
Chapter 2


I wrote a cheque for an obscene amount of money (these big pups cost a lot) and Ross beamed at me. After a goodbye stroke from John, Smoky happily jumped into the very back of the Range Rover. I buckled Ross up in the rear passenger seat and drove off, after assuring John he could check on us any time. A forlorn man looked out of the tiny home from which he’d released a beloved pet.

Two seconds into our trip Smoky decided the back of the car wasn’t his scene, and gave an enormous leap over to sit next to Ross. This was a big improvement, the cheeky dog clearly thought, as he leaned across my son and stuck his bull-sized head out the window.

I watched the huge nose and fluttering ears in my wing mirror. What have I done?I asked myself in horror. Supposing this animal kills my son? What kind of irresponsible parent am I?But Ross thought it was funny. He giggled at the furry bulk looming over him and I stopped fretting