

"I want you, and I know that you want me too."She said leaning closer to him. "Woman, you are playing with fire."He said stopping her hand from going down any further. "Playing with fire is what I do best."She said, looking deep into his deep blue eyes that spelled nothing but danger, but she didn't care, she liked taking risks. That's what she had been doing ever since that one unfortunate night that ruined her life. ------------------------------------------------ Flora Brown was a 23 year old woman, a single mother who lived with her father and spoilt sister. She was raped when she was 20 by an anonymous person and since then both her father abd sister treated her like a nobody. One day she went out looking for a job and she met a rich, powerful and dangerous man. He hired her to be his brother's fiancé so that she could take everything from him and destroy him. But things don't go as planed when she finds herself falling in love with both brothers when she was not supposed to. She struggles to figure out who to choose or what to do, because she knew that she couldn't choose both men. Things become a lot harder when she learns the truth behind both brothers' hatred towards each other, and the identity of the man that tainted her.

Daoist3zARtt · Fantaisie
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10 Chs

chapter 7

Flora made her way downstairs with two suitcases on her hands, a big one and a small one. They were both filled with hers and Aurora's clothes. Flora didn't have many clothes because she didn't have the money to buy any and nobody bought her any clothes, so most of the things that were in the suitcase were just Aurora's clothes and toys.

Aurora had a lot of clothes because Flora's grandparents bought her everything that she wanted even though they didn't do it out of love but just to make people think that they have accepted her as one of their very own. She put the suitcases at the door that led outside.

She saw her father and sister standing outside, waiting for her and Aurora to leave, she sighed shaking her head, she had been fooling herself for all this years thinking that her father abd sister loved her, she thought that maybe one day they would change and treat her a little better, but she just guessed that not all dreams are supposed to come true.

"Mommy, why are we leaving again, doesn't grandpa want us here anymore?"Aurora asked walking towards her mother abd hugging her from behind. Flora knelt down to Aurora's level.

"Not at all dear, the thing is I found a job and it's really far from here so I have to move to a place that is closer to where I work."She said. She hated lying to her daughter even though half of it was true, but there is no way that she was going to tell her the actual reason.

"So will we be able to come and visit grandpa?"She asked.Flora sighed, she actually didn't plan on ever seeing them again, but with her daughter around it was going to be hard.

"Uhm...Yes we'll visit them when I get time."She said, she wasn't sure about it because who knows her work might take up all her time.

"Yayy, mommy you are the best."She said hugging Flora tightly. Flora's phone vibrated, she took it out of her purse to see who had texted her , and it was Ludwick.


"Alright sweetheart it's time to go."She said and Aurora nodded her head. She took the suitcases and she made her way out of the house. She stopped right in front of her father and sister. She took a deep breath. "Goodbye."That's all she managed to say, she then continued walking, away from them, away from the house that she once called home and the place that was once peaceful for her. She walked out of the gates with Aurora behind her.

They both stood outside the gate waiting fir Ludwick to arrive. After a few minutes a black SUV stopped infront of them and a man wearing a black suit walked out, and he took their suitcases and he put them in the car boot. He then opened the back door for both Aurora and Flora and they got in the car where they found Lydwick and Louis siting. "Hey."Flora said.

"Hello there pretty lady, my name is Louis and today is your lucky day. You have just entered the wolf den. And if you are lucky you might be able to make it out alive but if you are not...well you know what will happen."Louis said. Flora looked at him, she just asked herself if this man was crazy or something.

"Flora please don't mind him, he's drunk. I shouldn't have let him drink too much today."Ludwick said shaking his head. Louis was really drunk, he had a reason. His 5th girlfriend had just called him and told him that she was pregnant and that her family just couldn't wait to meet the father of her child who was him.

He just couldn't bare the fact that he would have to marry her abd spend the rest of his life with her, a woman he didn't even want, he just thought that his whole life was ruined and that he wouldn't be able to have fun like he used to anymore. The funny part about this is that he doesn't even remember what she looks like or her name because he has a lot of girlfriends around the world. He thought that his best friend Ludwick would helpnhim out hut he just didn't seem to care, so he just thought that it was best if he drank a few bottles of beers.

"OH it's okay, is he going to be okay though?"She asked looking at Louis who was now singing a sad song.

"Yeah, he'll be fine...Anyway, this is the first time we are meeting little lady, what's your name?"He asked turning his attention to Aurora who was seating on Flora's lap.

"Hello sir my name is Aurora, are you my daddy?"She asked extending her habd out for Ludwick to shake.

"No sweetie he is not your daddy, he is just well... a friend of mine."She said. She was not expecting her daughter to ask such a question, she looked at Ludwick, she was hoping that Aurora's question didn't ruin his mood.

"It's okay Aurora, how about you call me Mr handsome and I'll call you miss beauty."He said smiling at her. He looked calm and happy, which was a side of him that only a few people got to see once in a while.

"Okay, Mr handsome, so what you I call him?"She asked pointing at Louis who was still singing a sad song.

"Uhm... You can just call him uncle Louis."Ludwick said.

"How long until we get there?"Flora asked.

"Two to three hours."He said.

"Okay."She said. The rest of the ride was just awkwardly quiet. Both Aurora abd Louis were sleeping the whole time and Flora was just starring outside the window with her mind filled with questions that she knew she never even had the answers to. Ludwick was just...well doing the same thing that Flora was doing doing but the only difference was that he was just thinking about his plan to destroy his brother completely.

After three hours they finally arrived at the mansion. Flora got out of the carrying Aurora in her arms who was still sleeping, Ludwick got out as well and he shut the car door. "Hey, what about him are you just going to leave him in the car like that?"She asked noticing Louis who was till sleeping in the car and he didn't look like he was going to wake up anytime soon.

"The driver will take him back to his house, he can't stay here while he is in that state."He said, Flora nodded her head and then they both walked into the mansion and they were welcomed by a man who looked like he was in his 40's, he was wearing a dark grey suit, a white shirt and a dark grey bow tie, he was also wearing white hand gloves. "This is Collins, he'll be your butler from today onwards and he will be taking care ao all yours and a your daughter's needs and wants and the house of course."He said.

"Hello Collins."She said.

"Hello madame, I will make sure to serve you well."He said bowing.

"And there will be cleaners who will come and clean the house three times a week...and last but not least, this is Carlos he will be your chef, he is also my favorite chef he makes the best food."He said pointing at a man who was wearing a white shirt abd black pants. "Come on let me show you where you'll be sleeping bit first I'll show you where your daughter will be sleeping, because I don't think that you will be able to carry her much longer."He said and Flora nodded her head. They both made their way up the curved stairs.

"This hallway is big."Flora said looking at the walls of the hallways that they were now walking on. The walks were painted in white. There were a variety of painting on the big walls. There was a huge blue carpet on the floor that covered the whole floor. There were white chandeliers hanging on the white ceiling.

"Yeah I know,you haven't see anything yet."He said and after a few seconds they made their way into Aurora's new room.

The walls were painted in pink and there were pictures and stickers of cartoon characters on the walls, the floor had a Mickey and Minnie carpet that covered eighty percent of the floor, and on the right side of the wall there was a bed that was covered in purple and pink bed sheets and there were two teddy bears on the bed. "If she doesn't like the room then tell us we'll change it and design it according to her preferences."He said. Flora was in awe, she just didn't know what to say, this room was twice as big as her previous room.