
Chapter 1: It's my past

In our life we all have secrets. Some secrets can be shared but some not. I've a secret too but my secret is hidden and i didn't shared with anyone. Because no one will believe it. There is a moment when your secret became your problem. And you want to get rid of it.

"Are you there? Ms. Zuri"

"Oww, yes."

Braden Miller is a well know psychologist. Last year we did a tv program,by that we are quite familiar.

"So, how's your work going?"

"As always pretty good."

Mr. Miller says by giving a sweet smile, "Then shall we start our 1st session?"

"Hmm" Zuri answered by simply nodded her head.

"Ok. Now tell me what's the reason for you to be here?"

This question! I just don't understand where to start. I'm feeling right now a heavy stone on my chest. I'm thinking will it be useful for me or I'll be in the middle road again.

"What are you thinking Ms. Zuri?"

"Actually I'm thinking where to start."

"It"s ok. Just tell me after asking that question what's the 1st thing pop up in your head."

"The first thing is that middle night." [I'm feeling so low just to thinking about this.]

"I know it's hard for you to tell but you can do this. What was happened that night?"

[Right, I have to do this. I can do this. But he's gonna believe it or not?]

"I had to submit my assignment next morning but i was late for my part time job so i was working on it late night. I still remember it was 2:30 O'clock almost. I went to the kitchen something to eat. That night was full moon but cloudy. I know because i've a habit to watch full moon. I was finding some food that moment i heard a noise from window. I was kinda curious so i went to the window for checking there was nothing. So i ignored it. But after few seconds i saw a shadow. tried to search what the shadow coming from but suddenly i felt that the shadow was coming toward me. I got more scared when i felt a warm breath. I kept panicking and i shouted loudly. After hearing my voice everyone of my family came. I told everything so they searched but couldn't find anything. They told me it was for stress."

"Ms. Zuri, Are you sure that you were not dreaming? I mean you worked hard also worked late night on assignment. Maybe your body and brain was tried that's why you ended like that."

"I thought that too. But it happened again."

"Again!" Mr. Miller says also he's curious.

"After that incident there was nothing happened in two days. I thought it was all in my head. But like you i was wrong. It happened again. I was asleep with my sister because i was afraid after that night. It was middle of the night my sleep broke by some noise. I woke and saw window was opened and thought that noise was wind or something. So i went there to close the window. but suddenly i saw that shadow and i really felt that warm breath. I got panicked. My sister woke up and checked there was nothing. Then like before told me the same thing."

"So what you did after that?" He says very attentively.

"I did nothing. Because i had nothing in my hands to prove."

"How often it happened?"

"After 2nd incident almost a week everything was clam but suddenly it appeared again. So that time i didn't told my family. But noticed that as time passed I became used to it because it didn't harm me at all. Days passed, weeks passed and months passed it became my daily life stuff. I can felt that thing is seeing me."

"Did it changed anything in your life?" Mr. Miller is very curious.

"Huhhh! Something. It changed my life." She smirked.

"well, did anything happened more that then?"

Should i tell him or not. I think not now i should wait.

"What are you thinking? Ms. Zuri"

"Nothing at all."

"I gave a question that, that shadow is still with you or not?"

Zuri is again thinking about something also confused then she answered, "No, it isn't."

"Do you have to say anything about it?" He curiously asked.

"Huhhh---Ahhhh!!" (Suddenly Zuri's had a call.)

"Can i take this call, Mr. Miller?"

"yeah yeah. Go ahead."

"Where are you, Zuri? Come here quickly. It's argent." A man from the other side of phone.

"But Sir, Today is my day off."

"No more talk just come here quickly." The call ended.

"This man!!!!!!! Sir, can we finish this session right here? Something important come up"

" Yes, this session is also finish right on time. Don't worry." He said with a smile.

"Thank you so much. Also when the next session is?"

"Don't worry my assistant will inform you."

"OK, then i should go now. Have a nice day." She said with a bright smile.

"You too, Ms. Zuri."

"Bye" Zuri said.

After Zuri's leaving Mr. Miller's face changed. He had a dark smile on his face and he called someone.

"Master, She came today." Mr. Miller smirked.

"Ahhhhhh....I see." A deep voice coming from the other side of phone.

"Someday i'm gonna kill this man, Arggggg!!" Zuri kept talking by herself in taxi.

After 30 min in ZNZ TV station's office. Zuri shouted, "Sirrrrrrr, don't you have any feelings for me?"

"What are you talking about? If I have will you be a girlfriend with 52 years old man also i'm married with 2 child." Mr. Smith is laughing. (Ben Smith is Director at ZNZ TV station)

"You know I am not talking about that feeling. I'm talking about sympathy. This is my 1st day off after whole a working month. Won't you feel bad about me?" Zuri is making crying face.

"Keep that face away from me for a moment. We have a meeting in 10 minutes."

"You know Sir, I hate you." Zuri said with very annoyingly.

"I know, I know. Also it's been almost 5 years you are working with me and I'm your senior have some respect."

"Yeahh Yeahh." Zuri mocked him.

(In meeting room) "OKh, Everyone is here so we should start, Shall we?" Mr. Smith is standing in front of everyone and Zuri is also sitting with there colleagues.

"As we know Our Research manger is not working with us so we decided hire a new one. And I know someone who is capable. Also at this moment we need because we are about to start a big project. So the post is not permanent but for this big project we need someone that we can rely on." Mr. Smith is happily standing like he know that person gonna do better.

Everyone is thinking about who's gonna be a new manager for this project.

"So, Ms. Zuri what you think about this? Mr. Smith suddenly asked that question to her.

I hope you all liked it. If there is something you didn't liked let me know also if you like it keep motivating me. I will work hard for you. Thank you very much for reading and liking.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Adiba_Aliacreators' thoughts