
A Dash of Black: Harem of Symbiotes

After a multiverse collapse with the DC universe, Venom made Peter an offer he couldn't refuse. Merged together the duo has a goal, getting stronger and fucking gals. Warning: Harem, Mature, R-18, Corruption, Tentacles! and Breeding kink. Cover art made by: FrayDragon on furaffinity. You can read ahead here! : https://ko-fi.com/spiderling96954/tiers

Spiderling · Anime et bandes dessinées
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24 Chs

Chapter 13

Peter stood on the rooftop near the skyscraper, his senses on high alert. It was cold and windy, the city lights twinkling below them. Suddenly, he saw a figure swinging towards him, dressed in a similar outfit to his own. It was Gwen.

"Hey, Peter," Gwen said as she landed gracefully next to him. "The Green Goblin really wants to talk with you, he made this whole show just for you."

"He literally has my phone number!" Peter protested, he also had the villain's phone number but it had been disabled for a long time.

"Why?! You should have changed it!" Gwen added.

"Well, maybe Harry would want to call me . . ."

"That is not Harry, he is the Green Goblin," she corrected him.

No, he was still his friend somewhere. Peter knew that he could reach him if he tried hard enough. Why should he let him go? The boy needed to fix him.

Peter nodded, his eyes scanning the building for any sign of movement. It was a modern structure, with sleek lines and a metallic finish. He could see the upper floors where the hostages were being held, the glass windows reflecting the moonlight.

The boy shook his head, his brow furrowed in determination. "Yeah, we have to stop him. Any ideas on how to take him down?"

Gwen thought for a moment, the cold night air ruffling her hood. "Well, we could try to sneak in and take him by surprise. Or we could create a distraction and try to get the hostages to safety while he's distracted."

Peter nodded, considering their options. "Let's go with the distraction. I'll create a commotion and you see if you can get the hostages."

The girl grinned, her eyes sparkling. "Got it. Let's do this."

The two superheroes sprang into action, ready to take down the villain and save the hostages.

Peter swung towards the lower levels of the skyscraper, his mind focused on creating a distraction for Green Goblin. As he landed on a window ledge, he heard the sound of shattering glass and a maniacal cackle.

"Harry . . ." Peter muttered to himself.

He peered inside and saw the villain standing in the center of an office room, surrounded by hostages who were cowering in fear. Peter's ex-friend was tall and gaunt, with a twisted smile on his face. He held a pumpkin bomb in one hand, ready to cause more destruction.

The boy's armor consisted of several different pieces that covered his entire body, including his arms, legs, chest, and head. It had a green color scheme, with purple accents on the boots, gloves, and a cloak running across his chest and down his arms. The armor also featured various goblin-like details, such as pointed ears and a wide, grinning mouth on the mask.

The Green Goblin's belt was a crucial part of his costume. One of his most infamous weapons was his pumpkin bombs, which were small, pumpkin-shaped explosives that he could throw with great accuracy. These bombs were filled with a powerful, highly explosive substance that could cause massive destruction upon detonation.

Finally, he was hovering over the ground with his glider, a flying contraption that allowed him to soar through the skies of New York City. It had a green and purple color scheme that matched the rest of his costume. The glider was shaped like a long, narrow board, with two large fins on either side that provided stability and control in flight. It was powered by a propulsion system that allowed it to reach high speeds and perform acrobatic maneuvers, allowing the Green Goblin to pursue and evade his enemies with ease.

Without hesitation, Peter smashed through the window and confronted his old friend.

"Stop this and let those people go!" he demanded, his fists clenched at his sides.

"You took my dad away! You took my money away! You took my friends away!" Harry screamed so loud that he made the windows tremble. His green finger pointed at Peter as he flew across the room.

"Isn't that!" He raised his brows and widened his eyes.

"Shut up! You take, take and take! Is my time to take something from you!" His tone was now even louder and more psychotic now.

Peter gritted his teeth, determined to keep the insane man occupied while Gwen rescued the hostages.

Green Goblin growled, swinging his pumpkin bombs at Peter. The two engaged in a fierce battle, each determined to come out on top.

With a fast movement, Peter created two swords of black goo from his suit.

The boy flew across the room with his swords drawn, his eyes fixed on the explosives hurtling towards him. With quick and precise movements, he began to slice through the explosives one by one, deftly cutting them in half. The blades of his swords glinted in the artificial light of the office as he worked, his muscles straining with the effort.

Remembering Logan and Wanda's lessons and the previous knowledge he had about the grenades that Harry used, Peter remained focused, his movements sure and steady. Finally, with a triumphant flourish, he cut the last explosive in half just as it was about to reach him.

The explosive shattered harmlessly at his feet, and the man let out a sigh of relief. No pressure building up, no explosion.

"You are pulling your punches again!" Venom screamed inside his ear.

The boy knew that he could easily evade each bomb and charged against his enemy. However, that would take the fight too close to the hostages.

"I know! I have a plan! Get ready to tank a hit!" He thought.

"Stop doing that!" The villain rushed against him with his glider and managed to crash against the hero, sending him flying across the room.

Peter groaned, his head ringing from the impact. He had tricked Green Goblin and got him far enough from the civilians.

He got to his feet, pretending to be dazed and unsteady. "You...you got me," he said, holding up his hands in surrender.

The madman cackled triumphantly, his eyes glowing with madness.

"I am not even close to being done!" he said, approaching Peter with sinister intentions.

But as he got closer, Peter suddenly sprang into action. He tackled Green Goblin, using all of his strength to overpower the villain. Harry struggled and fought, but Peter was determined. He wrapped his web around him, trapping him and preventing him from using his pumpkin bomb.

"Let's go for a little ride," Peter said, swinging out of the window with the villain in tow.

As the two men flew across the window with the New York streets under them, Harry managed to activate some hidden blades under his forearms and cut the webs around him. He already had a counter for Spiderman's number 1 trick.

"Stop mocking me!"

With a fierce cry, he summoned his glider and it flew to his side, allowing him to launch himself into the air. Spider-Man quickly followed, swinging through the buildings as he pursued his archenemy.

"Peter! Use your swords!"

"And hurt Harry?! No!"

The two foes clashed high above the city streets, trading blows as they moved through the air. The villain cackled maniacally as he unleashed his arsenal of pumpkin bombs, while Spider-Man used his web-slinging abilities to dodge and deflect the attacks. The fight was fierce and intense, with both combatants determined to emerge victorious.

"You don't owe him anything! He ruined his own life!"

"And what? He is my friend, I must help even if he screws it up!"

As both teenagers fought in the air, the intensity of the battle reached a fever pitch. The two foes clashed with, fist vs fist, bombs vs webs. The Green Goblin let out a cackling laugh as he swung his glider around, trying to slash at Spider-Man with his retractable blades. But the web-slinger was too quick for him, dodging and weaving around the attacks with ease.

"Why?! Why are you going so far for your enemy?!"

"Because I want my best friend back!"

Despite Harry's superior flying skills and deadly arsenal, Peter refused to back down. He swung through the air, using his acrobatic abilities to launch counterattacks and keep the pressure on his foe. He fired webs at the glider, trying to entangle the supervillain and bring him down, and even used his super strength to land powerful blows on the Green Goblin's armor.

"Put an end to this now! You are risking other people's lives!"


He pulled one sword again. Peter was sure that he could easily cut across his enemy's armor with a swift move. However, when he swung across the hair and was about to land a critical hit, a memory stopped him.

Peter couldn't help but feel a sense of sadness and hesitation. The boy had always looked up to Harry, and it pained him to think that he might have to cut open his chest and even risk bleeding him out.

As he gripped his sword, Peter couldn't shake the feeling that this was his fault. If the teenager weren't bitten by the spider that day, Harry would have had a normal life. He had always trusted his friend, and he couldn't accept the reality in front of his eyes.

Suddenly, a flashback came to him, of a time when he and his friend were just kids. They had been playing in the park when they stumbled upon a lost wallet. Rather than keeping the money inside and getting away with it, Harry returned the wallet to its rightful owner when Peter wanted to spend the money on candy.

Harry's father was so disappointed in him when he learned that. Peter was just still beside him while the man went into that monologue about "taking advantage of any chance". It even felt a little embarrassing when the man told Harry that he should be more like Peter.

In the end, the boy made the difficult decision to go soft on Harry. He knew that it was a risky move, and he would likely risk his own life. But he also knew that he couldn't go against his own conscience.

With lightning speed, the sword cut cleanly through the glider, slicing it in half and sending both pieces plummeting toward a nearby building.

The Green Goblin let out a cry of shock and dismay as his glider came crashing down, unable to support his weight with that damage. He tumbled through the air, barely managing to grab hold of a nearby rooftop ledge before he fell to his death.

It began to emit a loud, metallic whine. Smoke and sparks spewed out from the engine as it felt against the building, and it was clear that the glider was in trouble.

With a loud explosion, the vehicle hit the ground and burst into flames, sending shards of shrapnel flying in all directions. The force of the crash was enough to shatter windows and send shockwaves rippling through the surrounding area.

As the smoke and debris cleared, it was clear that the glider had been completely destroyed. The remains of the once-deadly flying contraption lay in a smoldering heap on a rooftop, a twisted and charred ruin on fire threatening to expand and consume the whole block.

Peter managed to stick to the side of a building after hitting the glider, however, the sound of the crash struck him hard. He recoiled in pain, it was like the sensation of hearing nails on a chalkboard but on each cell of his body. It wasn't deadly but incredibly painful. If it weren't for his upgraded suit, the explosion would have been really dangerous.

"Shit!" Harry said, looking at the huge fire. He reached into his backpack and pulled out a handful of small, round grenades.

Those were a deep shade of blue, different from his normal pumpkin bombs.

The man took a deep breath and began to hurl the bombs at the building, one by one. Each one flew through the air, leaving a faint trail of smoke behind it, and as it neared the burning structure, exploded in a burst of white foam. The man threw bomb after bomb until the building was engulfed in a sea of fire-retardant substances.

Harry let out a sigh of relief as the mess he had just done was under control, the fire now extinct and the collateral damage reduced to a minimum.

"Awwww I knew you were good!" Peter said with a cheeky tone as he swung near Harry and encased him with his webs.

"You will pay for this Spiderman! You and only you! Nobody else!" Harry screamed back as he was struggling to get out of the webs. Peter made sure that this was impossible since he broke the blades on the villain's suid with his bare hands. Showing Harry that he was just playing nice with him the whole time.

Of course, the Green Goblin kept insulting him, completely unfazed by the act.

"Come on, time to get you some help!"

An hour later on a nearby rooftop Gwen, Peter and Venom were together having a long talk. The girl was busy rescuing the hostage and then grabbing the wreckage of Harry's glider while Peter went to check out the bounty reward. Enough for them to not worry about money for the rest of the month.

"It was a clean strike, you could have ended this with just one strike. It wouldn't even be lethal!" Venom maw berated him, her words were loud and clear so Gwen could join in.

"I just . . . hurting Harry that much . . . I just couldn't do it." His mind was consumed by an internal conflict, one that had been raging inside of him for a long time. Peter watched as his friend's life spiraled out of control, and he couldn't bear to see him continue down that path.

"You could have died! Why do you put yourself in danger for someone who has no friends or family and wastes every opportunity you give him?! Harry doesn't have anyone, and he's too insane to care!" Gwen added, holding the loot on her back with a sack made out of her webs.

Peter knew that it was time for him to take a stand and do what was best for his friend, no matter how difficult it might be.

"He has me," he said firmly.

"So, Peter, what are you going to do? Still, attempting to help him while allowing Harry to continue doing this? Or do you want to be Spiderman and stop the bad guys?" The teenager asked him.

"Is not that normal? If Peter wins, Spiderman loses, if Spiderman wins, Peter loses," Venom added.

"Not anymore. I am done with taking half-victories. If I win, I win," he said, ironing out his resolve. Peter knew that it was the only way.

A few hours later in a luxurious penthouse perched high above the city, two men sit beside each other discussing important affairs.

The interior was tastefully decorated with high-end furnishings and elegant finishes, from the plush velvet sofas to the gleaming hardwood floors.

A grand piano sat in the corner of the main living area, next to a fireplace that was surrounded by comfortable armchairs. The kitchen was a chef's dream, with state-of-the-art appliances and granite countertops, while the bedrooms were spacious and serene, with plush beds and high thread count linens.

Every detail of the penthouse had been carefully thought out, from the soft lighting to the thoughtful amenities that were provided. It was a true oasis in the heart of the city, offering its occupants the ultimate comfort and luxury.

"It seems that the Green Goblin got arrested today by Spiderman. Should I arrange his liberation? Is it a good candidate to keep those heroes occupied while we do our business," One of the men asked with a calm tone.

The individual was a massive, commanding figure with a broad, muscular build that exuded power and strength. He had a cold, calculating gaze, a bald head, and a chiseled jawline, all of which gave him a commanding appearance that commanded respect from those around him. The man was dressed in a costly white suit.

"He is a living waste of resources, that boy's only real power is his mediocrity. But I guess if you take some grunts out of jail at the same time, he could be worthy." The other did not sound angry or frustrated. His words were cold and sharp like a knife.

He was a middle-aged man with a lean and athletic build. He had short, neatly styled red hair. His facial features were sharp and defined, with a prominent nose and high cheekbones. He was wearing a gray suit, which he carries off with an air of confidence and authority.

"You sound disappointed in him."

"Don't misunderstand me. Being a disappointment would imply that I had some hopes for him to begin with."


You can read ahead here! : https://ko-fi.com/spiderling96954/tiers

Or here!: https://www.pa treon.com/user?u=84800592

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Finally some plot! It took time but we are here.

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