
A Different Record of Ragnarok

Throughout the infinite universe exists a reality where things went differently. Although the divine have decided to eradicate humanity for their imperfections, Freya, the leader of the Valkyries has stepped forward to offer a chance of survival for humanity. Ragnarok will commence, but a new roster for humanity is to be expected. *Warning: AU, OOC* *One Chapter per Week. Two if I'm motivated.*

sh8tyy · Anime et bandes dessinées
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9 Chs

Chapter II: Round One, Start!

"Freya! Wait up, please! A-are you sure there's no other way?!" A petite figure chased after the leader of Valkyries.

Göll, the youngest of the Valkyries, is a teenage girl with lilac hair that reaches down to half her neck and aqua green eyes. She wears a green jacket over a white shirt with tight black shorts. On her left leg is a black legging with a garterbelt and on her feet are green high top sneakers. Similar to her sister, she wears a small gold wing-shaped hairpin on the left side on her bangs.

"Another way for what?" Freya asks, turning around and facing Göll with a serious expression.

"This!" Göll spreads her arms open, gesturing everywhere in the hallway they are currently in. "Everything h-here! Do we r-really need to risk our lives?! Can't we find other w-ways to help humanity?!" The teen exclaimed with tears in her eyes, her lips quivering as she spoke. "I just c-can't watch my sisters d-die because they g-got partnered with someone that is not up f-for the task-"

Göll fell silent, the sound of a loud slap resounding.

"We will not die, Göll." Freya said, voice laced with a serious tone that made the youngest sister whimper. "Not in vain, we will not. So, shut up, Göll. Toughen up because we're all in this, together. Remember, you're a Valkyrie, just like all of us. We took an oath and we all agreed that we will do anything and everything to ensure mankind's safety, even if our deaths are necessary." The leader said, her expression beginning to soften. "Besides, put some trust in our humans. Have some trust in your sisters."

The eldest put a hand on the youngest's shoulder, making the latter stare at the former's eyes with her teary ones. The quivering of her lips intensifies, her smaller hands grasping the one holding her shoulder before proceeding to shakily nod.

"Come, walk beside me." Freya guides Göll beside her with her left arm resting on the youngest's shoulder, walking at a much slower pace to calm their nerves down. "I wish there was another way to help humanity, I really do, Göll. I've scoured every possible choice but it seems like this is the only way to achieve the best results."

Hearing such words leave Freya's mouth, Göll looks down, her fingers intertwined and placed on her chest. The little girl could not help but frown, her now drying eyes narrowing as she thinks. Göll could only give a sigh laced with sadness as she looks at Freya's face, a cast down smile present on her face.

"So, Völundr, huh?" Göll stares at Freya's blue eyes, making the latter give a sad smile of her own.

"Völundr," Freya nods at Göll's words, making the youngest look away. "Through Common Destiny, we are able to become divine weapons to be used in battles by our human companions." The leader pauses for a second before chuckling, grabbing Göll's attention. "Do you remember what we need to do to make that happen? Is there anything that stuck with your head after the lesson I gave you all?" Freya ended whilst ruffling her little sister's hair, ruining the style which made the youngest pout, annoyed at the gesture.

"Yeah, yeah, we need to be in the same wavelength with our humans. I know, I know." Göll grumbles before lightly slapping Freya's hand off, making the eldest giggle at her antics. "Geez, Freya, you're acting like you didn't slap me a moment ago."

"You want another one?" Freya offers, her other hand already brought up and ready to strike down her sister.

"No! I mean, no ma'am." Göll was quick to answer, both arms raised to protect her face. The reaction merely made Freya giggle even more, much to Göll's displeasure. "Not funny," the girl whines but it was all in vain since Freya finds it funny when she has to show why she is the eldest and the leader of their family.

"It is for me, little sister." Freya admits with no shame as they finally reach the end of the hallway. "It's already starting, I guess we're right on time." She said with a frown while Göll's expression shifted to an anxious one.

They reached outside and they now see a giant colosseum. Rows after rows of elevated stone seats surround the circular stage located in the middle of it all. The arena is quite big, being 200 meters in diameter while having a sandy terrain.

With the deities' side located on the northern side of the arena, Freya and Göll came out of the southern part of it where humanity sits, a platform right in the middle of their side, facing the opposite side. While the gods and goddesses of various pantheons berated mankind, humanity found themselves silent. The sudden revelation of the deities' existence seem to be affecting them quite hard and said gods and goddesses wanting them exterminated added more despair on their already overflowing plate of emotions.

"Heimdall is refereeing." Freya heard a voice coming from her left as they near the railings. "Knowing him enough, he'll be hyping up everyone, being one of the neutral ones and all." Brunhilde said whilst walking beside her sisters.

"I expect humanity to feel shocked or even excited after they know that one of their legends is real." Freya admitted, sighing as she felt some people staring at her back, like they did not trust her. "I didn't expect humanity to lose most of their hopes on the spot. This must have been quite the painful reveal for them."

"It is, it will always be." Brunhilde pauses before chuckling. "I saw someone praying," Brunhilde reveals with a small smile, looking at the incredulous expression of her older sister. "Really, it was stupid. I had to remind him that his god is quite literally here to kill him."

At that, a drop of sweat fell down Freya's forehead. "Did you really need to lower their already faltering morale?" She asks with a nervous smile, worrying about how to increase the declining confidence of humanity.

"I, at least, had to wake them up from their delusion." Brunhilde said with a sadistic giggle that made the eldest palm her face. Seeing this, Brunhilde merely chuckles at the behavior. "Don't be such a baby, sister. They're humanity, they'll bounce back in no time. They always do. That's why they're annoying to deal with." She ends her sentence, playfully elbowing Freya's side which makes the eldest sigh at the behavior.

Then, the sound of something lightly tapping a microphone resounded, making the three sisters on humanity's platform look at the deities' gate located underneath their platform. After a few seconds, they heard someone clear their throat. They immediately recognized whose voice they were about to hear just by that.

"It's showtime! Primetime! And it's go time, baby!"

They heard a voice shout as a figure riding a floating inverted four-sided pyramid came flying out of the deities' gate. His voice was full of energy, making the gods and goddesses roar in anticipation and startling humanity with the sudden passion they felt coming from the individual.

"And there goes Heimdall." Freya said with a smile.

"Is everybody here ready?! I wanna hear more shouts! Roars! But most importantly, I wanna hear cheers from both sides!" Heimdall shouts, placing his left hand beside his ear as if to listen more to the crowd.

Heimdall is a short god with a robot-like face and a green hooded cloak that covers the rest of his head. Some black, slicked-back hair is visible from the front. He sports a pair of protective goggles, medieval fur pants and striped shoes. In his right hand, he held a golden horn with clear excitement visible through his shaking. Gjallarhorn, Heimdall's golden horn, is about to be blown to signal the start of Ragnarok.

The referee of Ragnarok seemed to pout a little. He crosses his arms before pointing at humanity who were taken aback by the sudden gesture. With a growl, Heimdall screeches, berating humanity but it was another surprise to them when the words came out of his mouth.

"Humanity! Such a weak side! Why can't I hear any cheers from your side?!" Heimdall then places his left hand beside his ear once again. "Lemme hear the cheers! The roars of defiance! Don't be a bunch of mutes! It's gonna kill the vibe of this arena!" He roared, riling up humanity as they tried and started actually cheering. "Better! I'll let it pass for now! Still a weak cheer, but a cheer nonetheless!"

"Don't bother with the ants, Heimdall! Just let them be!" A god laughs from the seats.

"Yeah! They already know that they are losing! Let them despair in peace!"

"Look at their faces! They are definitely not ready for us! They never will be!"

One after another followed and soon enough, a set of insults were hurled at humanity.

"Shut up! We don't even know what god you are!"

Silence permeated across the entire arena. The gods and goddesses look at the daring human that insulted one of their kind and spotted a teenager from the modern era pointing a finger at them.

"Do you hear me?! You're a fucking nobody! A fucking no name god-"

A blast of fiery magic came flying across the arena, startling everyone present. The fire flew at an alarming speed, heading straight to the teenager who decided to speak up.

The boy shielded his eyes using his arms and the people around him mirrored his actions, the brightness of the inferno heading their way almost making them blind.

The fire was near and everyone braced for it.

Göll and Brunhilde merely watched as Freya blurred into position, in front of the boy. The youngest was startled by how fast Freya was while the second-in-command had a smirk present, already knowing that Freya would react like this.

The boy behind Freya felt a gust of wind and dared to look and saw the leader of Valkyries but never had a chance to admire her.

A loud booming sound filled the arena as the fire struck Freya's shield, every last lick of it was absorbed into her shield as it glowed a beautiful orange hue akin to a radiant sunset. Humanity's vision danced and swayed as the heat permitted to the air, making them nauseous.

The heat subsided and the bright glow of Freya's shield calmed down.

With fierce blue eyes, she glared at the god who attacked humanity. Her arms trembled in anger upon seeing this act of pettiness but she quickly shook it off, knowing who she was dealing with.

"Gods and their fragile ego." She muttered before slowly lowering her shield, her eyes glued at the god who had the gal to glare at her.

"You dare interrupt my business, Freya?!" The god god pointed an accusing finger at Freya who growls.

"I dare!" Freya shouts back. "Is this how mighty you gods are? A mere comeback from the ones you belittle is enough to set you off?! What a pathetic display of power!" She berates the god who grimaced at his display, Freya's words having the intended effect. "Will you settle down and wait for Ragnarok to start or will you act like children?! Go on, be my guest and show your declining maturity to humanity!"

No god or goddess dared to look bad in front of anyone, human or not. They are better than humanity and they should be better in dealing with their emotions. They are not like humans with flaws. They are perfect, therefore they must act the part.

"Heh, typical," Brunhilde scoffs before hearing Heimdall speak once again.

"Alright! Y'all had enough?!" Heimdall shouts.

"Yes, now, please, do go on." Freya said to the referee who nods, before gesturing to the platform, waiting for Freya to position herself. Seeing this, she looks back at humanity before saying, "I advise you all to be like this child."

She then pointed at the boy in front of her, her eyes fiery as ever, making the boy flinch at her gesture.

"He didn't back down! If a mere child can do it, then why can't humanity's long history can't?! Are you all really that weak to not even have the capabilities to cheer?! We're fighting here for your survival! Your support is needed! So, grow some hair on your chests and don't falter now! Am I clear?!"

Silence, followed by a small amount of voices.

A sword was unsheathed and then met a shield, releasing a loud clang of metal hitting metal. Freya growls and glares at the humans who stared at her with a myriad of expressions.

"AM I CLEAR?!" She roars.

Then, the crowd came to life. Their cheers were louder now, making Freya smile even for a little as she sheaths her weapon before nodding at Heimdall.

With a leap, she reached their platform where she met Brunhilde's proud smile and Göll's worried expression.

"Alright! Now that that's out of the way, let's get this tournament on the road, gods and goddesses, ladies and gentlemen!" Heimdall announces before brandishing Gjallarhorn in front of his face. With a smirk, he loudly says, "I've been waiting for a long time to be able to sound this horn! And now, we start!"

His lips pressed onto the tip of the horn and the loud sound of Gjallarhorn echoed, its sound reaching realms after realms, signalling the start of humanity's last struggle against the deities of various pantheons.

"I'll say this once! And only one time, everyone!" Heimdall grins in pure euphoria of being able to be the referee of the first ever Ragnarok. "Gods and goddesses! Ladies and gentlemen! The first ever Ragnarok begins now!" He shouts with excitement before placing his left hand on his chest. "I am Heimdall, the Watchman of the Apocalypse, here with all of you today to referee the entirety of the first ever Ragnarok!"

He gestured around, riding his floating inverted four-sided pyramid. Everyone listened, but some would cheer from time to time, filling the god with glee and making him even more giddy.

"Let us not waste any more time then, folks! Let us introduce the fighters of our first round!" Heimdall declared before his voice suddenly became more tamed.

The god looks at the gate of humanity and with a voice that promised a story, he began speaking.

"Ladies and gentlemen, gods and goddesses, beings of all realms, are you ready for the first warrior to step onto the grand stage of destiny? Are you prepared to witness valor, strength, and a heart that beats with the rhythm of countless battles? Well, hold onto your divine seats because what's about to unfold will leave you in awe!"

Deep in the gate, down in its tunnel, footsteps echoed lightly. Tough, gray combat boots, making contact with the hard floor.

"From the annals of legends and tales, from a land where honor and courage are revered above all else, emerges a warrior whose very name sends tremors through the halls of eternity. A warrior who faced adversity not as an obstacle but as a challenge to be conquered. A warrior whose story became a legend, a mere fiction for the modern era!"

Soon enough, rows and rows of warriors clad in red robes stood up, long spears in their hands, using them to bang on the stone floor. Humanity immediately recognized the people were from China due to their appearance and the chant they started shouting.

Seeing such reactions made Heimdall raise his voice, building up the momentum for the reveal. If one were to look, they would see his eyes twinkling in excitement.

"Prepare yourselves for a display of bravery that will resonate through the ages, for a combatant whose story has been sung by bards, whispered by winds, and respected by the public. A warrior who, with every strike of her blade, etched her name deeper into the scrolls of time."

The footsteps in the gate became rapid, and so does the beat the Chinese army has made using their spears and voice.

"Tranquil as a forest, but on fire within! She has trained with the determination of a hurricane and fought with the ferocity of a raging inferno. Swifter than a coursing river with all the force of a great typhoon! She has stood firm against the storms of destiny, unyielding and unafraid. Her journey, marked by trials that would have shattered others, has only forged her into an unstoppable force, an embodiment of resilience and might!"

The roars of the Chinese army became deafeaning to some, even making some deities flinch at their sudden increase in volume. This, however, only fueled Heimdall's fiery passion as he reached the peak of the introduction.

"As she steps onto this battlefield, remember that the heart of a warrior beats within her chest. A heart that knows no fear, a heart that embraces the call of destiny with unwavering resolve. An individual worthy of entering T'ien! And now, without further ado, let us welcome her! Humanity's vanguard! Now presenting!"

The referee grins widely as he paused, before pointing at the figure who jumped gracefully from the gate of humanity before landing on the sandy arena, two boots making contact with the sandy floor as she balanced herself.

"Hua Mulan!"

Hua Mulan is a woman who is average in height and has fair skin. She has long black hair that goes down her back. Her black eyes narrow as she looks around, the same two orbs showing focus as she takes in what is around her. She wore a red robe with body-fit beige long-sleeves under it along with beige trousers and gray combat boots. A sword, specifically a jian, is seen sheathed and strapped to her left hip while a short bow can be seen resting on her shoulders, a quiver strapped to her back.

"Hua Mulan! Hua Mulan! Hua Mulan!"

The roars of the Chinese army did not cease, making Mulan look at them before waving happily, making some of them wave as well. Seeing such an act, most of humanity started cheering and joined the army's chants, making Mulan's smile wider.

"Finally, they regained some morale." Freya states with a smile, hugging Göll and spinning her around, unbothered by the youngest's protests.

The referee gives the people a little more time to cheer and give their support to their vanguard before clearing his throat, making them quiet down.

Mulan, who heard Heimdall, looks at the floating god, her eyes analyzing him before shifting her gaze towards the gate of the deities as it slowly opens.

"And now, for the deities' vanguard!" Heimdall says with suspense.

"Ladies and gentlemen, prepare to bear witness to a deity of unparalleled might, an entity whose very existence has shaped the flow of cosmic forces! From the ancient tapestries of Hindu mythology emerges a figure whose power surpasses even the mighty Shiva, the god of destruction himself! Gather your senses, for you are about to witness the indomitable force that is both a destroyer and a creator, a goddess who walks the line between chaos and equilibrium!"


On the deities' platform, Shiva lays flat on his stomach, hand propping up his chin as he groans. This made some of the deities there chuckle or outright laugh at the Hindu god's reaction.

"Geez, does Heimdall really need to do me dirty like that? He didn't need to mention that about my wife. Is he always like that, huh? Odin?" Shiva asked the quiet Norse leader.

"He's always like that!" The black raven, Huginn, shrieks as he is perched on Odin's right shoulder. "An asshole! Loudmouth!"

"Can't shut up! Nosy!" The white raven, Muninn, perched on the other shoulder of the Norse god, followed up and almost spat at Heimdall's direction.

Hearing this, Shiva sighs, eyes looking at the arena with uninterest. "Yeah, talk about a loudmouth. He didn't have to add the part where my wife could beat me in some ways. Kinda hurts when you're the head of the pantheon." He said with a calm voice, almost sounding nonchalantly.

"It is not about the strength, but the capabilities to lead that makes a good leader. I do hope that you know that and are aware of it, Shiva."

The Hindu god hears a voice entering their platform, he turns his head to the side and sees Amaterasu sitting down on the mattress he is laying down on.

No one spoke after that. They all just listened to Heimdall's introduction.


"In the heart of the cosmos, where time and space converge, one name resounds through the heavens, engraved in the annals of eternity. A name that holds within it the essence of raw cosmic power! Forged from the ashes of primordial chaos, this deity's story is written in the constellations, a dance of creation and dissolution that echoes across the cosmos!"

A laugh of a woman can be heard coming from the gate's tunnel, making Mulan fix her gaze upon it. The laughter within was wild, untamed, mocking even, and upon hearing it, the gods and goddesses cheered with vigor and excitement.

"She is the embodiment of the great cosmic dance, the Tandava, a force that moves the very fabric of existence with each step. With tendrils of night and fire, she traverses realms as both creator and destroyer, her gaze igniting the birth of galaxies and quelling the raging infernos of stars gone supernova. From the churning oceans of time, she emerged as the force that brings order to chaos, an entity that treads the line between darkness and light."

"Yeah, yeah! Get to it, Heimdall!" Mars shouts from the platform, making Heimdall curse silently at the interruption. "We get it, she's strong! Get to the point!"

Hearing this, some deities could only sigh in disappointment at the Roman god of war's behavior.

Heimdall then went on with his introduction as the sound of laughter from the tunnel grew closer, louder, and wilder.

"It was she who tore through the veils of ignorance, revealing the truths hidden beneath. Her wisdom is a guiding light that pierces through the shadows of delusion, leading seekers to enlightenment. One might say she's the guardian of Earth, but today, she's here to fight humanity!"

Soon enough, the gates that were slowly opening flew off of their hinges and went straight to Mulan, startling the woman who leaps and gracefully went through the gaps of the gate with little effort.

Seeing the action, Heimdall frowns and grumbles something about unsportsmanlike behavior, letting Mulan steady herself as the giant gates embedded themself into the walls of humanity's gate. The referee then sighs before going on.

"So, ladies and gentlemen, prepare your senses and open your minds to the overwhelming force that is both creator and destroyer, light and darkness, chaos and equilibrium. For the time has come to welcome the embodiment of cosmic might, the goddess whose every step shapes the very fabric of existence. Get ready to embrace the fury of the Tandava, the divine dance that is the essence of her being. Behold the might of the Hindu goddess!"

A pause as always.


The arena erupted with cheers from the deities while those in humanity who know the Hindu goddess shivered, afraid of what is to come.

Then, a naked goddess with ebony skin walks out of the tunnel, showing off her body in succession, chest bouncing as she skips along with her ever growing laughter. She was quite tall, a whole lot taller than Mulan, a feet taller to be exact. She dons wide, fiery, orange eyes that seemed to shake in a manic manner while she lets her tongue hang out of her mouth. A slit can be found in the middle of her forehead. A necklace made out of human skulls hangs from her neck while a skirt of human arms hides her bottom half. A shield is seen strapped to her left arm while her right hand holds a massive mace, a gada to be specific.

"Go, Kālī! Beat that human into a pulp!"

"Paint the floor with her blood!"

"Show her just how weak they are compared to us, deities!"

The deities of various pantheons shout in chorus, making Kālī laugh in joy upon seeing and hearing how chaotic things are getting.

Mulan narrows her eyes at the words of the deities as she stands on the opposite side, eyes glued to the naked Kālī. She watched how the goddess behaved, seeing that she kept on laughing loudly with her tongue out, not even embarrassed of her nakedness. Mulan hypothesizes that this is either confidence or arrogance, she could not be sure.

"Hey, little lady!"

Mulan's eyes met Kālī's as the latter calls for her.

"Are you lost? You seem a little cute to be roaming around the arena!" Kālī shouts with a booming laugh that the deities mirrored. "I gotta admit it, you're a little brave to even step up here! Don't bore me, okay?!" She says, twirling his mace like it weighed nothing.

"Hmm, I assure you, I am a lot of things, but boring was never part of it." Mulan claims with a hum, falling to a battle stance, legs apart and arms ready to strike if needed.

"Heh! I'll be the judge of that, cutie!" Kālī laughs, her stance not changing as she played with her mace and shield. She pointed a finger at Heimdall who watched the interaction. "Oi, loudmouth! Wanna start this show or what?!"

"Loudmouth, she says. She really needs a mirror." Heimdall mutters under his breath before nodding, placing the Gjallarhorn in front of his lips before speaking. "The first round of the first ever Ragnarok starts now!"

{•===Start of Round One===•}

With a might blow, the sound of Gjallarhorn filled the arena once more, indicating the start of the round. After a few seconds, Heimdall floats at the side of the arena, between the deities and humanity.

A second after, Mulan draws her bow and aims at Kālī who gestures at the Chinese woman to come and get her. With great focus, she lets go of the string and lets the arrow sail through the air in speed that sends the sand flying on its way.

Kālī stood there with a laugh as the arrow broke upon making contact with the skin of her chest.

Seeing this, Mulan sighs sadly. "Well, I guess it's true that I can't hurt deities with normal weapons." She says as she discards her bow by tossing it to the side along with her quiver.

Mulan then flinches before looking up, seeing Kālī already on the air, mere meters away from her with her mace going down.

Her instincts roared at her to dodge, and so she did. Mulan flips back and dodged Kālī's attack that shattered the ground, sending a shockwave that sent all the sand flying, covering the rows of seats around them.

Mulan lands on her two feet, jian drawn and held by her right hand before facing Kālī who is already in front of her, gada already coming from the right.

The loud clang of metal hitting metal made everyone's ears ring as Mulan parried the mace, hitting the weapon from the bottom and sending its trajectory up which barely misses her head.

"Woah! A little fast, eh?!" Kālī cackles, already bringing her gada back from the left and abandoning any form of defense.

"Thank you," was Mulan's simple answer, her eyes narrowed once again as she focuses on the battle.

As Kālī's mace was moving from the left, Mulan took the opportunity to exploit Kālī's open stance.

The Chinese warrior thrusts her sword forward in incredible speed, aiming at Kālī's chest.

A metallic clang was heard as the tip of Mulan's sword made contact with Kālī's shield.

The goddess grins as her mace nears Mulan's head.

Mulan ducks, her jian still pressed on the shield but now it is facing up. The mace whizzes past her head and she thrusts her sword up with vigorous force.

"What the-" Kālī's eyes widen even more than normal as she tilts her head to the side, dodging the tip of Mulan's jian.

Mulan has pierced the shield of Kālī and brought her jian up, vertically slicing the top even more before bringing it down, capitalizing on Kālī's surprised state.

Kālī could have swung her gada once again but she abandoned her shield to avoid her arm getting sliced off by Mulan.

The Hindu goddess forcefully destroys the straps of her shield before letting go of its handle and making distance, leaping back to avoid the blade.

Mulan's sword intended to slice off a part of the shield, but seeing the development, Mulan expertly stops the slash, letting her jian get stuck in the shield before closing in the distance between her and the still airborne Kālī.

Using the stuck shield, she swung from the left. A wide swipe, levelled with the torso.

It met its mark and struck Kālī's abdomen, sending her flying back to the other side of the arena and removing the shield from her jian, sending it flying up.

Kālī landed on both her feet, her skirt of humans hands swaying, her necklace of human skulls rattling, and her wild hair blown back due to the force that Mulan exerted.

Then, they heard a mighty shout from the deities' side.


"Oi! What kind of fuckery is that?! How did the human slice a divine weapon?!"

Mars shouts from the stand, standing up and gripping the railings of their platform. Veins popping out of his forehead as his grip shook the railings.

"Oi! You damn ant! What kind of cheating is that?!" The Roman god of war pointed a finger at Mulan who caught Kālī's shield.

Kālī, who feels like something is going to happen, stops for a moment to let things get sorted out. She honestly does not mind the surprise, but deities will be deities, so she will have to stop for now.

"Hehe, I didn't think that they'll be brave enough to perform Völundr." Zeus' hollow chuckle escapes his mouth, his body trembling from his stone seat as his hands gripped the armrest.

"Perform what?!" Mars looks at Zeus who stared at him. "Answer me-"

Mars' face met the floor after Jupiter's fists made contact.

"You're crossing some lines, boy." Jupiter growls, grabbing Mars by the neck and throwing him to the wall behind them, shattering it and sending him outside.

"To think that they'll go to this extent. To show us their rebellious nature. Offering their bodies to be used by mere humans, and turning their very essence into a weapon to be used." Zeus said, his voice trembling as he hung his head low. "They had the guts to cross swords with us. This is... this is... absolutely turning me on! Hehe~!" He ended with a perverted laugh. "This is the most thrill I've felt since the Big Bang! Hehe~!"

The head of Greek mythology then looks at Freya's direction, sending flying kisses at the leader of Valkyries.

"Freya~!" The god repeatedly says her name with a perverted expression.

On the other side, on humanity's side, Freya could not help but feel her skin crawl. Göll is creeped out and Brunhilde merely adapted a stoic expression, betraying no emotions.

"That god has some serious issues." Freya said, caressing her arms while Göll hides behind her.

Zeus then pointed at Freya, "Because of the thrill, I'll allow it! It makes it more fun with your lives at stake as well! Hehe~!"

Hearing all of these, Kālī's veins popped out of her forehead out of anger.

"Can y'all stop bickering and just let us fight?!" Kālī, finally done with waiting, shouts at everyone present.

Hearing this, Zeus looks at Kālī with an uninterested expression before waving his hand at her.

"Yeah, sure, whatever, go for it." He said before sitting straight once again and returning to his former position. "Damn, Hermes is taking too long to bring the beverages." He whispered with a pout.


"Fuck, finally!" Kālī growls, letting her tongue loll out once again as she looks at the waiting Mulan. "Alright, cutie, time to continue our battle!"

Mulan did not answer, but instead, went to a stance, shield now strapped to her arm using the sleeves of her robe that she tore off.

Just like that, Kālī rushed at Mulan with baffling speed, continuing the first battle of Ragnarok, weapons ready and spirits flaring.

{•===To Be Continued===•}

T'ien is the Heaven in Chinese mythology, I THINK.

Hua Mulan vs Kālī is a go! Thoughts? See you all next week!

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