
She Had Stupidly Thrown Caution To The Wind

Ginger had quite a week between thinking too much about what the heck was up with Dane Redmond and the fight that went down at school. That didn't happen every day. Especially to the point that the police had to be called.

Somehow, he knew that she had a crazy day because he just so happened to text her on that day as opposed to any of the others in the week. She ended up being honest and telling him. 

He seemed both worried about her and curious about both the incident and the cause. He really didn't know much about relationships, did he? He did believe in love at first sight, after all. That was pretty naïve. 

Ginger said that relationships were messy and he replied that they didn't have to be. Not inherently romantic but it still made her heart skip a beat because of the implications. He was obviously interested in her even if she was skeptical of it. They had been on a date and were going on another one. That sort of thing was romantic with context.