
Nothing To Regret About That

As expected, they did have issues with the fang thing. And that wasn't all. 

Zeldris wanted to sleep with Ava the way they had back in the demon realm once he found out that was a thing couples here did but complained about the bed being too soft. She hadn't realized that he had been sleeping on the ground even when they were at Ian's house until then. 

There were a lot of little things like that to work around. He had adapted to living in the human world and following its rules very well but he was still a demon. 

He liked a lot of things better here but there were others that he thought were annoying and pointless. She had known that before they started dating simply from having him live with her but some of them became more apparent afterward. 

Whenever something happened, Ava reminded herself that it wasn't his fault because he had been raised with stark cultural differences. He was still learning how to get by in this world.