
Are You Dense?!

POV Dagon

“Boss, you’re awake!”

Startled, I look over my shoulder. In the small entrance space of my tent, two figures enter. Only when they step in the light in my room, I recognize them as Aloïsia, my right-, and Kyst, my left hand.

Aloïsia’s chocolate brown hair is decorated with braids, locks, feathers, metal, bronze, and gold rings. Her sun-kissed skin is deeply freckled from the prolonged exposure to the sun and even seems to be glowing. Her expression is as distant and intimidating as ever. Her hazel green eyes find mine. A dip of her head is her way of greeting and show of respect.

Kyst’s long, light fawn-brown hair is bound in a high ponytail. Unlike his wife, Aloïsia, Kyst’s skin is still quite pale. Even though he spends just as much time outside in the sun as her, his ears, nose, and underlip are decorated with different piercings. And his intense grey eyes can be seen as intimidating. But standing beside his wife, that said intimidation level is little to none.