

"I want you, and I know that you want me too."She said leaning closer to him. "Woman, you are playing with fire."He said stopping her hand from going down any further. "Playing with fire is what I do best."She said, looking deep into his deep blue eyes that spelled nothing but danger, but she didn't care, she liked taking risks. That's what she had been doing ever since that one unfortunate night that ruined her life. ------------------------------------------------ Flora Brown was a 23 year old woman, a single mother who lived with her father and spoilt sister. She was raped when she was 20 by an anonymous person and since then both her father abd sister treated her like a nobody. One day she went out looking for a job and she met a rich, powerful and dangerous man. He hired her to be his brother's fiancé so that she could take everything from him and destroy him. But things don't go as planed when she finds herself falling in love with both brothers when she was not supposed to. She struggles to figure out who to choose or what to do, because she knew that she couldn't choose both men. Things become a lot harder when she learns the truth behind both brothers' hatred towards each other, and the identity of the man that tainted her.

Daoist3zARtt · Fantaisie
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10 Chs

chapter 5

"Lillian, what is my schedule for today?"Ludwick asked his personal assistant Lillian as they made their way into the elevator.

"Well, you have a meeting with the shareholders at 12pm, you'll have lunch with the CEO of ELM, Mr Keiser at 2pm, then you'll-"She said but Ludwick cut her off before she could finish talking.

"Cancel everything, I have plans."He said.

"But sir the meeting is really important."The brunette said fixing her glasses. She was surprised because this was the first time Ludwick had canceled everything, just for what? She didn't know either. "Sir if you don't attend this meeting you might end up losing the million dollar project." She said. He had been talking about the project for weeks and how he couldn't wait to get

his hands on it. "Sir, I don't think that..."She stopped herself from continuing right after she noticed the look that he was giving her.

"The house that I asked you to prepare, is it ready yet?"He asked.

"Yes it is, but who I it for?"She asked.

"Did I hire you so that you could stick your nose into my business?"He asked and Lillian shook her head slowly. "Thought so."He said looking away from her. This is just how Ludwick was and there was clearly nothing that anyone or anything can do to stop him or change him. That is how he had been able to make it this far into the business world, all because of his ruthlessness, pride, ego and cold attitude.

He took work seriously and he didn't mix work with personal life, that is why not even a single member of his family works at his company because according to him they are just not worthy enough to work in his company.

After a few minutes of being in complete silence the elevator finally reached the ground floor and both Lillian and Ludwick made their way to Ludwick's car that was near the door of the huge glass building. They got into the car and the driver drove off.

Ludwick took his phone out and he called Flora's number. "Hello?"She answered, Ludwick could hear some shuffling on the background abd a kid laughing. "Sorry, hold on a sec...Aurora don't touch that, it's grandpa's!"She shouted at Aurora was was running around the house touching everything including her grandfather's expensive vase that he bought with his hard earned money. "Sorry about that, thus kid can be quite troublesome when she feels like it."Flora said shaking her head.

"It's okay Flora, anyway I called to tell you that the house is ready and I'll be coming to pick you and your daughter up tonight."He said. Lillian looked at him upon hearing what he had just said. She tightened her grip on her black skirt. She tried to hide her anger and disappointment.

"Really, alright, I'll see you tonight then."Flora said.

"See you tonight."He said abd he hung up the call. He put his phone back in his pocket and he looked out of the window still smiling.

'Just what kind if a woman is she to make him smile like this, to have him prepare a house for her. The house that I worked so hard to prepare was all fir another woman, not even Kris could make him do something like this. Just who is she?'Lillian thought to herself. Kris was a woman who had always been obsessed with Ludwick and she had tried so many times to get him to notice her but he just wouldn't even look at her. She made the world believe that they were together and that she was his fiancé and they believed it.

She acted like she owned the world, she would make every woman who tried to get close to Ludwick feel less of themselves and she would do anything to crush the little self esteem that they had. And Lillian couldn't wait to break the news to her about this woman Flora that just came into the picture.

"This is your stop."Ludwick said as the car stopped.

"What, sir am I not going to come with you?"She asked.

"Did I say that I was going somewhere?"He asked. Lillian didn't want to ask anymore questions because that would just cost her her job just like all the other previous women who tried to stick their noses into Ludwick's business.

"You did that deliberately didn't you?"The driver asked who was also Ludwick's best friend asked.

"Are you really bored so much that you decided to be my driver instead of taking care of your own company?"Ludwick asked.

"Come on, I thought that it was about time your driver got some time off. And it's his daughter's birthday today so I wanted him to celebrate it with her in person not over the phone."He said, smiling at Ludwick.

"Whatever Louis."He said.

"You called Flora in front of Lillian deliberately didn't you?"He asked

"Do you know frlora, you are not her daughter's father aren't you?"Ludwick asked smirking at Louis. He loved messing with his best friend.

"Look dude, I would never force myself on a woman no matter how horny I am."Louis said shaking his head.

"Anyway since you are so free, I need you to do something for me."He said.

"What is it, anything for my dude."Louis said.

"I want you to keep Kris company because I know that, that bitch Lillian will call her and tell her about Flora."He said.

"Do I also get to let her warm my bed for me?"Louis asked. If there was one thing that Louis didn't have in common with Ludwick is that he couldn't keep his dick in his pants.

"You can do whatever it is that you want, but as long as you keep that woman away from me."He said.

"There is one thing that I don't understand, you are hiring Flora to seduce your brother and get close to him. Why do you want Kris to stay away from.you when she won't affect your plans?"Louis asked.

"Your tiny brain can't understand even if I were to explain, so I won't even bother explaining anything to you."Ludick said and Louis rolled his eyes at him, this man could be a bit too much sometimes, but hey that's his best friend and there is nothing that anyone can do to change thar.