
You Can't Take Her Away From Me!

Naturally, all good things come to an end. Mila asked Drew if he had figured out who tried to kill him as soon as they were back in the car. Why did she care though? Was it solely curiosity or was she actually worried about him? 

He hadn't managed to get any more information since the last time he looked into this and it did make him uneasy but what else could he do without involving the police? They would think he was insane if they knew the truth and he did not need to be locked up for this, thank you very much. 

"You don't remember anything from that day?" Mila asked hesitantly. 

Drew shook his head. "I can't remember anything from Friday night until very early Monday morning when I sort of came to and Leo was controlling my body. Let me tell you, that came as a real shock." 

"I bet. I'm so sorry."