
A Day Of Joy

A Day Of Joy - The Cycle of Life Trilogy Volume One This book consists of 12 poems and 3 acts. New poems will be released every Wednesday and Friday. A Day of Joy talks about its main themes of joy, hope and desire. Desire for a better future, a better life, and for the satisfaction of one's own desires. It also tackles topics about depression and happiness, loss and victories, hope and despair. This collection of poetry does not focus on one person. If these words speak out to your heart, embrace it and I hope it gives you a better and positive side of life.

tom_x_seokjin · Politique et sciences sociales
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6 Chs

1 - A Day of Joy

Ah, a day of joy

The first day I met you,

Gave me a sense of hope

A hope for a better life, a better future

May I spend eternity with you?

Because of hope, I had a desire

I had the strength to change myself for the better

To run away from where the darkness took me

And to look far where the light will bring me

Then I saw you, my beacon of joy

My sparkle of inspiration

And finally, my home.

You are a definition of home

A fortress of safety and comfort

Because of you, I knew how it felt to be myself

I finally knew who I was and who I am

I never felt hate, anger and depression

And thus,

A day of joy was born,

The joy of being myself,

Filled with hope for a brighter future

With the desire to love and to feel free