
Chapter 29: What should I do?

And so, with a little mix of pain and anger in my heart, I started to walk toward my home.

Another bad thing added to my problems.

"Ah shit… this is too much for me…" I said to myself while thinking.

I kept walking and I sometimes bit my nails because of nervousness.

All I wanted was nothing more than a girlfriend to love and protect, and all I got was probably a psychopatic murderer who was wanted by the police.

"Holy wow. If all of this is going to end one day, I'm gonna stay single for the rest of my life-" I said to myself with a sigh, while I kept walking.

I had to think about a plan, a serious plan.

I couldn't talk to Hina about any of what happened to me, and at the same time I didn't want to betray her.

"There must be a solution… I'm sure about this…" I said to myself.

The people around me seemed invisibile.

It was like I was the only living creature on earth.

Then, I arrived at a stoplight and it was red.

On the other side of the road, I saw a woman with her baby.

She was playing with her and the child was happily laughing and babbling.

I looked at the scene for some other moments until the stoplight turned to green.

"Oh boy… I want to be that baby right now…" I said to myself with a nervous but small laugh.

And at the same time, seeing the woman being happy with the baby made me feel a strange sensation of nostalgia…

I didn't know if the reason was because I remembered the moment with my mother, or because I always wanted a family…


My mother… a beautiful, sensitive and rich businesswoman who's always out because of her work.

"I miss her a lot…" I said with a sigh.

Despite her work, she always has time for family and most of all, she is super loyal and faithful to my father…

They loved each other since the end of high school.


*Din Din Din!* That was the sound of the stoplight, indicating that we could cross the road.

As soon as I did, the woman and her baby smiled to me as we crossed paths.

I smiled then back and kept walking.

After some time, I finally arrived at my home.

To be sure that no one was following me, I took a look around more than one time.

After being sure that there was no sign of anyone, I rapidly unlocked the door and entered inside.

I let out a sigh of relief.

Then, my phone buzzed again.

I took a rapid look at the ceiling and sighed again, but this time it was an annoyed sigh.

"Ah shit… here we go again." I said to myself while taking out the phone.

"Darling, I'm almost arrived. I brought something to eat together." It was Hina.

"Oh, okay. Come anytime you want , love" I replied.

No answer this time.

"I think that I need a little rest…" I said while going into the other room to sit on the sofa.

After sitting down, I turned on the TV and saw the News.

Luckily, no murders or anything like that since they were talking about the weather.

"I think I need to change channel…" I said to myself, while taking the remote control to switch the channel.

I looked some kind of different programs , but no one seemed to catch my attention, so I put on a random documentary about ducks.

Yeah… about ducks.

"Ducks are waterfowl birds belonging to the family Anatidae, which also includes swans and geese. They are found in both freshwater and seawater environments across the world, with notable populations in North America, Europe, and Asia. Ducks are highly adaptable birds, able to thrive in a wide range of habitats, including lakes, rivers, marshes, and coastal bays…"

"Oh wow… ducks are so… amaaazing. I love ducks." I said with an ironic tone of voice.

After 10 minutes of watching that documentary, I learned so many things.

"Oh, they are amaz-" *DRIN DRIIIN*

My voice got interrupted by the loud noise of my doorbell.

"Seems like Hina is arrived." I said with a sigh.

I then stood up and walked towards the entrance of my house.

The negative feelings returned as soon as Hina rang at my doorbell.

"How am I supposed to into her eyes…?" I said to myself, feeling a sense of shame and guilt.

When I arrived at the door, I asked "Who's there?" To be sure that it was Hina.

"It's me, Hina!! Your lovely and beloved girlfriend Hina!" She replied.

With a sigh, I opened the door and saw Hina in front of me with a wide smile printed on her face.

She was holding a bag full of things.

"Darling!!!" She exclaimed while running towards me and wrapping her arms around her neck , dropping her bag on the floor.

The grip around me was very tight and she was literally strangling me, but it was her way to show affection, so I accepted that.

I gently hugged her back like a good boyfriend would do.

It took me some seconds to return the hug… and I must admit that our little loving moment was giving me a lot of different feelings.

Pain, love, sadness, happiness, warmth , guilt…

I wanted to tell everything that happened to me about Hina, but I had the strange feeling that doing that would've only made things worse for everyone.


Hina was unpredictable, that's for sure, that's why I had to do things really slowly.


Then, after some seconds, Hina broke the hug , grabbed her bag on the floor and proudly showed it to me.

"Hehe! Darling, I bought some stuff and snacks to eat." She said with a very happy tone.

Hina seemed different than the other times… she seemed more… genuine…

…Or that's what I wanted to believe.

"Haha- Thank you! What are we going to eat for launch?" I asked, trying to sound as natural as I could.

"Mmm it's a surprise~ you can take a small nap if you want, it's gonna require some time-" she said, while gently giving me a small kiss on the cheek.

That kiss was painful.

"Please don't do be so sweet… I don't want to feel this bad…" I thought in my mind.

"Okay… I'm going to take a nap then… thank you… I'm pretty tired." I replied to her.

"I'll wake you up when I'm done, okay ~?" Hina said while caressing my cheek.

I nodded at her and she walked straight into the kitchen with her bag.

Then, I returned to my sofa and left the TV on.

I lay down and put a pillow below my head.

"Oh.. why am I so tired…? So sudden-" I didn't even finish the phrase that my eyes closed like for magic.

——After some time——


Suddenly, I felt someone gently shaking my body.

"Wakey wakeyyy , sleepyhead~!" A soft voice said.

I slowly opened my eyes and saw a smiling Hina who was really close to my face.

She was adorable and had a blush all across her face.

"Oh! You're finally awake, Fufufu~!" Hina said, while gently caressing my cheek.

After letting out a small yawn, I finally replied to her.

"How many time has passed ?" I asked.

"Just one hour. You were a lot tired, weren't you?" She said with a soft voice.

"I-I think so…" I said , while looking away.

"Oh you're so adorable…" she said while kissing my cheek. "Launch is ready, come!" She added, while standing up and offering her hand.

I sighed and then smiled before taking her hand and standing up.

We then walked into the kitchen and Hina proudly showed me her creation.

My eyes widened in surprise.

She prepared too many things.

"H-Hina… isn't this too much?" I asked.

"Oh, sorry… I thought that you were a lot hungry… so…" she said while poking her fingers.

"It's okay… I'll try to eat as much as I can…" I replied.

Then , we both sat down and started to eat together.

Every single that Hina prepared was delicious , and every bit seemed like a small taste of heaven.

We almost ate everything.

After finishing, my stomach was hurting.

"Oh my goodness, I ate too much… but everything was so good.." I said, with a satisfied voice.

"Haha… I'm glad you liked it…" Hina replied, while getting closer to me.

She then leaned close my ear.

"Why don't we continue this in your bedroom~?" Hina whispered with a sensual and lustful tone, while gently tracing some lines on my chest.

Her voice was enough to make my entire body tremble, but at the same time I knew that I had to control my self.

But… but… Hina was too beautiful, and for some strange reason, I felt my body burning after she spoke into my ear.

I felt so many mixed feelings… but they all came after I finished to eat.

"Maybe she put some kind of aphrodisiac in the food…?" I said to myself.

My mind was telling me to say no to her… but my body was literally saying yes.

"Is this right?" I thought.

I remained silent at Hina's request.

She noticed my indecision and asked the same question again, while her hands moved way down on my body, gently rubbing my sensitive part.

It felt way too good, and all I could do was say yes to her request.

Like a lighting , we both ran into my bedroom and Hina pushed me on the bed violently.

She rapidly undressed, but despite her speed, her movements were really sensual.

I was too stunned to think.

My mind started to feel dizzy, confused, numb…

I wanted to say something but my words were stuck in my throat.

After some time, Hina was completely naked and I stared at her body in admiration for some minutes.

Then, Hina undressed me and got on top of my body.

"You rock hard today, right…~? But before starting I have a request…" Hina said, while her face was close to me and her butt was directly teasing my lower part.

"…What is it ?" I asked, with a muffled voice.

"Hehehe… can I make… some… cuts?" Hina whispered into my ear.

Her words echoed deeply into my soul, sending a shiver trough all my spine.

"C-Cuts…?" I asked, with a glimpse of fear in my voice.

"Yes… I promise that it won't be painful… " Hina said, while licking my earlobe.

I remained silent.

I even tried to break free but.. I couldn't.

My limbs weren't moving. They were "asleep".

Then, I started to realize why.

Hina put some kind of drugs in my food.

"you see… I love to see… blood… wounds… it's a small kink that I have… and I think that you'd look great with some little scars…" Hina whispered.

I didn't want to be hurt.

I had to do something… SOMETHING!