
A Disastrous Omen of Light

Reincarnated in a new world that is different from the old one. From the moment she opened her eyes, everyone is aiming for her life. From birth, she is known as the Bearer of Darkness, and yet her magic is the opposite of what people it is to be. On her journey to survive the harsh world she lives in, her loved ones are always there for her.

Botchai · Fantaisie
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14 Chs

(5.1) Evaron Olarona: A Scar that Holds A Story

"Master, you have been staring at the mirror for an hour now. Is it still hard to believe that your scar is gone?" Ashiir has been quietly watching me since the moment I started looking at myself in the mirror. The feeling of disgust every time I looked at myself in the mirror went away just like that. Now, when I look at myself in the mirror, I can only see a new beginning for me, and the felt very surreal. I don't even know where to start.

"Yes, it is." I turned around and faced Ashiir. "You know much I hate looking at my face. I hate to be reminded of the day on what my own mother did that to me. Every day, I wish that didn't happen so that I don't have to hate her so much." Having hate in my heart is too much. It's eating me on the inside and I cannot stand it.

Despite my hate for her, she is still my mother. She gave life to me. Even for just a few moments of my life, she did love me sincerely. At least that is what my father said to me.

"I know, Master. You may never forget what she did to you, but with what the princess did, I think it would be the very first step for you to move forward without being reminded every day of that dreadful day."

I smiled when I heard that. He is right, I think I can finally take my first to move on. I thank the deities for letting me have Ashiir as my side, without him, I may have led myself into a different path than now.

"My prince, the emperor has accepted your request to meet him." Right, as soon as I sent the princess back to her chambers, I went to see the emperor right away, however, he rejected it because he is busy at the moment. I understand that being an emperor there are a lot of things that are needed to be done. However, I really need to see him before returning to Lefelond.

"Okay. I will go and see him right away."

As I am walking down the hallway, people have been staring at me the whole time, even my own people is staring at me intently. I know why they are staring. I have been known to have a scar on my face since I was very young and no one has ever healed my scar, not even the best healers in the world.

To think that all of a sudden my scar is gone without a trace is a shocking thing. My people must be desperate to want to know what happened to me, but I don't intend to tell them what the princess has done to me. I do not think that it is the best idea to spread the word about the princess' healing capability. That is why I must talk to the father of the princess, Emperor Ezra.

Upon arriving at the emperor's office, Theodore let us in. I saw the surprise on his face, I expected that.

"Pardon me for demanding a request to see you, Emperor Ezra," I said.

The emperor looked at me and said, "It is quite alright, Prince Evaron. You are a guest of this Empire, it is only natural for me to make sure to hear your voice when it is necessary." Oh, it is necessary alright. "I'm guessing the reason you want to see me is because of what happened to your face?"

"Yes." I have been hearing words that Emperor Ezra is not going to heed any of the Holy Grounds' words regarding the princess. The reason for that is because of his love for his child, he must not know about what the princess can do. Now more than ever, Emperor Ezra should make everything necessary to protect the princess, and I will convince my father about this matter. I owe the princess that much. "The princess healed my scar."

"The princess? What are you talking about? The princess is only a baby, her potential in magic shouldn't be showing at her age, she's not even a year old just yet." Confusion is written all over his face, even his trusted aid, Theodore, is also confused. Well, I can't blame them. Usually, around the age of five, children will start showing their potential in magic. There has never been a record of a newborn being able to show potential in magic.

"On the contrary to that, she shows potential. The potential in healing magic or possibly even beyond that." When I felt that magic of hers, I felt something more other than the healing magic she has. Something unexplainable that I cannot point out. I have studied magic since young, and yet I cannot determine what kind of magic she has. It is not like the holy magic that healers have, it is on a different kind of level.

The emperor probably sensed that I am telling the truth and lying to him would do me no good. So he asked another question. "How did this whole thing happen?"

"I was wandering around the garden in the Empress' palace, and was playing flute, the princess must hear it and there she found me. She was all alone wandering around." It was a surprise to me when I saw the princess all alone in the garden. I know that most people in the empire want to avoid her, but leaving a baby all alone is extreme. However, when I carried her back inside the Empress' palace, I saw two handmaidens crying and looking all over for the princess, even the two guards are frantically looking for her. That is when I realize that his princess sneaked out, but then again, there could be probably more reason why she was alone in the garden.

"She was alone?" The emperor turn his attention to his aid and said, "Theodore, I need you to find out why my daughter is all alone in the garden."

"Yes, Your Majesty." Theodore bowed and left the room. I guess someone is going to be punished today. Whoever it is, in a way they did deserve it for leaving the princess all alone.

"Your Majesty, I know I am in a place to say anything about your daughter, however, I think it would be best to not spread the word about the princess' mysterious magic. Keeping a close eye on what she can do is probably the best choice. I will also try to convince my father about helping you protect her from the clutches of the Holy Ground. There might be a big reason why they badly want her gone."

"I intend to keep a secret, Prince and I thank you for suggesting that. You did not have to do anything else but still intend to protect my daughter. I truly thank you." A loving father, that is what everyone is saying about him. At first, it was hard for me to believe that because of the stories I heard about him on the battlefield the people in the Empire claimed him to be a tyrant. But it seems that their perception is very wrong.

"My scar may have a scar just to anyone, but that scar has been tormenting me since I was young. I owe the princess for getting that torment away from me. Assisting in protecting is only the best I can do for her, Emperor Ezra."

The emperor smiled, in a way that surprised me. He must be really grateful that there is one more person who is not thinking of trying to wish for his daughter to be gone. Being a father is something I could never understand just yet. But the willingness to protect someone is something I can understand.

"Well then, that is all I have to say, Emperor Ezra. I must get going now, I received a letter from my father that I must return immediately."

"Then, I shall escort you—"

"There is no need for that. I have already talked to you, this much is enough. I know you have a busy schedule ahead of you, I shall not disturb you any further, Emperor Ezra." Demanding to see him in his busy schedule is disrespectful enough. I don't want to further disrupt him. I have already said what I need to say and that is all.

"If you say so. Well, I thank you once again, and I hope you had a great time while staying here."

"I did." I smile and left his office. Coming here, all I can think about is my obligation as the crown prince of the Lefelond Empire. Never did I once think of having a great time, until I met the princess. That day was the happiest day of my life. Something big has moved its way out of my chest.

"Master, how are you going to convince your father about the princess?" Ashiir suddenly showed himself. Ashiir only shows himself when we are alone

"Ashiir, you are worried about nothing at all. You know how my father is, besides, even if he refuses, he will have to do it one way or another."