
We Are So Far Past Weird At This Point

Riley noticed there was something bothering her boyfriend because he was easily distracted and he wasn't nearly as smiley as usual. But he refused to tell her what was wrong, which was just like him. 

She was incredibly frustrated and wanted answers but he was being way too close-lipped. She still hadn't figured out how to get him to talk when it happened in a way she never would have seen coming. Not in a million years!

She had been driving home from her dentist appointment, still feeling gross because of the fluoride treatment currently sitting on her teeth, at a stoplight when she suddenly saw a very bright pair of headlights coming right at her when there was nothing she could do. 

Before Riley could even blink, someone was on the hood of her car and a bright blue light appeared that the truck smashed into instead, throwing the person backwards so hard that they cracked the windshield.

What in the world just happened? Who was that?!