

2,000 years ago, your ancestors made a deal with the PREMONIA GODS and vowed to continue it true out his generation, and he failed because he was the only one who kept the deal, so since then till now , we have been taking a soul from your family for renewal if the oat, your ancestors needed the power to avenge the death of his wife, his wife was strucked dead by the RED DEVILS, she was all he had, so he went and raped an innocent woman to continue his generation, because his wife died with her pregnancy, so the woman he raped cursed his generation of a consequent death, he took the oat and went or the RED DEVILS in the underworld, he drowned in a pool of bloodin the underworld, with his soul seeking for vengeance, he fought the ews devil's from the dead world and killed the son of the RED DEVILS then his spirit was caged in a pagado in the underworld which have been sealed by the PREMONIA GODS. The RED DEVILS operate in the underworld and if u must stop the continuous death, you must go through the underworld and go to the dead word and free his spirit, then u will continue the deal with the PREMONIA GODS. And that means fighting against the RED DEVILS in the underworld before going to the dead world.

*Fuck you* I will never do that, he took his gun and he tried pulling the trigger but he was freezed, then the doctor said so be it, the doctor told him that he will lioy for any one related to him and kill them so that the spirit Wii continue to be in prison, unfortunately tyang has been listening to the conversation, she ran out if the clan and went down in the eai to stay.

The doctor took the book and also took the soul of jong ko.