
A Contract For The Kids.

"How can I help you like this, little girl? The mall has its policies, if I stand in for you today, other people will want someone to stand in for them too when they don't have money to pay" Olivia said in the softest voice ever.

"But, I really promise–"

"Enough, young girl! This is a place for serious business not a place to make promises! You have heard me, if you don't have money, just leave and let me attend to other important people!" The cashier uttered sharply.

Allicia could no longer take it, she looked at the young girl whose eyes were already filled with years and reluctance to drop the box. She grabbed the girl's wrist and pushed the girl behind her.

"Who said there is no money to pay?" Allicia glared at the cashier.

"The girl clearly has no money to pay!" The cashier voiced, she really did not like how Allicia was being so nosy.

Just when Allicia was about to speak, Olivia interrupted her. "Miss, I understand that you are concerned with the young girl but–"

Before Olivia could complete her statement, a sharp gaze from Allicia caused her to short her mouth.

"Who are you, do I know you?" Allicia glared at the lady and said. "If you don't want to help, don't stop others who are willing to help!" She retorted coldly.

Then, she dip her hand into her bag and took out a card, she tossed it at the cashier and also pushed her cart forward.

"Here, make the payment for everything and pack them properly!" She ordered.

The Cashier was about to speak another word but one glance from Allicia and she dared not. She only snorted coldly and went ahead to make the payment. She tightened her fingers around Allicia's card and deep down her heart, she hoped that the money in the card would be insufficient just so that Allicia could lose face.

However, to the cashier's disappointment, the money was sufficient and Allicia paid for both the girl's watch and her babies' clothes. She picked her good and left the mall. The young girl also followed her as she left. Of course, it was not just the cashier who was displeased, Olivia was also displeased by Allicia's rudeness.

"Miss, thank you so much, can you please write me your number, I have half of the money here, I will send back your money when I get the rest!" The girl said to Allicia.

Allicia looked at the teenage girl and smiled, although she did not know why the girl wanted the watch, for her to act so stubbornly, it must have been important to her.

"You don't have to worry, you can just accept it as a gift from me, you don't have to pay it back," Allicia said but the girl shook her head vigorously.

"No, how can I do that? Actually, I was going to gift the watch to my brother for his birthday but, I did not expect it to be so expensive…" the girl said and bit her lower lip. "How can I take your money to buy my brother a gift?"

Allicia saw that the girl was unwilling to accept her money, she sighed and looked at the girl. "okay, let us do it like this, give me the half payment that is with you while you keep the other half payment as a gift from me to you"

"Alright, thank you," the girl said softly.

Allicia nodded and then, she received the half payment from the girl afterwards.

"My name is Maddison" the girl uttered with a smile.

"Allicia" Allicia said and smiled back. Then, she lifted her gaze and looked at the cloud.

"I should be on my way," she said to the girl who nodded.

"Alright, thank you so much, Allicia!"

Allicia smiled, she walked away and got into a taxi that drove her home. When she got home, she was quickly showed with warm hugs and kisses by her daughter.

Her irritation and anger from the shopping mall immediately slipped away as soon as she got showered with her baby's cuteness. Her face was filled with smiles again and her whole world was lifted immediately. She dropped the things in her hands and sat down.

"For you, Ava" With little Zia clinging to her arms, she gave Ava the gift that she got her.

"Me?" Ava was stunned, she looked at Allicia and then at the small gift bag. Then, she opened the bag and saw a box, she opened the box and saw a lovely bracelet.

"Aww… thank you!" Ava uttered when her eyes fell on the bracelet. If it wasn't for Zia who was clinging onto Allicia, she would have jumped on her too.

"Do you like it?" Allicia questioned with a smile.

"I love it!" Ava voiced. She immediately wore the bracelet and stared at it lovingly. She lifted her gaze and it fell on Zia.

"Zia baby, come and check it out for Mama, isn't this pretty?" Ava uttered.

The little girl bobbed her head seriously and she looked at Ava's bracelet. "Pretty!" She said.

Ava grinned proudly, she rubbed the little girl's head and pinched her soft cheeks.

"I know that! It is very pretty because your pretty mummy bought it for me, isn't that right?" Ava voiced.

"Yes, Mama is right. Everything that comes from mummy is very pretty!" The little girl also agreed.

Ava smiled sweetly, she knew that the little girl had a sweet mouth.

"What else did you buy?" Ava asked when she still saw some bags beside Allicia.

"I bought some clothes for the children too. I will bring the clothes to the children's room so that they can check them out" Allicia said and stood up.

"Ah, that reminds me, I saw a post today in the mailbox. I guess it is for you so I kept it for you. You can check it out after the kids have tried out their clothes. Dinner will be ready by then too" Ava reported.

"Okay, thank you. I will check it out later" Allicia answered. She turned around and walked around a corner. She came to the children's room, and she met Zayn playing on his phone. The boy only raised his head when he heard the door open.

"Zayn, come here," she said and beckoned to the little boy.

The kids checked the fitness of the clothes for another half an hour before she left the kid's room. She took a refreshing bath and returned to join the others for dinner. It was only after dinner that she asked Ava for the post.

Ava brought out a brown envelope and gave it to Allicia. Allicia took out the content of the envelope and she saw that it was a document. She flipped through the document and read through it carefully.

"What is it?" Ava asked after a while.

"It is just a contract for the kids. You know that they used to be children-actor abroad, the entertainment company they were signed with has a branch here so they want the kids' contract to continue for another year before we consider renewal of the contract" Allicia explained without hiding anything.

"That is great!" Ava voiced.

"Mm, " Allicia nodded.

She picked up a pen and immediately signed the contract on behalf of the kids. She had already planned that her kids will only stop acting after a year. At that time, she would be fully settled and also the kids will have to go to school.