
A Desire

Mohitz_Krz · Fantaisie
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23 Chs


  It is precisely because of this that the plastic energy system that directly uses elemental energy in the direction of cultivation is recognized as the most destructive school.

Speaking of this, I have to mention the eight schools of masters, (note: the schools here only refer to the direction of cultivation): shaping energy (creating elements directly from the soul)

   incantation (create ether with soul and then use ether primitive energy)

   Enchanting (giving other attributes to objects)

  Alchemy (fusion and separation of objects)

   Prophecy (Use the perception of the soul to obtain information)

   Summoning (creating creatures or other things in the soul and realizing them in the real world.)

   comes (use the "concept" in the soul to erode the real world)

  Mind (using absolute idealistic thought and spirit to influence reality)

Each of these factions has its own characteristics and advantages, but regardless of faction or element, even the difference between the fighting spirit of the warrior and the magic power of the wizard, they are all immature use of the soul.

Their paths are the same, and they are ultimately the road to the gods. When it reaches the level of the . seat, the soul can directly master the higher-level power of the rule (the spells below the legend are used to touch the rules in a clever way),

it does not matter whether it is a faction or a profession.

   Of course, in the early stage, the various advantages and characteristics of these different factions and different professions are still very obvious!

Generally, the mage will choose two factions as a major in the early stage, and two factions as a minor in order to ensure that they complement each other as much as possible and reduce shortcomings.

Of course, this does not mean that knowledge of other factions does not need to be learned. You must know that all magic is The use of soul, knowledge of other factions can not only give you enlightenment and inspiration

, but also increase your contingency methods. No matter what, you must ensure that you don't know nothing about the enemy when you encounter enemies with different cultivation directions. .

  Rey decided to choose summoning after careful consideration, with spells as his major, to ensure the safest "remote output" and "control field" capabilities for the mage.

  Choose alchemy and prophecy as minors.

Alchemy can provide funds for himself in the early stage. After all, the . of knowledge, Ogma, said: "Knowledge is wealth." In addition, intelligent creatures generally have the "bad" problem of "secrecy",

so all kinds of spells and all kinds of super magic skills are ridiculously expensive in this world, not to mention the cherished treasures of heaven and earth,

these practices Resources are undoubtedly important. If you want them, at least in the early stage-funds are indispensable.

   As for the prediction, it goes without saying that countless wars on the earth have fully proved the importance of intelligence to us.

   There are many apprentice-level spells and apprentice-level spells left by the original body parents, but they are greatly reduced by the official level, but at least before the official level, these spells are enough.

For a Rey with a system, apprentice-level spells can be said to be no difficulty.

He quickly learned one or two magic theories (not practical in the egg shell!) but with the level of knowledge and power The increase in learning and training difficulty will increase exponentially...Rey estimates that after the official level,

even if I have systematic help, the efficiency of learning and training will only be three times better than those of the same level. That's 40%, although this alone is worth the envy of ordinary mages!

Generally speaking, newly learned spells need to be assisted by spells, casting gestures, and casting materials.

These auxiliary methods can deepen the wizard's understanding of spells and reduce the difficulty of controlling unfamiliar spells.

To put it bluntly, they can prevent spells from exploding before they are thrown. In the hand, when the mage is sufficiently proficient in this spell, you can throw away these time-consuming methods, and use the soul to cast the spell only

. If you master the super magic technique of "spell prompt", you can instantly cast the already very skilled spell. However, in the battle, if the wizard has the opportunity, he will still use auxiliary methods as much as possible. After all, these auxiliary methods can increase the effect and power of the spell to a certain extent.

The higher the level of spells, gestures, and materials, the greater the bonus to the spell. , And a little advantage in the battle may tilt the balance of victory.

However, Rey's cheap parents only left one or two sets of very common gestures and spells, and he didn't have any materials to cast spells.

The most important thing was that there were no powerful mentors around to protect them, so Rey beginners were very careful.

Let the system remember to remind yourself not to experiment with magic that is too powerful. After all, even if it is an apprentice-level spell, there are many differences in its power, characteristics and other effects, as well as the difficulty of learning.

Even if learning simple small spells is easy and enjoyable, if you despise advanced spells, one day you will be pitted to death by yourself!

   After studying for more than a month, the Rey who has learned several apprentice-level spells, sorted out the "knowledge inheritance" of cheap parents and accumulated a lot of magic theory foundation, finally waited for the day of "out of the shell"!

  The sunlight penetrated through the leaves and dyed a bit of faint green, finally dyeing the trunk and the ground into a clear green!

  Rey watched the fresh sun shine on his slender fingers, and his snow-white skin showed a little green. The translucent nails reflect the brilliance of circulation in the sun!

Rey knows from the knowledge left by "parents" that the appearance of human races in this world is no different from that on Earth.

Most intelligent creatures are also humanoid creatures. Races like elves only have slightly different characteristics in appearance. It's nothing (ears?), although the material in this world is completely different from your home universe at the micro level (energy-based), but most of the macroscopic forms and attributes are no different from the home universe! Reminiscent of the battle in the void, no matter how you look at it, it is not a chance encounter… The relationship between these two universes is absolutely extraordinary! Rey thinks it's better not to think about it. Such a big thing is not something he can guess now!

"Don't say this body is really light." Rey shifted his attention from the new to his new body. He did a few gymnastics movements very easily. If the Rey on earth wants to make these movements, it will definitely be broken. !

   "And this skin is too good"! Rey looked at Guanghua's delicate finger skin, he tried to run magic power to it, the light blue light of magic power faintly flickered in the skin! "Magic power is soul energy. The flow of magic power is very smooth,

which shows that my soul and body are very compatible! I don't know how the magic affinity of other mage's bodies is.

This physique is very suitable for some enchanting magic. Unfortunately, I am short. I don't plan to learn enchanting magic within time."

  Rey is quite satisfied with his current body, and the Primordial Elves have been perished for a long time, and only a few scattered clansmen follow the tradition of the elves and live in the mountains without fighting. The Primordial Elves have no ancient enemies.

Then the Rey put on the clothes that his parents had placed next to him, but only one staff and one robe were magic items, and they were only apprentice-level.

The other clothes were just ordinary clothes. The message left by the "parents" said they could not Leave too good things for fear that the child will not have enough power to protect himself while holding the treasure, attracting prying eyes from the strong.

Rey thinks this move is a bit cheating. Wouldn't you hide your baby somewhere and leave a treasure map? Your son is not strong now, but he will become stronger in the future! At that time, you can also inherit your "legacy!" Rey feels that cheap parents may have a symbolic attitude when they arrange these.

They may not feel that they will fail when they break through! "That's why the self-confidence of mystery kills people! But something is better than nothing, so don't be too greedy!" Rey comforted himself.

The feeling of being naked made Rey very uncomfortable.

He quickly put on his shirt and pants. He found that although these clothes were mostly brown and looked inconspicuous, they were actually made of silk, which made them slippery.

Comfortable, while the boots are made of unknown animal skins, the brown leather has an elegant color, and the fluff at the mouth of the boots locks the temperature very well and keeps the feet warm. What is more unusual is the whole boots.

It was completely natural, without any interface or thread, as if it grew directly like this, Rey guessed that this should be the result of magic participating in the production process.

Finally, there is a beautiful robe. The blue robe is made of silk. From a closer look, every silk thread is almost the same size. On the outer side of the robe, there are light yellow mysterious runes that are left behind by the parents.

Rey learned from the information that these runes are enchanting apprentice-level magic—the effect of increasing tenacity.

Rey tried to pull the robe hard, but the robe was unharmed. System analysis showed that this magic was sufficient The thin robe has the strength of thick nylon! In addition, the robe also has an apprentice-level spell that can be used twice a day-the secondary slanted position.

t is precisely because of the attachment of this apprentice magic that this robe will become an apprentice-level magic equipment. Rey tried to feel the core of the robe. He found that although the secondary slanted position says that it can only be used twice a day

it actually takes 27 hours for the robe to absorb free elements in the air and charge it (27 hours a day in this world). If you inject magic directly,

the charging time can be greatly shortened, but it also takes two or three hours to infuse the magic power. If the infusion is too fast, the core absorption efficiency can not keep up!

Putting on his robe, Rey picked up a staff made of branches of unknown trees. The head of the staff is a somewhat irregular ruby, which has the effect of reducing the mana consumption of apprentice-level spells by 5% (note that the mana consumption is reduced to the highest Twenty percent of the original mana consumption),

the wand also stores an apprentice-level spell of the plastic energy system that can be used every Yanshu, which is the name of the inventor Gika Named spell.

"On the whole, it can still provide me with great help in the early stage. It is just strong enough, and it will not attract the peeping of the strong."

Rey threw the staff with a flexible left hand. The brilliance of the ruby ​​was in the sun. Flash by!

Then Rey almost couldn't wait to experiment with one of the spells he learned theoretically—apprentice-level spells—secondary catapult.

The principle of this spell is to create a small group of etheric energy with the soul and put it in reality

. Converted into strong and controllable kinetic energy, then attach the kinetic energy to the object, choose a direction, release the restraint on the kinetic energy, let the object launch at a very fast speed, achieve the purpose of killing the enemy,

because the original inventor likes Use the gesture of marbles to release this spell, so it got its name-catapult!

The secondary catapult is a streamlined version of catapult, which reduces the energy requirement but the principle has not changed.

The casting material of this spell is generally a small piece of marble powder. Although Rey doesn't know why there is nothing to do with sensations and spells, ..

The marble powder of the relationship is used as the auxiliary material for the spell, and he does not have marble at hand, but Rey thinks it is relatively simple to release an apprentice-level spell!

  Rey uses his right hand to pick up a small stone casually.

The secondary catapult is a spell that is launched after the spell is successfully cast, so the casting distance is not far, only about 50 cm around.

Rey constructed a magic model in his soul that had been analyzed and analyzed many times by the system, and then read the auxiliary spell composed of Byron's magic language. At the same time,

he held the staff with his left hand and used ancient Hailar's spellcasting gesture to draw a mysterious Gestures, although there are sufficient theoretical foundations, and the assistance of spells and gestures,

Rey was very cautious when casting the spell for the first time. As his vague and low-pitched spells seemed to come from the horizon,

he slowly turned his magic power Filled with the spell model in the soul, with the assistance of the spell, he felt that although there was some obscurity in the process,

but the key node was still passed safely,

and then slowly released the completed spell into reality, and the casting gesture swiped across The trajectory of the white streamer calmed the newly transformed violent kinetic energy, and finally, a mass of almost transparent energy revolved around the small rock,

He aimed his right hand at a small tree, let go of his control of the stone, and had a systematic analysis track. Even without the super magic technique of "psychic power locking", he could still pierce the Yang in 100 steps!

I only heard a sharp sonic boom suddenly appear in the air, and the stones exploded at a speed that was completely invisible to the naked eye.

Although they had no recoil because of the direct kinetic energy, the excited waves still drove the dust and air around the Rey. Even the dust under the feet was blown away!