Thrown back in time to 1994 in the battle against Kronos, Percy finds himself exiled to the UK, barred from stepping foot in America to prevent damaging the fabric of time. However, amidst this exile, he discovers solace in a hidden world of magic—the wizarding world.
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"But you have qualified for more than just that. Are you sure you wish to take only these classes?"
"Yes ma'am. I told you didn't I? I can only be serious in classes I like, trying to learn something else is kind of boring. No offence, but herbology really isn't my thing. Me and plants...well we have a history."
The cheery woman chuckled, "oh it's fine dear. I can't expect everyone to have a green thumb. I was just asking to make sure these are the classes you wished for, you can change them later if you wish, but I would suggest you do not try that any time soon. The OWLs were one thing, NEWTs are on a completely different scale."
Percy grinned, "I know that supposed to be a warning, but I can't help getting excited."
The woman laughed, "now I really am wondering why you aren't a Ravenclaw! Here, this is your schedule," she handed Percy a piece of paper with a timetable on it, "the first period starts at 8:30 and lasts for an hour and a half with lunch between 1 and 2 in the afternoon. You will have three periods before lunch and three after. But as you are a sixth year you will find that you have only three classes per day, meaning you will have three periods fre. You can do whatever you wish with this free time, though I suggest you use it to complete assignments and other such projects."
Percy nodded as he looked over the time table for his Tuesday. The first class he had was Charms, lovely. Then followed by Runes and finally Arithmancy with a free period in between each class.
"Thanks you professor Sprout, I'll try not to cause you too much trouble."
The teach raised an eyebrow, "try?"
Percy shrugged, "I can't guarantee anything you know. Plus I don't want to make you a promise just to break it later."
Sprout chuckled, "A Hufflepuff with the mind of a Ravenclaw and the tongue of a Slytherin. What's next? The heart of a lion?"
Percy blushed, "yeah, I'm….unique."
"Well Mr. Jackson I suppose it would be best that you went back to your meal. Be sure to reach your first class early, don't want to make a bad impression yes?"
Percy nodded as he walked back into the Great Hall finding it nearly full. He noticed that Gordan and the other sixth year boys were having breakfast and walked over to them.
"Hey guys!" Percy sat down as they other wished him morning, "ready to start the day?!"
Michael groaned, "why are you so excited? It's just class."
"Well I told you didn't I? This is the first time I'm going to a magical school! For you it might be just regular old classes, but it's my first day! So act happy for me Michael! Or I swear I will slip you a pepperup potion so strong you won't be able to sleep for days."
Michael grumbled, "yeah yeah. Anyway where-" Michael stopped as his droopy eyes shot open. "Percy...there is a tiny veela sitting on your shoulder."
Percy chuckled, "yeah. Say hello to Kelly guys, she's a gift from my aunt," the little veela grinned waving at them all enthusiastically.
Juan was amazed, "beautiful. She's ever prettier than how they described! A real veela can only be so much more amazing to behold!"
Percy leaned to Gordan, "did Juan just try to flirt with a veela figuren?"
"Yes, he's a dog. He'll flirt with anything that's got breast or vaguely resembles a human woman," Gordan shrugged.
"Amazing, she's been charged to seem alive yes?" Miguel looked the tiny veela over much to Kelly's disgust as she shivered under his gaze, "what types of charms did your aunt use?"
"I don't know, plus she didn't really make them, she just had it made for me. She's a squid, can't use magic, but she knows a lot of friends that does. So you would have to ask them," Percy shrugged. Miguel looked disappointed but continued to examine the mini veela, and of course Kelly got nervous and jumped into Percy's shirt coat to hide.
After breakfast Professor Sprout gave the others their schedule, after a quick stop at the Hufflepuff common room to grab their books, Percy followed them to the charms class.
The demigod did his best to memorise the route, but it was just too damn confusing! He figured it would take him a few tries to learn the layout of the castle, but it didn't help that the corridors didn't make any sense!
When they turned right they were in the left side of the castle. When they climbed a set of stairs Percy found himself back on the same floor just a few corridors down. Harry had warned him about this place and it's crazy logic of 'normal', but Percy always thought the boy was exaggerating it.
They finally did reach the charms class on time though as they quickly took their seats in the middle of the class. Percy looked around and found various gadgets and instruments spread throughout the class.
They looked shiny and very fun, which probably meant that if Percy touched them or did anything to them he would be cursed or something.
Soon the class began to fill in and just as the time became 8:30. The class had a little of everyone, each house was represented here, though not everyone from the sixth year was here. Percy saw George and Fred walk in with Angelina and Alicia. Percy grinned, "hey guys!"
They looked over and smiled, "heya Percy!" They then quickly walked towards them taking the seat behind Percy and his housemates.
"So excited for your first class Percy?" Angelina asked.
"Yup," Percy nodded, "although charms isn't my favorite subject. But I'm still very excited! It's going to be awesome!"
"There's that word again, awesome," Gordan chuckled, "you know we don't use that enough in Britain."
"Well that's because you guys are afraid to show your emotions," Percy shrugged, "it's not that big a deal."
"Watch it buddy you are surrounded by Brits, we will prank your ass," Alicia glared.
"Right, sorry, I totally apologize," Percy and Kelly giggled as the rest of them rolled their eyes.
If you want to read ahead by 10+ chapters you could take a visit on my patreon Or check it out.