
Chapter 1: Ordinary Day

As the school day came, Haru was walking the noisy hall with his friends. He had quite the entourage behind and beside him, a rather tall jock and a rather slimy bookish male.

"Yo Haruka! How was Mei last night?" The bookish boy asked, he had quite the informal vocabulary despite seeming rather intelligent from a certain perspective.

"Crying, dumped her on the spot."

"Whoa, do you realize it only has been a week? Give it time, you just met the girl." The jock had then spoke, him being the more considerate one of the trio.

"She is like eating nothing but instant ramen everyday, it tastes good, but it's unhealthy and it gets repetitive." Haruka spoke, it a metaphoric way.

"Are you saying she is food?!" The jock gasped in surprise.

"No, you idiot! Women aren't food, in fact I respect them. It's just equal, a woman can be dumped by a man, a man can dump a woman. It's equal and it's fair." Haruka had sweated as he explained, flipping his hair before crossing his arms.

"Sorry Haru... The way you phrased it could make your statement be mistaken.." He apologized, a flustered blush on his face appeared.

"Whatever, Tomoki." Haruka yawned, walking ahead.

Not too far from the crowd was Ren, who was quite the student at the school. Ren isn't a female, but in fact a male with an ambiguous name and crossdressing thrown into the mix. He had average grades, not average hobbies, and odd friends. He was rather darling from a distance and up close with make up, female uniform, and long hair. If he had the choice to attend high school, he wouldn't have at all, he would probably be one of those streamers or those neckbeards who devote their lives to pop culture, posting on Reddit, commenting on Youtube, or even being found on 2Chan.

But, he didn't. Instead, he has to live with attending school, dealing with people he'll forget a year after graduation, studying, and keeping up with his female alter-ego.

He felt spit hitting his face from how loud his friend was speaking, which was Kira, an obnoxious person he somehow befriended.

"Stop spitting on me, It's not going to make me listen to you any more than I'm not." Ren said in a strained voice, the annoyance laced his words.

"Wait, you weren't listening to me at all? I'm not going to repeat anything! Since you are a terrible listener, like-" Kira huffed, crossing her arms as she apparently began scolding me.

He stopped listening once again.

Dropping out did sound like a good idea for Ren, no longer have to listen to this headache-inducing girl, no more work, nothing in general.

As he looked around, using a hand to block the incoming spit, he noticed Haruka walk down the hall with his friends next to him, along with an entourage, and some normal people walking along. They locked eyes for a quick moment, but it didn't last more than a second.


It was around lunch time, Ren sitting next to Kira again, listening to her blabber as he ate quietly. The chill breeze of Spring was there, seemingly making Ren feel rather poetic or natural. He doesn't write any form of literature, it's not his hobby or an interest of his either.

Despite being in the middle of his thoughts, be was able to pull himself out to say hello to one of his friends.

"Hey, Ami." He greeted blandly, his chesnut eyes lingered over to a girl his age with blocky, black bob, pale skin, and large brown eyes. She was close to his height, in which she was at least 5'6 at best.

"Hi Ami! I'm just telling Ren about what we are planning to do after school!" Kira said brightly, standing up from her seat after sending his lunch box to the side.

Ren looked surprised, he manages to ignore her so much that he didn't even know the topic of the entire conversation.

"Y-Yeah, what are we doing?" Ren asked nervously, a single suggestion he had was Karaoke, which he enjoyed, even if he couldn't sing.

"We was going to probably hang out my house, because I got some more games we could play, or perhaps go for a bite to eat!" Kira suggested, clasping her hands together before folding them in a hopeful manner.

"Eating out sounds nice, how does it sound to you, Ren?" Ami agreed softly, looking at Kira with a playful manner before turning to Ren.

"What do you think, Ren?" She questioned.

"Sure, I wouldn't mind eating out, could we go for karaoke later?" He asked before taking a bite of his food.

"Great! I'll make reservations at a hot restaurant!" Kira said, clapping her hands, which made Ren flinch.

"Ugh, Ami and you just going to take a bunch of pictures and want to leave less than ten minutes later." He huffed, crossing his ankles as he sat.

The two looked offended but they laughed it off, in which Ren didn't pay attention to. He could see a certain braided girl walking yards away from the three, looking rather fragile. That was probably Mei, another girl Haruka left. Honestly, he never disliked Haruka, he was just someone he wouldn't idolize or really befriend. The closest interaction they have is a few exchanged words, sometimes polite yet rushed, and quick stares.

"What are your opinions on Haruka?" Ren asked the giggly two friends, it was actually an unintentional question just thought out loud.

"I don't like him, he break rules so often, skips class at times, is quite the rascal, and is rather disrespectful." Ami stated, quite hatred was ignited in her eyes, even her tone wasn't soft as she spoke about him.

"He is quite a jerk, but he is cute! I would date him if I was offered, but a committed relationship? No way, he goes through women like his little slimey friend goes through packets of cigarettes. Lights one up, puff, puff, flick, and then crush them with his foot to put it out!" She made gestures as she spoke, a blush was on her face yet disappeared once she spoke about cigarettes.

Ren couldn't help but to chuckle quietly, his friend went full cartoon.

"That is quite much, but some of the girls are stupid enough to even ask him out or let themselves get charmed by him. It isn't that hard to ignore him." He narrowed his eyes as he shut his lunch box, speaking in an up-front tone.

"Mei recently got hurt by him, I tried speaking to her, but she just ran away. Poor girl, I hope she doesn't take it too hard, but then again she just transferred here." Ami explained, worry was in her words.

"I bet 11,000 if she'll kill herself." Ren said, which got shocked and disapproving looks from Ami and Kira.

"Don't think that way! Whatever, lunch is almost over, let's go!" Kira huffed, grabbing Ren's wrist and Ami's hand before dragging them away.

Left behind was Ren's lunch box along with Kira's.

I hope you enjoy this chapter???

Hana_Naokocreators' thoughts