
Zero tolerance

After hearing Jason call out Jenny's name, George and Harry decided to take a look at what was going on. It didn't sound like the talk was going well. When they came in they saw Elizabeth by herself and the door to the garden was wide open. Elizabeth was looking quite content and considering why she went into the kitchen, this was quite worrying. They had expected to find her in tears, but she looked like she had won. Could something have actually happened? "Lizzy what is going on? Where is Jason?" George asked hesitantly. Once they heard what had happened in that short period of time, they were amazed at Elizabeth's fearlessness. But they had to stop her, otherwise they don't know what Jason would do to her. Of what they had seen till now they could tell he is quite protective of Jenny. If she leaves him because of something Elizabeth has done, he might forget the years of friendship they had and make her wish she had never met him in the first place. They had both seen how cruel Jason could truly be if wronged or hurt. Elizabeth had joined them much later and was unaware of this, so it was up to them to warn her of knowing her boundaries.

Harry was the first to try and talk some sense into her. "Elizabeth how could you do that. You are overestimating what you mean to him. He has never fallen in love before and this girl managed to make him propose of his own volition in less than a week. He hasn't even laid a hand on you in five years. So what makes you think you could ever take that position from Jenny. If you keep pushing it like this, then not only will you not end up as the future Mrs. Westwood, but you will lose your friendship as well. Then any connection you have to him will be gone. You might not have seen his cruel side, but you do know how ruthless he can be. He will cut you out of his live like it is nothing. Don't think that because he has tolerated all those things in the past, he will be forgiving if you harm Jenny. Know when to give up. Don't allow him to make you lose yourself like this." George who was hurt to see his friend like, decided to add his worries and warning words as well. "Lizzy I know you are a kind girl. Don't make your own delusions make you lose your long time friends. At that moment you will have no one to blame but yourself and trust me when I say there will be no coming back from that point. I can tell you right now that Jason has a zero tolerance policy when it comes to Jenny." However all of these efforts were in vain. Elizabeth had herself convinced and could not be reached by these words. Some people will only learn once they fall down head first. She arrogantly smiled without as much as a look in their direction. She then swiftly turned around by only lifting one of her feet and headed towards the door. She spoke not one word to the two concerned people in front of her and left. Every step filled with the confidence they found missing when she entered Westwood mansion. Each clicking of her heels sounding out her thoughts. She walked as if she was victorious. George grew in worry and Harry simply shook his head. Both of them hoped that no real damage was done to the relationship between Jason and Jenny, because that was the only way for Elizabeth to be saved.

Meanwhile Jason was thinking that it was during these times that he was glad that their difference in height is as big as it is, because it meant his legs were longer as well. It didn't take long before he caught up to her and he pulled her into an embrace from behind. Stopping her in her movements and forcing her to talk to him. Or at the very least listen to what he has to say. "Jenny, please listen to me. It isn't what it looks like. I know that this sounds like a lie and a cliche, but please just hear me out. She blindsided me. I was just explaining to her that you are my fiance and she suddenly jumped at me, but I swear we didn't kiss. I caught onto what she was doing just in time and her lips landed on my chin and not my lips. I pushed her away the moment it happened. It was then that I saw you standing by the door and I knew what you had seen would be easy to misunderstand. She and I have never been anything more than friends. George and Harry can vouch for that. I would say that you could ask Elizabeth herself, but I am not sure if her words can be trusted at the moment nor do I think you want to see her right now. If you want I can even pull up the security footage. Anything you want, but please don't run away."

Well what do you think? Does his story sound credible and do you think he can remain friends with Elizabeth? Will Jenny forgive him?

I hope you stuck with me and I hope you enjoy this chapter! I am quite tired, but I will try to write up another chapter for later tonight. Otherwise definitely tomorrow :)

washma_ycreators' thoughts