
Thank You, Dagon, For Pissing Him Off

"Why did you kill Polly?" I cock my head sideways and stare him up and down. "And most importantly, why did you get yourself captured? You don't seem like the guy that gets caught easily."

Dagon looks up at me. His expression cold and distant. He stays quiet and diverts his gaze away from me, back to the mural on my wall.

It seems like he doesn't trust me to answer those questions. Well, the feeling is mutual.

"What is your plan? Storming out, machine guns blazing?"

Dagon's head snaps back to look at me. His eyes lit up, "do you have machine guns in here?"

I look him dead in the eye. Is this man fucking serious right now?

"I mean, in the building," he clarifies, reading my expression.

"In the weapon chamber."

The annoying soft, high-pitched whine of electricity fills my ears. Accompanied by the static and buzzing feeling under my skin. I tense up. Father is making his way to my chambers.

Quickly, I pick up my brush, so it seems I am busy. I look at my locked chamber door from the corner of my eye. Dagon appears to have recognized my movements and makes himself look busy too.

Well, busy doing nothing because I sure as hell am not handing him a brush and paint.

"Niam, Darling!" Father calls out. "Oh, Niam!"

"Is it dinner time already?" I grumble the moment the door to my chambers opens, revealing the Dark King.

"Not exactly," Father shrugs, grinning. "But I have different plans tonight, so I moved our special time forward. But first," he continues, "you need a shower. Buttercup, Gaia's scent surrounds you, and you are covered in paint."

Mother, I wonder why.

I roll my eyes and look back at my Father, whose attention is entirely on Dagon. He frowns as he takes him in. Father seems to be deep in thoughts, and whatever those thoughts are they are everything but pleasant, eying the fury growing behind his eyes.

My first thought is that it is because Dagon killed his beloved Polly. But that's not it. Something else makes him furious just by looking at the young man. But what?

Dagon rolls his eyes and focuses his attention back on the many paintings surrounding us. Completely ignoring my Father's furious glare.

I click my tongue. I must admit the bravery that comes with that move.

... Or the immense stupidity.

I'll go with the latter.

I roll my eyes again and shift my gaze back to the man in the doorframe separating my chambers from the rest of the castle. His attention is back on me. His hard expression clears up a bit, but still, he doesn't look pleased at all. I don't know if it has something to do with looking at Dagon, but deep down, I know my 'special time' with him will be even more unpleasant than normal.


I don't mind the dinner or the humiliation of being bound to my chair if I step out of line. What I do mind is the fact that he will mess with my memories. You think that I am used to it by now. But I don't. And I never will.

My memories are all I have, and he plays with them. He changes them. I don't know who I was back then. He completely changed a part of me.

So, thank you, Dagon, for pissing him off.

I don't know what you did besides killing Polly. Maybe it is something you did in a past life, but whatever it is, I am paying for it tonight.

"Now, chop-chop. I'll be waiting for you in the dining room, Love. Don't keep me waiting too long." Father makes his exit, dramatically flapping his cape behind him.

I stagger out of bed and discreetly signal Dagon about the surveillance camera buzzing in the corner of the room.

He may be an idiot, and the reason I'll have my memories altered in a way I'll most like suffer from nightmares, but I am not so stupid to keep him in the dark about the camera in the corner.

I don't want him searching around the chamber, looking for a way of escaping. That way, the guards will know he still has fight left in him. I need them to think he has completely given up on escaping. Escaping this place is almost impossible, but that might be the key to making it possible.

From what I have noticed about Dagon from the hours we have spent together, he is always looking for a way out of this den. When his powers had healed him enough to stand on his own legs again, he started inspecting every gab and crack his eyes landed on.

I am convinced he is about to do the same once he is alone. But with the surveillance camera running, he will fuck himself over. If I don't warn him, my chance at escaping this darkness will be just another thing out of my reach.

I may dislike and distrust him, but like he said: together, we will find a way out of this place.

Dagon nods. And the heavy door falls shut behind me.