
A Devil's Show

[Alternate Title: Devil May Cry System in Solo Leveling] 'A performance is only truly recognizable when one has the charisma and presence needed on stage. The performer is the root of all this. Maintaining their composure and stylishness all along. But what happens when that someone is Dante, the Legendary Devil Hunter. It is his show and the audience is the world!' Bear witness to his legendary performance. *I don't own DMC nor Solo Leveling.* *I don't own the cover.*

WutDelusional · Anime et bandes dessinées
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21 Chs

Cannon Fodder

Standing outside a portal, was a team of 18 people all wearing different outfits and armor. They all had that unique look but on them was a logo. A golden knight's helmet was the symbol on them.

They were the Knights Guild. Right now, they were only a small force as their real raid teams were out cleaning other larger dungeons than the one in front of them.

"I deployed the magic. We should be safe to go. The ants won't be able to see this little island." A woman wearing a purple witch outfit while holding a green staff said. Kim Jongun was her name. She was one of the 3 A-ranks that joined this raid.

Normally, a C-rank Gate would never attract the attention of A-ranks but this was a special case. Even if it was, it had to be destroyed at all cost. Nobody in South Korea would ever want to bear witness to the S-rank Gate there.

It was a crisis that made even A-ranks tremble in their feet. "Good. We can go now." Stepping up was the leader of this raid. His name is Du Chin-Mae and he was one of the A-ranks participating.

His role was that of a striker. Meaning that he had high damage output. Coupled with his equipment made him one of the strongest of his Guild.

{I don't understand why past me chose striker instead of fighter but I don't want to change it since there are like other chapters that I wrote with this term.}

"We shall handle things on this side." The leader looked back to see black suited man with sunglasses. They were the Korean Hunter Association and were here to see the development of this raid.

Since it was such an important one, many of them were here to look through things and make sure to relay things to the Chairman.

"Then we'll be on our way." Lastly, there was the supporter/healer type. Jung Yerim. Yerim is a young woman with a tomboy haircut and large gray eyes. She wore poufy peach robes with white gloves and a large peach crest on the right side of her head.

With everything settled, the party entered the Gate. But today wasn't their lucky day. Their originally blue gate suddenly turned red signifying a Red Gate. Red sparks of lighting appeared making the Gate hard to approach.

The hunter association who saw this had their color gone from their face. "THIS IS BAD! A Red Gate!" One of them screamed out in fear and despair.

The one leading them immediately relayed orders. "Call the Association immediately! We need back-up as soon we can. Call the Leader of the Knights Guild as well! We need all the help we can right now."

The team quickly did as told as they all prepared.

"Sir! We need to measure the level of this Gate and relay that info."

"We can't! Red Gates stop emitting mana after closing up, preventing their mana levels from being accurately measured from that point on. We're in the dark and so are they."

"Damn it! Why on this Gate! This is the worst possible scenario!"

["^_(9^ 1§{€2£¥7$}8%->4@*#'6~'...\!?04@*#'6~'...\!?0]

"I'm guessing this portal is the way that these monsters can go to the human world." Dante said as he looked towards the direction of the portal.

"Hm? A new presence..." With his senses, he was able to feel the presence of a new group. And from the shape of them, they looked like-

"Humans. 18 of them."

But then something caught his eye. But more like he was caught. Someone had noticed his presence. "Someone saw me. Must be one of the 3 strong ones that I felt. With a group like that, I doubt I can win on a head on fight. I still don't know the limit to my regeneration so I'd like to avoid relying on it if I can."

Turning to his windows, he smiled. "Let's see the rewards baby."

[Achievement Unlocked: Kill the Boss of a B-rank Gate.]

[Random Reward Processing…]

[You've gained 'Trish' Lightning'.]

[Skill: Trish' Lightning

Active Skill

Description: The brain is one of the most fascinating things that humans will never be able to fully grasp its full potential. It is powered by neurons that is inside the brain making one be able to move and do actions of our own.

These neurons produce electricity which is composed of electrons.

So if you ever get an erection by watching Trish then it means that she is using the electricity in your brain to forcefully get you an erection. Truly a ingenious way to use Lightning magic.]

"I... am just gonna ignore that. Thanks for the skill Trish. Minus the description."

[Achievement Unlocked: Clear a Red Gate]

[Random Reward Processing…]

"Please no weird description this time."

[You've gained 'Kyrie's Angelic Necklace'.]

"Are you serious? I always hated that thing. Never liked Kyrie's character. Though I kind of respected Nero's dedication for her. The man is just that good of a guy."

[Item: Kyrie's Angelic Necklace

Description: Aahh Love... Not a fan but I'll tell you that it is something most people would want in their lives. Something most of people will never obtain yet desperately search. Kyrie was really lucky to end up with a guy like Nero. Nowadays it's so hard to get in a relationship.

Only in our dreams will it happen and even then they'll still reject you. Oh by the way, since this necklace helped Nero awaken his demon side or whatever then it will also help you.]

Just looking at this description... it was quite something. Even with Vergil's skill. "Is the system developing a personality? I thought the A.I was gone. Weird."

Equipping the item, a golden necklace featuring a red crystal held in place by two overlapping wings similar to a seraph appeared on his neck.

Looking at a puddle of water, he saw his appearance with the necklace. "Ugh! This does not look good with me. I'm just gonna hide it under my shirt." As he said this, the necklace disappeared in a burst of flames and entered his skin.

"That's not good."

[Contact with 'Kyrie's Angelic Necklace' has been confirmed.]

[Awakening process has begun. Human/Demon Compatibility will rise.]

"Wait, is that good." Dante titled his head in confusion before being engulfed by a wave of pain.

["^_(9^ 1§{€2£¥7$}8%->4@*#'6~'...\!?04@*#'6~'...\!?0]

"What is this." The raid team looked around them in confusion. This wasn't what they expected at all.

"This! It's a Red Gate." The leader said in disbelief. 'Damn it! A Red Gate has to appear here of all place!' Everyone knew how important this mission was and the worst possible scenario happened.

"Everyone calm down." Du Chin-Mae took everyone's attention. "This gate is a Red Gate meaning that it is at least B-rank and could possibly be A-rank. Our job here is to exterminate all of the monsters here. But if it's A-rank then we should just try to survive and avoid fighting. Right now, our goal shall be to figure out the number of enemies and how powerful they are."

His quick thinking calmed everyone down as they placed their trust in him. "Team Leader. Something saw us."

Kim Jongun said. "It's strong too. I couldn't exactly pinpoint its location but its within an 7 mile radius from us. I think it's maybe an A-rank but on the high-end."

The leader nodded. "Good job casting a detection spell. That must be the Boss of this dungeon. Remember everyone, stick together and don't wander off. Always be vigilant and if you even feel that something is off and tell everyone. Let's get a move on people."


Suddenly, a shouting roar was heard everyone. A huge wave of mana hit them as the raid group had their eyes wide open. The roar was strong enough to make even the air vibrate. This presence was definitely a monster and its aura was powerful!

But as sudden as it appeared, it disappeared without a trace. Like it was never there.

"What a powerful monster! That thing's definitely an S grade!" Everyone felt fear now. This was an A-rank Gate since they felt the Boss being an S-grade.

"Chin-Mae!" The A-rank support ran to him. "If that things an S-grade then we need to get out of here as fast as we can! There's no way Jongun's spell was able to block that thing from sensing us!"

The leader finally realized it. As he was about to order the team's retreat, something came down from the sky. Dust covered everyone's vision as they blocked their eyes from the dirt.

When the Dust settled, they saw a man wearing a red coat with white hair standing in a crater.

[Well hello there.] Opening his eyes, what they saw was yellow iris and a sharp black pupil like that of an animal.

The man grinned widely as he looked around him. [Beautiful morning, isn't it.]


Team Leader Du Chin-Mae POV-

I couldn't understand what it said. It spoke in the monster tongue. But I knew one thing, it was provoking us. It didn't see us as threats. It saw us as merely pets that he could end.

We didn't know what we had come into. This man-No this monster was powerful. This was a monster despite looking like a man. It's entire aura was that of a rampaging beast. A beast without anyone to stop it.

I've meet S-rank hunters before like the Guild Master of the Hunters Guild, Choi Jong-In and the Guild Master of the White Tiger Guild, Baek Yoonho.

This monster was comparable to them. But unlike them, this one felt unrestrained. Unlawful. Unbound by laws. Like a wild animal ready to set loose.

"Chaos Bind!" Our magic user casted a spell making these black goo come out of a magic circle.

"Get in formation!" I shouted. We didn't stand a chance. I knew that. But running away will only make us get us picked off one by one. Right now, right here. This was our only chance.

The unknown monster then pulled something out of thin air. It was... a gun?

The bullets shot off and when made contact with the spell. It was surprisingly the spell that broke. It was absolutely baffling. Guns wouldn't even be effective in dungeons. They wouldn't work as human technology doesn't work in Gates.

But not only did a gun work here but it was a monster who has it. A monster who shouldn't even have come into contact with humans before.

"BOMBARD HIM!" The magicians who were behind the tanks began firing their magic spells at him. A bombardment full of spells like that should affect him but I oddly could make something out.

Just when the spells were about to hit, the monster... was smiling. It gave me the creeps. No. This was a warning! "Get out-!"

Before I could finish, a figure came out of the barrage of blast and appeared right in behind our mages. This time instead of guns, he held a sword. In an instant, all of them died by him as he cleaved them in half. Our A-rank mage amongst them. She was targeted first.

"Kim Jongun!" I yelled out in despair. This wasn't what I signed up for!


Why did I come here?!

I quickly shook off those thoughts, as a green aura surrounded me and the rest of the surviving team.

Turning around, I saw Jung Yerim, our support giving healing and buffs to our team.

"Yerim! Don't use your support magic!" It is an intelligent monster. That was why I yelled to her. This creature would definitely be smart enough to know its priorities.

A healer would always get targeted first!

[*^@T#?<L|/!K#@.] I couldn't understand what it said but that wasn't what I was focused on. I ran to her just in time to be meet with the sight of my team getting ripped to shreds. Our original 18 was now only 5. The first were the mages then the tanks.

The assailant turned to me and her with those eyes. Those terrifying eyes. It easily closed the distance between us just before Yerim casted a spell on us.

"Sacred Shield!" A bright yellow and white shield appeared before me and blocked the attack.

"Blood Red!" A fierce red mana surrounded my sword.


The sound of shredding was heard by both of us. The monster easily broke apart the shield with his blade.

If I dodged this then Yerim would die. The only thing I could do was face it head on. Both blades nearing each other and before I knew it, I lost consciousness.

[Don't worry. I have questions for both of you so you won't die.] The monster spoke once again. I couldn't understand it. But I knew it was the end. The end of this raid team.

We have officially lost.

By a single monster.

If only I had been more careful.

Maybe this wouldn't have happened.

If only... if only I was more competent.

Everyone wouldn't have to die.

I'm... so... so sorry.

[Name: Dante

Race: Half Human/Demon Compatibility 17.9% (Monster)

Gender: Male

Items: Ebony & Ivory, Dante's Outfit, Red Queen, Nero's Headphones, Kyrie's Angelic Necklace,

Skill: Vergil's Motivation, Dante's Flamboyance, Trish' Lightning]

Hey just asking this question with totally no purpose at all. Would you rather have 5 chapters with 2000 words in about each one or just one with 10 000 words. Remember, no particular reason at all.

WutDelusionalcreators' thoughts