
A Demon in DXD

After being struck by the almighty Truck-sama, Our protagonist finds himself reincarnated into Highschool Dxd as a Demon!

Gold2109 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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5 Chs

Chapter 3 (A Little Training)

Nazuri POV

My sinister smile slowly fades as I start to actually think for a bit. 'The looks of a god are all fine and great, but without power I'm basically just a random demon.' Gritting my teeth I call up Jarvis. "Jarvis. Is there any way that I can strengthen my body and abilities?" I ask the A.I. Jarvis responds with "Yes sir there is a way to strengthen your abilities. However, strengthening your body won't be necessary." I don't know why but I suppose that makes things easier. Jarvis continues.

"The reason for you already superior body is due to your perks. 'The Last' is a perk that enhances your strength and senses to the max, 'Good boy' is a perk that enhances your speed, and 'Chosen Reincarnate' is the perk that doubles them all." After all of that, only one thing stayed on my mind. 'Seriously? Couldn't they choose a name cooler than 'Good boy'?'

I shake my head as I continue. "So, how do I strengthen my abilities?" I ask him. "Your abilities can be strengthened through use of said ability." 'So the more I use the ability, the stronger it gets.' I sit down on the room's bed as I stroke my imaginary beard. 'But where can I go to use the abilities? Raynare and her group should be at that abandoned church, but with my weak abilities I'd be overwhelmed and made a pet.' I shiver at the thought. Partly out of fear, partly out of excitement.

My brain goes into overdrive, going through the enemies of earlier episodes. "I got it!" I shout, jumping to my feet. "Viser should be nearby!" I say as I rummage through the closet for different clothes.

I eventually settle on a pair of ripped up jeans and a tight black shirt. As I'm about to leave, I lie my ears down on my head, making them blend in with my hair. "Don't wanna freak people out with these right?' I chuckle to myself before walking out the door to begin my little search.

1 hour later~

An hour into my search and I'm ready to give up. I haven't found a damn thing and all that I've gotten for searching is lustful stares from women along with a few men, annoying little brats grabbing at my hair, and inhuman urges to chase cars. The only thing that's keeping me going is the desire to grow stronger. The need to grow stronger. 'C'mon Nazuri. Stop complaining. It'll all be worth the effort.' Giving myself a little boost of confidence, I continue the search, failing to notice a particular black cat tailing me.

3 hours later~

After 4 hours, I feel a little bit of hope and excitement swelling up inside me as I come across a dark, abandoned warehouse. Taking a deep breathe, I walk inside. After taking only a few steps inside, my ears shoot up as I hear large footsteps approaching slowly. I turn towards the steps and look up, being met with the upper half of what appeared to be a woman, Viser. In a seductive voice, it spoke to me. "My my, what have we here? Perhaps a nekomata~?" It asked, hinting at my ears. Damn her... it had a sexy voice. 'Ugh! I need to focus!'

Not giving a response, I break into a sprint at blinding speeds before leaping up at her. 'What ability should I use?' I think to myself before my claws grow sharper. I raise my hand before swiping at her abdomen, leaving 4 deep cuts (Soul Stealer). She lets out a cry of pain before the rest of her body emerges from the shadows. "GAAH! I'LL KILL YOU DAMN CAT!" She cries losing her seductive persona as a giant hand from below her reaches up to grab me. I scoff before placing my foot on her head, using it as a base to go into a backflip, narrowly avoiding the hand. Instead of falling down, I dig my claws deep into the giant arm. "STAY STILL YOU LITTLE BASTARD!" She shouts as she... aims her tits at me?

Suddenly, blasts of magic start to shoot from them, effectively making me release my claws. 'Didn't remember her doing this!' I thought as a few of the blasts graze me, but nothing too serious. 'Damn! I need an opening!' Just as the thought crosses my mind, one of her giant arms comes swinging down towards me. "Perfect." I whisper to myself before dodging to the left of it and jumping on it.

I run up the arm and body, ready to end this sad excuse for a fight. "W-wait! You don't-" She started, but was cut off by her head flying through the air. I jump down from her body, shaking the blood from my hands. "Well, I guess that my physical strength makes up for my abilities." I smirk a little. "Thanks Viser. I owe ya one." I say as I exit the warehouse. I shove my hands in my pockets and start to head home.


Yeah, that fight was pretty terrible. Hopefully it was at least enough for you to picture what happened.

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