside.

This was the beginning of a new chapter, one where he would carve out a legacy not just for himself but for his family, particularly his mother.

"Let's head back," Eldric said, placing a reassuring hand on Diaval's shoulder. "We have much to prepare."

Diaval nodded, feeling a renewed sense of purpose.

As Diaval and Eldric stepped outside the bank, Diaval couldn't help but notice several women glancing his way, their faces flushed with shy smiles.

He tried to dismiss it, but their stares were unmistakable.

Diaval sighed inwardly; the attention was both flattering and a bit overwhelming.

'Everyday problems of having a pretty face,'he mused.

'Where were these problems in my previous life...'

"Sir Eldric," Diaval began, shifting his focus back to their mission, "do you think we could find a landowner to buy some property from while we're here?"

Before Eldric could respond, a passerby who had overheard their conversation stepped forward.

He was a middle-aged man with the look of a lesser dragon: two horns adorning his head, one of which was chipped, and a shrewd glint in his eyes.

"Excuse me, young master, Sir Eldric," the man said with a slight bow, his tone respectful but his eyes calculating.

"I couldn't help but overhear your conversation. I might be able to assist you in acquiring some land."

The man's words were sincere but deep down he had a certain motive to accomplish the moment he saw the carriage rolling into Claire.

This was his chance, and couldn't be thrown away so lightly.

'Only a fool would not see the opportunity infront of him,'the man said to himself smiling as he bowed.

The guards accompanying them moved to intercept the man, but Diaval raised a hand, signaling them to hold back.

'He doesn't look like a land lord or even someone who truly has something in his name...but regardless, I do need land,'Diaval thought.

"Let's hear him out," Diaval said, curiosity piqued.

'Phase one...complete.'

The man introduced himself with a humble smile.

"My name is Taren. I own some land within Claire City, a bit off from the main market. It's a beautiful piece of property, perfect for someone of your stature."

Diaval and Eldric exchanged glances. "What can you tell us about this land?" Eldric asked, his tone measured.

Taren's eyes gleamed as he produced a small, rolled-up parchment from his pocket.

"I have some drawings and descriptions right here," he said, handing the parchment to Diaval.

"It's spacious, fertile, and situated near a serene lake. An ideal location for any noble endeavor."

Diaval unrolled the parchment and studied the drawings.

The land did look promising, with lush greenery and ample space for a business. Eldric peered over his shoulder, examining the details.

"This looks quite appealing," Diaval admitted, glancing at Eldric for confirmation.

Eldric nodded, though his eyes remained wary. "And how much are you asking for this land, Taren?"

'This is the perfect opportunity,'Taren thought smiling internally.

Taren's face lit up with a practiced smile.

"For such esteemed individuals as yourselves, I'm offering it at a special price of 5,000 gold coins."

Diaval and Eldric both balked at the amount.

"That's an exorbitant price," Eldric said, his voice laced with skepticism.

"Land in this area typically doesn't cost more than 1,000 gold coins."

'It won't be easy, but I'm the most convincing person there is..'

Taren yet again thought. He was going to make money out of the two no matter the circumstances.

Even though he scammed alot in his years without a care, it was necessary as he had a family to feed. And noble dragons are more than just a jackpot.

Taren's smile didn't waver.

"I assure you, this land is worth every coin. It's prime real estate, and I have had several offers already. But seeing as it's for the Astarot family, I'm willing to hold it for you."

'Phase two...complete.'

Diaval could sense the man's intentions; he was clearly trying to extort as much money as possible. Yet the drawings were indeed convincing, and time was of the essence.

"How about this," Diaval said, thinking quickly.

"We'll give you a deposit of 2,000 gold coins now. We'll inspect the land tomorrow, and if it meets our expectations, we'll pay the remainder."

Taren's eyes gleamed with greed as he considered the offer.

"Very well, young master. 2,000 gold coins as a deposit, and the rest upon your satisfaction."

Eldric handed over the deposit, and Taren scribbled down the address of the land.

"You won't be disappointed," Taren assured them, pocketing the coins.

'Final phase...complete.'

"I'll be there to meet you and finalize the deal."

As Taren walked away, Diaval turned to Eldric. "Do you think we made the right choice?"

Eldric sighed, his gaze following Taren. "He's clearly trying to take advantage, but the land might still be worth it. We'll know for sure tomorrow."

Diaval nodded, feeling a mix of excitement and apprehension. The prospect of buying land for his mother's bakery was becoming more tangible, but he remained wary of Taren's intentions.

"Let's head back to the carriage," Diaval suggested, feeling the weight of their decision.

As they made their way back through the bustling streets of Claire City, Diaval couldn't shake the feeling that the day ahead would be crucial in determining the success of his plans.

For now, they had taken the first step, and he was determined to see it through.

Meanwhile, as Taren walked away, he couldn't help but grin wickedly, glancing at the heavy bag of gold coins in his hand.

He chuckled to himself, "Stupid nobles. So easy to fool. This is going to be easier than I thought."

He continued down the street, humming a tune, thinking of all the ways he could extort more money.

"Who knew fooling Noble Dragons, could be so easy..."

"I myself don't even know what I scribbled in that papper, if it turns out to be a real address, well and good...if its not, that will be there problem,"He said as he kissed the bag.

"Holy fuck, tonight I feast. And I know just the place, an amazing brothel filled with the most exotic women," He finished his thoughts as he squeezed the bag of money imagining they were round and perfectly crafted breasts.

"Tonight I'm going all out!"